Likkutei Sichos Dictionary

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Rabbi Akiva: Famous Talmudic Sage, who is buried in Tiberias.

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai: Famous Talmudic Sage and compiler of Zohar. Known as Rashbi.

Rabbi Yisroel Ba'al Shem Tov: Founder of Chassidus, Lived from 1698 to 1760.

Rabbi Yitzchak Luria: The great Kabbalist, known as the Arizal, who lived from 1534 to 1572. He is buried in Tzefat.

Rabboseinu nesieinu: Our leaders the Rebbeim

Rachamim (mercy): The spiritual state associated with the sefirah of tiferet.

Rama: An acronym for Rabbi Moshe Isserles - Ashkenazic authority and codifier of the Shulchan Aruch

Rambam ("Maimonides"): An acronym for "Rabbi Moses ben Maimon" (1135-1204). He was a famous 12th century scholar, philosopher and physician, best known for his 14 part compendium of Jewish law--Mishnah Torah.

Ramban ("Nachmanides"): Ramban is an acronym for "Rabbi Moses ben Nachman," famous scholar and philosopher (1194-1270).

Rasha: One who succumbs to his urge to do evil and commits a sin. He retains this status until he does teshuvah, at which point he becomes a ba'al teshuvah.

Rashi: Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki -the primary commentary on the Tenach.

Ratzon ("Will"): The spiritual state associated with the lowest of the three heads of Keter.

Rav, pl. Rabbanim: Rabbi, Torah teacher.

Reb: A title added to a persons name as a sign of respect.

Rebbe, pl. Rebbeim: My teacher or master' A Tzaddik who serves as spiritual guide to a following of chassidim; see also Chassidus. The Rebbes of Chabad.

Rebbitzin (Yid.): Wife of a rav or Rebbe

Rosh HaShanah: (lit., "head of the year") the New Year festival, falling on 1 and 2 Tishrei

Reish: The 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Reisha d'Arich: The lowest of the three "heads" of keter, synonymous with the partzuf of Arich Anpin. In psychological terms, super conscious will.

Reisha d'Ayin ("the head of nothingness" Aramaic): The middle of the three "heads" of keter, related to the emotions of the partzuf of Atik Yomin. In psychological terms, super-conscious pleasure.

Reisha d'lo Ityada (Aramaic): The highest of the three "heads" of keter, related to the keter and intellect of the partzuf of Atik Yomin. In psychological terms, super-conscious belief in G-d.

Reishis Chochma: "The Beginning of Wisdom". A book teaching Fear of G-d.

Rela Shearim ("231 Gates"): The 231 possible two (non-identical) letter combinations generated by the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Remez: “illusionary” or allusive interpretation of the Torah; A method of Biblical interpretation based on finding hints.

Reshimu ("Impression/trace"): The residual impression of the infinite Divine light that G-d "withdrew" from Creation through the process of tzimtzum.

Rirt: (yid.)Touches, affects

Rishon pl. Rishonim: lit. "first ones" - A Torah authority of the period between the Geonim (early Middle Ages) and the publication of the Shulchan Aruch (in the mid-16th century), 1050-1500.

Rosh Chodesh:  lit.'head of the month'; pl. Rashei Chadashim:New Moon, i.e., one or two semi-festive days at the beginning of each month in the Jewish calendar.

Rosh HaShanah: lit. 'head of the year':The solemn Jewish New Year Festival, falling on 1 and 2 Tishrei.

Rov (pl. Rabbonim): The rabbi of a community, who is a halachic expert

Ruach Hakodesh: "the holy spirit" knowledge of the future through means of kedushah (holiness) Divine inspiration

Ruach: Spirit, wind, air, breath. The second of the five levels of the soul associated with the vitality of one's emotional life. See soul.

Ruchnius: Spirituality

Ruth and Naomi: Ruth, a Moabitess princess, embraced the Jewish Faith and married into the family of Naomi, a leading woman from the Tribe of Judah. She became the great-grandmother of King David. Her story is recorded in the Book of Ruth.