
Likkutei Sichos Dictionary

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Ofanim ("the wheels"):  Angels envisioned by Ezekiel as the wheels of the Divine chariot; the angels occupying the world of Asiyah.

O'H: initials for the words Olav HaShalom (may he rest in peace)

Olam:  World

Olam Haba: "The World to Come",  Heaven 

Olam Hamalbush ("The World of the Garment"): a figurative idiom referring to the Divine "superplan" 

Olamot (Worlds): The four primary realms of Creation that emerge out of G-d?s infinite light and culminate in our finite physical universe.

Omer: A dry measure mentioned in the Torah; the measure of barley brought as an offering on the second day of Pesach, after which the grain of the new harvest is permitted to be eaten; the 49 day period of counting from the time of this offering until the festival of Shavuot. SeeSefirat HaOmer

Onah ("time"):1. A season or a period of time, a full night or full day. 2. The obligation of the husband to fulfill his wife's conjugal rights.

Onais:  The inability to perform a Torah precept due to inavoidable circumstances or due to hardship . 

Onais Rachamana patrei:  The Torah exempts one who cannot perform his obligation due to hardship/Onais . 

Or Ein Sof: The infinite creative and enlightening emanation that radiates from G-d. 'Light' is used in Kabbalistic and Chassidic literature as a metaphor for the manifestations of the Essence of G-d. Light, though only a reflection of its source, is also Infinite; See also Ein Sof.

Or HaChaim: Jewish Torah commentary written by R' Chaim ibn Attar, Talmudist and Kabbalist c. 1696 -1743

Or la'goyim ("A light unto the nations"): In Isaiah's prophecy (Isaiah 49 6) Israel is called a "light unto the nations. For it is the primary responsibility of the Jewish people to bring the world to perfect peace, brotherhood, and harmony. A future without war, hunger or strife.

Or makif karov ("close surrounding consciousness"): The general level of consciousness corresponding to the chayah of the soul.

Or makif rachok ("distant surrounding consciousness"): The general level of consciousness corresponding to the yechidah of the soul.

Or pnimi ("inner consciousness"): The general level of consciousnes corresponding to the three lower levels of the soul.

Or yashar ("Straight Light"):  The Divine energy emanating from G-d in the direction of His Creation.

Or ("light"):   Commonly used metaphor for the Divine energy that generates and sustains the universe. Ma'or, Ziv, He'arah

Or chozer ("Returning Light"):  A reverberation of spiritual energy emanating from Creation in the direction of the Creator; a response to Or yashar.

Orach Chaim:  One of 4 sections of the Shulchan Aruch. This deals with the laws that apply to each person on a daily basis, throughout the year.

Orlah ("foreskin"): 1. The Torah commands us to circumcise the foreskin of a male child when he is eight days old.  2. When the Jewish People plant fruit trees, the fruits of those trees are forbidden for the first three years, and are referred to as orlah, literally "foreskin." In the fourth year, the fruits must be brought up to Jerusalem, where they are eaten in purity and with praise of God. Only in the fifth year may the fruits be eaten freely in any location. God promises that if this commandment is kept, He will shower abundance upon the Jewish People. These laws are discussed in the weekly Torah portion of Kedoshim. .