Abstract Overview
Table of contents:
Table of contents:
- Vol 16.17 - Yud Shvat : Basi L'gani. Alacrity in Avodat HaShem and making an abode for G-d. explanation of the the three terms: abode, for Him, Halacha, Chinuch (9)
- Vol 6.09 - Yud Shvat : The hint of the "Deeds, torah and Avodah" of the Baal Hilulah in thet Maamer Basi L'gani. Avodat HaShem (5)
- Vol 3.19 - Yud Sh'vat : "b'reish galei" - hint to Rashbi, Arizal, Baal Shem Tov, and the Rebbe Rayatz (5)
- Vol 1.25 - Bo (Yud Shvat) : Links-The power of the Mesirat Nefesh of Bnei Yisroel at the time of going out of Egypt (13)
- Vol 3.18 - Bo : Links-The reason that the plague of the firstborn was at "midnight" (9)
- Vol 6.07 - Bo 1 : Rashi: "Come to Pharaoh" (12)
- Vol 6.08 - Bo 2 : Debate of Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai concerning Hallel on the night of Pesach (12)
- Vol 11.05 - Bo 1 : Discussion of the permissibility of necessary food preparation (ochel nefesh) on Yom Tov (8)
- Vol 11.06 - Bo 2 : Debate between Talmud Bavli And Yerushalmi if a father did not redeem his son (Pidyon HaBen) (10)
- Vol 16.12 - Bo 1 : Rambam: "The months of the year are lunar months...The years we follow are solar years" (8)
- Vol 16.13 - Bo 2 : The reason Rambam counts "Slaughtering and Eating the Passover Offering as two Mitzvot (12)
- Vol 16.14 - Bo 3 : Rashi:"And you shall keep it for inspection" (8)
- Vol 16.15 - Bo 4 : The reason the original Passover matzah could have been egg Matzoh (7)
- Vol 16.16 - Bo - Yud Shvat : Story that the Tzemach Tzedek told the Rebbe Rashab to eat the Chametz candies (10)
- Vol 21.08 - Bo 1 : Rashi: "About midnight" (7)
- Vol 21.09 - Bo 2 : Debate between R' Gamliel and Rabbanan if relatives are permitted to testify concerning the New Moon (6)
- Vol 21.10 - Bo 3 : Complete-Rambam: Learning "Remembrence of the Exodus" from "Remembrence of Shabbat" (9)
- Vol 26.07 - Bo 1 : Links-"This month is to you"; "The first commandment that the Israelites were commanded" (10)
- Vol 26.08 - Bo 2 : Links-Rambam: "A child who comes of age between these two holidays" (8)
- Vol 26.09 - Bo 3 : At Pesach Mitzraim each person slaughtered the Korban Pesach in his home (8)
- Vol 31.08 - Bo 1 : Complete-"But for all the children of Israel there was light in their dwellings" Difference between Midrash and Rashi (7)
- Vol 31.09 - Bo 2 : Complete-Rambam: "The Chagigah is eaten roasted". (8)
- Vol 31.10 - Bo 3 : Links-Rashi: "And it will come to pass if your son asks you in the future (Machar)" (8)
- Vol 36.07 - Bo 1 : Rashi: "I will pass" (and the difference in wording from the Mechilta) (8)
- Vol 36.08 - Bo 2 : Partial-The title "Tzivos Hashem" (hosts of the L-rd) that was given to Bnei Yisroel when they left Egypt. (6)
- Vol 36.09 - Bo 3 : Rashi: "you shall decapitate it". (6)