Abstract Overview
Table of contents:
Table of contents:
- Vol 1.24 - Va'eira : Links- Lesson from the plagues of "Blood and Frogs" and their order. The fifth word of Geulah (9)
- Vol 6.05 - Va'eira 1 : Rashi: "Yocheved his aunt" (4)
- Vol 6.06 - Va'eira 2 : Rashi: "Did not reach". The difference between the two explanations in "Did not reach" in the manner of the miracle (11)
- Vol 11.03 - Va'eira 1 : "Four cups corresponding to the four Redemptions" (10)
- Vol 11.04 - Va'eira 2 : Rashi: "I will send against you swarms of wild animals" (10)
- Vol 16.07 - Va'eira 1 : Links-Rashi: "Because of (their) distress" Also the differences to his commentary at the end of parshat Shmot (11)
- Vol 16.08 - Va'eira 2 : Rashi: "This is Aharon and Moshe" "They are the ones who spoke" (11)
- Vol 16.09 - Va'eira 3 : Rashi: "You will speak": The effect of the speech of Moshe on Pharoah (10)
- Vol 16.10 - Va'eira 4 : Complete - Rashi: "And the frog emerged": The lesson in the aspect of one who undertakes a Mitzvah etc. (8)
- Vol 16.11 - Va'eira 5 : The practical difference in Halacha from the debate of R' Eliezer and R' Akiva if each plague consisted of four or five (parts) (7)
- Vol 21.04 - Va'eira 1 : Links-Rashi: "The text should be interpreted according to its simple meaning" (11)
- Vol 21.05 - Va'eira 2 : Complete - "If not for the frogs how would they have retribution from the Egyptians" (7)
- Vol 21.06 - Va'eira 3 : Complete - The Haftorah (the prophecy concerning Pharoah and Nevuchadnezzer) and the connection to the Parsha (7)
- Vol 26.05 - Va'eira 1 : Links-"We should need four loaves (matzot)" - corresponding to the four cups of Geulah" (6)
- Vol 26.06 - Va'eira 2 : Rashi : "but Aaron's staff swallowed their staffs" (10)
- Vol 31.04 - Va'eira 1 : Complete - "And I revealed etc. but My name G-d (Havaye) I did not make known to them" (5)
- Vol 31.05 - Va'eira 2 : Rashi: "is heavy: Explanation of the woring of the Targum. (6)
- Vol 31.06 - Va'eira 3 : Complete - Rashi:"Seven full days passed": The plague of blood compared to the other plagues (7)
- Vol 31.07 - Va'eira 4 : Complete - Rashi: "at this time tomorrow": Rashi's commentary of "He made a scratch on the wall etc.) - here and in Parshat Vayeira (5)
- Vol 36.04 - Va'eira 1 : Rashi: "and Moses shall cast it": The precise wording of Rashi: "many miracles" even though "he only counts two".(7)
- Vol 36.05 - Va'eira 2 : The connection of the Haftorah - "I will give you free speech in their midst" to the topic of the Parsha (5)