
Likkutei Sichos Dictionary

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Taam: Flavor; delight; reason.

Taanis: Tractate of the Talmud.

Ta'anug: 1. Pleasure 2. spiritual state associated in particular with the second head of the keter.

Ta'avah: lust, desire, or passion.

Tabernacle:  (Hebrewmishkan, "dwelling") The tabernacle was the temporary, mobile Sanctuary (portable version of the Temple) constructed by the Jewish People during their journey in the desert from Egypt to the land of Israel, and which continued to serve in the land of Israel until the Holy Temple was constructed in Jerusalem.

Tachlis: purpose point of the matter

Taharah (ritual "purity"): spiritual state in which one purified himself from a specific degree of tumah (or from tumah altogether), and is thus allowed to enter areas or touch, be touched by, or consume things or food he otherwise may not. In general, the process of attaining taharah involves some type of reaffirmation of life, such as immersion in a mikveh. The spiritual correlate to taharah is optimistic elation or joy in the service of G-d. See tumah.

Taharas hamishpacha: Family purity

Takkanah pl. Takkanos: Halachic sublaws ordained by the Sages of the various generations.

Talis (talesim): Prayer Shawl.

Talmid (Talmidim): Disciples or students.

Talmid Chocham: Torah Scholar.

Talmid Memulach (תלמיד ממולח): Exceptionally astute student. According to the Rebbe's view when Rashi cites a reference without expaining it - it means the that the reference is not necessary for the simple understanding of the verse (pshuto shel mikra) (and that is why Rashi does not explain what it says there, because it is not necessary for a regular ben 5's understanding of pshuto shel mikra) but the reason he gives the reference is because a "talmid memulach" (an exeptionally astute student) when learning the earlier part of Rashi might still have a question that needs to be addressed and the answer can be found there etc. Therefore Rashi's policy is just to cite the source (mareh mokom) and let the talmid memulach look it up and see the source and get his answer. in other words the aspect is related to pshuto shel mikra (hence Rashi cites it) but only to a talmid memulach who will still have a question. Yet Rashi leaves it vague , however, directs the special talmid to more advanced texts because he is able to go to the next level.

Talmud ("learning"): The Talmud is the recension of the greater part of the oral Torah, comprising mostly legal but also much homiletic and even some explicitly mystical material. The Talmud comprises the Mishnah (mishnah, "repetition") and the Gemarah (gemorah, "completion"). The Mishnah is the basic compendium of the laws (each known as a mishnah) comprising the oral Torah, redacted by Rabbi Yehudah the Prince in the second century CE. The Mishnah was elaborated upon over the next few centuries in the academies of the Holy Land and Babylonia; this material is theGemara. There are thus two Talmuds the one composed in the Holy Land, known as the Talmud Yerushalmi ("The Jerusalem Talmud"), completed in the third century, and the more prevalent edition of the Talmud, which is considerably more extensive and accessible to analysis, known as the Talmud Bavli ("The Babylonian Talmud"), completed in the sixth century.

Tamei: Ritually impure

Tamim: See Temimim

Tamuz: The fourth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar.

Tanach: Acronym for Torah (i.e., the Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Kesuvim (the Holy Writings; i.e., the Hagiographa).

Tanna pl. Tanaim: "teacher" A sage of the Mishnaic period (20 - 200 CE)

Tanya: the Alter Rebbe's basic exposition of Chabad Chassidus; "Tanya is the initial word of the book, which is also called Likkutei Amarim ("Collected Discourses") and Sefer shel Beinonim ("The Book of the Intermediates")

Targum Onkeles: Aramaic translation of the Torah by Onkeles

Tav: The 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Taz: R' David ha-Levi Segal (c. 1586–1667), also known as the Turei Zahav (abbreviated Taz) after the title of his significant halakhic commentary on the Shulchan Aruch.

Techum Shabbat: The prohibition of walking 2000 Amot beyond one's immediate 4 amot area on Shabbat, in an uninhabited area.

Tefach, pl. Tefachim: A unit of length corresponding to the width of a fist.

Tefillin "phylacteries"Leather boxes containing specially written parchments, worn on the head and right arm by adult men during weekday morning prayer.

Tehillim: Psalms

Tekunei Zohar: lit. 'songs of the Zohar'. Independent sefer  anaogous to Zohar written by R' Simon bar Yochai

Temimim; pl. of tamim: Students past or present of one of the senior yeshivos of the Lubavitch branch of Chassidism, which are known as Tomchei Tmimim.

Temimut ("sincerity"):1. ernestness and sincereity, either in one's conduct with his fellow men or in his connection to G-d. 2. Temimut is the spiritual state associated with the inner experience of the sefirah of hod.

Temple: 'Beit HaMikdash', "House of the Sanctuary") The central sanctuary in Jerusalem which serves as the physical abode of the indwelling of G-d's Presence on earth and as the venue for the sacrificial service. The first Temple was built by King Solomon (833 BCE) and destroyed by the Babylonians (423 BCE); the second Temple was built by Nehemiah (371-353 BCE), remodeled by Herod and destroyed by the Romans (70 CE); the third, eternal Temple will be built by Mashiach.

Tenuah:  Inclination, movement, motion

Terumah ("Offering"): Terumah is the portion of one's crop which is given to the Priest (Kohen) as a gift.

Teshuvah: The return of the individual (or community), after a period of estrangement, to a state of oneness with and commitment to God and His Torah. There are in general two levels of teshuvah 1. "lower teshuvah" entails the rectification of one's deeds in accordance with the Divine will. 2. "higher teshuvah" is the great love and passion to become subsumed within Divine Essence, a passion more intense than that of the tzadik.

Tet: The 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Tevet (or Teves): The tenth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar.

Tevunah ("Comprehension"): The lower of the two primary partzufim which develop from the sefirah of binah (which together are referred to as the generalpartzuf of Imma).

Thirty-Six Hidden Tzaddikim: Hidden saints upon whose merit the entire world exists.

Tiberias: Ancient town in northern Israel, on the Sea of Galilee.

Three Weeks: Period of time from 17 of Tammuz to 9 of Av.

Tiferet ("Beauty"):Tiferet is the sixth of the ten sefirot, and the third of the emotive attributes in creation.

Tikkun Chatzos: lit.  'midnight service' An optional devotional exercise lamenting the Destruction of the Beis HaMikdash and the exile of the Divine Presence.

Tikkun, pl. Tikkunim: The process of refining, restituting and rehabilitating the materiality of this world.

Tikun: 1. A state of perfection and order. 2. "The world of Tikun,"(olam hatikkun, "the world of rectified order") The world that first manifests this state , which is synonymous with the world of Atzilut. 3. Tikun The spiritual process of liberating and retrieving the fragments of Divine light trapped within the material realm. (See Birur, Tohu.). 4. Tikun is a remedy prescribed against the effects of committing a sin.

Tinokos shenishbu: (cf.:an infant taken into captivity among the heathen nations'; Shabbos 68b;:captive infants' (of any age) who are victims of environmental duress, such as educational deprivation.

Tircha: Burden

Tircha de-tzibura: Burdening the public (or congregation). 

Tishah B'Av: the Ninth of the month of Av':Fast commemorating the Destruction of both Temples.

Tishrei: The seventh of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar.

Tohu ("Chaos"): 1. Tohu is the primordial unrectified state of Creation. 2. "The world of Tohu" is the world which manifests this state, synonymous with the initial, premature form of the world of Atzilut. It itself develops in two stages a stable form (Akudim) followed by an unstable form (Nekudim). The world of Tohu is characterized by "great lights" entering premature "vessels," resulting in the "breaking of the vessels" (shevirat hakelim). See Tikun.

Tomchei Tmimim: 1. The yeshivah founded in Lubavitch in 1897 by the Rebbe RaShaB; 2. One of its subsequent offshoots.

Torah she’be’al pe: Oral Torah

Torah she’bichtav: Written Torah

Torah ("Teaching"): 1. The five books of Moses. 2. The entirety of Divine teaching and wisdom bestowed upon, and cultivated by, the Jewish People. "The Written Torah" is synonymous with the 24 holy writings that make up the Tanach, whereas "the Oral Torah" consists of those teachings which were originally conveyed orally but eventually had to be written in the form of the Mishnah, Talmud, and Midrash. 3. G-d's will and wisdom as communicated to man. It pre-existed creation, and G-d used the Torah as His blueprint in creating the world.

Torah-portion: One of the fifty-four sub-sections into which the five books of Moses are divided for the purpose of the weekly reading in the synagogue. There are also special Torah-portions for the holidays.

Toras Menachem: The Rebbe’s unedited public addresses

Trope ("Cantillation marks"): Special diacritical marks found in Masoretic editions of the Written Torah which indicate both how the words are to be sung during communal reading and how the sentences are to be punctuated.

Truth (emet): "Truth" is the spiritual state associated with the sefirah of yesod.

Tu b'Shevat: The fifteenth day of Shevat. The new year in regard to determining how fruit is to be tithed; the day upon which sap rises high into the tree and begins providing the fruit bearing branches with nutrients from the ground.

Tumah: a spiritual state contracted by someone or something under various circumstances and to various degrees, in which he is prohibited from entering various holy areas or touching, being touched by, or consuming various holy objects or foods. In general, the sources of tumahare in some way associated with death (or a missed chance for potential life) and the purification process involves some type of reaffirmation of life. The spiritual correlate to tumah is depression or despair. See taharah.

Tzaddekus: A saintly righteous woman

Tzaddik pl. Tzaddikim: A saintly Jew who possesses no evil inclination

Tzaddik Nistar "concealed tzadik"A hidden tzaddik, whose righteousness remains unknown to his community.

Tzadik in peltz:  (yid. a righteous man in furs": A depreciative term for someone who tends to his own spiritual needs while remaining oblivious to the needs of others.

Tzadi /tzaddik:  The 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Tzedakah: Charity; righteousness.

Tzedek: Justice

Tzefat: Town in northern Israel, known as the City of Kabbalah .

Tzeniut ("modesty"): Tzeniut is the norm of modest behavior, attitude, and dress prescribed by the Torah.

Tzevakot: A Holy Name of G-d.

Tzibur: Congregation (also an acronym of Tzadikkim, Benonim and Reshayim)

Tzimtzum: The self-limitation of the infinite and emanating Divine light by progressive degrees of contraction, condensation and concealment, making possible the creation of finite and physical substances.

Tzitter: To quake in fear

Tzures: trouble, problems