
Likkutei Sichos Dictionary

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Parshah pl. parshiot: lit 'section' 1. A paragraph in the written Torah according to the Masoretic text. These parshiot are either "open" (followed by a blank space which extends to the end of the line) or "closed" (followed by a blank space equal to the width of nine letters). 2. A parshah is also a sidrah ("order") one of the fifty-four sections into which the Five Books of Moses are divided for the purpose of reading one of them in the synagogue each Shabbat. Thus, the entire Torah is read in full in the course of a year (it is sometimes necessary to read two on the same Sabbath). The parshiot are known by one or two of their opening words.

Pardes “orchard": acronym for four levels of Torah study Pardes is an acronym for the four levels of interpreting a Torah text "peshat," the simple meaning of the text; "remez," the hints and allusions within the text; "derush," the derivative implications of the text arrived at by way of hermeneutic rules; and sod, the symbolic and esoteric meaning of the text.

Parsah: a measure of distance equivalent to approximately 4.348 kilometers.

Parshas...: Referring to the Parshah of a certain Shabbos or festive occasion. portion of the Torah read publicly each week

Partzuf ("personae" or "profile"; pl. partzufim): A partzuf is the third and final stage in the development of a sefirah, in which it metamorphoses from a tenfold articulation of sub-sefirot into a human-like figure possessing the full set of intellectual and emotional powers. As such, it may thus interact with the other partzufim (which could not occur before this transformation). This stage of development constitutes the transition from Tohu to Tikun or from Nekudim toBerudim, (also see Olam Ha'Atzilut, "The World of Emanation").

Pashtus: In simplicity, reaonsonably

Passover Seder: The ceremonial meal on the first two nights of Passover.

Passover: First of the three major annual Jewish Festivals. Celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian bondage over 3000 years ago. Usually occurs in April.

Payyut: A type of prayer similar to a poem said on Jewish holidays

Peah: Tractate of the Mishnah

Pei: The 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Perek Shirah - The Chapter of Song:  A Midrash composed of the various verses sung by each element in Creation.

Periah ("peel back"): The second phase of the rite of circumcision, in which the membrane is peeled back after the foreskin has been cut off. Seemetzitzah, milah.

Pesach ("Passover"): The seven-day festival (eight days in the Diaspora) commemorating the liberation of the Jewish People from Egyptian slavery.

Pesach Sheini ("Second Passover"): The festival of the Second Passover (Pesach Sheini) by persons unable to celebrate Passover

Pesachim: Tractate of the Talmud

Pshuto Shel Mikra: The simple or plain understanding of the verse, the basis of Rashi's commentary

Pilishtim: Hebrew for Philistines

Pilpul (pilpulim): Method of learning which involves hair-splitting logic.

Pirkei Avot "Chapters of the Fathers"the popular name for the Mishnaic collection referred to as Avot Fathers containing statements of ethical wisdom conveyed by various Talmudic Sages.

Pleasure (Ta'anug): 1. "Pleasure" 2. A spiritual state associated in particular with the second head of the keter.

In Pluge:  (אין פלוג) - in actuality 

Pnimiyus/Pnimiyut: The innermost, mystical dimension of the Torah, concept or deed

Pnimiyus HaTorah: The innermost, mystical dimension of the Torah; cf. nistar.

Posek, pl. Poskim: Decisors; Rabbis whose legal decisions are authoritative.

Poskah Zehumtan:  (פסקה זוהמתן ) :  The (moral) contamination injected by the Snake at the Sin of the Tree of                              Knowledge ceased (at Matan Torah), but returned at the Sin of the Calf. (Tal. Shabbat 146a)

Pruta: The smallest halachically valid coin. Equal in value to one-fortieth of a gram of silver. Today approximately one U.S. penny.

Pshat: The plain meaning (e.g.) of a Scriptural passage.

Purim: lit. "lots" Oone-day festival falling on 14 Adar and commemorating the miraculous salvation of the Jews of the Persian Empire in the 4th cent. B.C.E.

Pushka (Yid.): box for charity