Likkutei Sichos Dictionary
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A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
Ba'al Shem Tov: "Master of the Good Name" The title given to Rabbi Yisrael ben Eliezer 1698-1760, the founder of Chassidic movement.
Ba'al Shem ("Master of the Name"): A spiritual healer who heals through the power of the Divine Name of God.
Baal-Tefillah: a sort of choirmaster and leader of prayer who stands at the pulpit in the synagogue, and is responsible for musical compositions.
Ba'al Teshuvah ("Returnee"): One who returns to the ways of Judaism and adherence to Jewish law after a period of estrangement. See also teshuvah.
Bochur (pl., bochurim): An unmarried young man.
Bahoften - Confined
Bamidbar: Numbers
Bar Mitzvah: Thirteen years old, when a Jewish boy attains religious responsibility.
Baraita pl. baraitot: A Tannaitic teaching not included in the Mishnah; just as there are 60 tractates of Mishnah, there are according to tradition 80 tractates of Baraita "60 are the queens and 80 the concubines." See Talmud.
Baruch HaShem: Thank G-d
Bas/Bat: Daughter of
Basar: Meat or flesh
Bashert: yid: "predestined" 1. as an adjective, refers to anything clearly occurring as a result of Divine providence. 2. as a noun, one's predestined soul mate.
Bat-Mitzvah: Twelve years old, when a Jewish girl attains religious responsibility.
Batref: yid: באטרעף: effect
Bava Basra: Tractate of the Talmud
Bava Kama: Tractate of the Talmud
Bazorgen (באזארגן): Care, concern, anxiety, apprehension
Beauty (tiferet):"Beauty". The sixth of the ten sefirot, and the third of the emotive attributes within Creation.
Bechina pl. bechinos: a level ; or a subdivision of a concept.
Bedieved (בדיעבד): After the fact; Ex Post Facto.
Ben: Son of
Beinoni ("Intermediate one"; pl. beinonim): Someone who still possesses an evil urge but controls it and does not sin. Also see tzadik, rasha.
Biirurim: The divine service of sifting and refining the materiality of this world by enlightened use, and thereby elevating the divine sparks concealed within it.
Beis din: Rabbinical court.
Beis HaKnesses: Jewish house of worship
Beis HaMedrash: Jewish house of study
Beis HaMikdash: The (first, second or third) Temple in Jerusalem.
Beit: The 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Benoni: The intermediate person; between the Tzaddik and the Rasha
Benstch pl. Bentschen: To say the Grace After Meals blessing.
Bereishis: Genesis
Beriah: lit. 'the World of Creation' the second (in descending order) of the Four Worlds.
Berudim (patterned," "speckled"): The third, final stage in the development of the world of Atzilut. Synonymous with the world of Tikun.
Besht: Acronym of the Baal Shem Tov, Master of the Good Name.
Biah ("coming"): An idiom for marital relations.
Bimah: The dais in the center of the synagogue, where the Torah is read.
Binah: lit. understanding'. The second of the Ten Sefiros, or divine emanations; the second stage of the intellectual process (cf. Chabad), developing the initial conception of Chochmah.
Bircas HaMazon: The Grace After Meals, recited after eating bread.
Birkat Kohanim: Three verses of blessings (for which reason it is called the berachah meshuleshet--"triple blessing"), found in Numbers 624-26, which were recited by the kohanim during the Temple service (where God's ineffable Name was enunciated), and later were incorporated into the daily prayers.
Birur ("separation," "choosing," or "refinement"): A type of tikun in which one must work to separate good from evil in any given entity, and then reject the evil and accept the good. Birur usally refers to the spiritual process of clarifying and redeeming the "fallen sparks" of Divine light which are "dormant" throughout nature.
Bitachon ("confidence" and "trust"): Trust in G-d
Bitul ("self-nullification," "selflessness," or annihilation): A state of selflessness or self-abnegation 2. To stop or nullify something
B'nei Yisrael: The children of Israel, the Jewish people
Bracha pl, Brachot: Blessing(s) that are recited before and after eating, as well as on various Mitzvot. A blessing from G-d or a person. A blessed occurance.
Brachos::Tractate of the talmud