Likkutei Sichos Dictionary

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Naaseh vNishma: We will do and we will hear - deed before understanding

Nachamu ("console"): 1. Tthe haftarah recited on the Shabbat following Tishah b'Av, so called after the first word of the passage recited (Isaiah 40 1-26). 2. The Shabbat on which this haftarah is recited.

Nachmanides: See Ramban.

Nachas ruach: 1.Calm, an inner sense of wellbeing. 2. Divine pleasure

Naran: 1) Nefesh ("creature" -- the lower soul) relates to behavior and action. 2) Ruach ("spirit") relates to the emotions. 3) Neshamah ("inner soul") relates to the mind and intelligence. 4) Chayah ("living one") relates to the bridge between the first flash of conscious insight and its super-conscious origin. Experiencing awareness of God as continually crating the world. 5) Yecidah ("single one") relates to the ultimate unity of the soul in God, as manifest by pure faith, absolute devotion and the continuous readiness to sacrifice one's life for God.

Nasi: 1. In Biblical times, the head of any one of the Twelve Tribes; 2. In later generations, the civil and/or spiritual head of the Jewish community at large.

Nasi HaDor “Leader of the generation”: the Tzaddik of the generation

Nazir: One who sets himself apart for divine service by undertaking certain ascetic restrictions; cf. Bamidbar (Numbers) 6 1-21.

Nefesh Elokis: G dly soul of a person

Nefesh HaBehamis: Animalistic soul of a person

Nefesh ("creature." "soul"): 1. The lowest in the five levels of soul, associated with physical vitality. 2. The soul in general. 3. a person

Nehi: 1. An acronym for netzach, hod, yesod ("victory, splendor, foundation") 2. The third triad of sefirot, which together constitute the attributes of behavior (see Chabad, Chagat).

Neilah ("Locking"): The concludimg prayer service of Yom Kippur

Nekudah ("point"): A Kabbalistic referent for an undeveloped and instable element of reality. 2. The point or essential aspect of a thing or thought

Nekudim ("dotted," "spotted"): The second stage in the development of the world of Atzilut.

Nes: Miracle

Neshama: The breath of life that G d breathed into the first man; the third of the five levels of soul, also a collective name for the soul.

Nesirah ("sawing off"):  The process of separating Adam and Eve (who were initially created connected back to back) or their spiritual antecedents, Z'eir Anpin and Nukvei d'Z'eir Anpin, in order that they may unite as a couple.

Netzach: lit.':eternity; conquest; victory':The fourth of the seven Divine middos, or attributes, and of their corresponding mortal middos, or spiritual emotions.

Niggun, pl. Niggunim: Melody, usually wordless, especially one figuring in divine service.

Nigleh:  lit.'revealed':The revealed, exoteric levels of the Torah (e.g., Talmud and Halachah); in contrast to nistar.

Nisayon: a test, trial

Nissan: The first of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar.

Nistalek: Ascended to the upper world, passed from this world

Nistar: lit. 'hidden':The mystical levels of the Torah (e.g., Kabbalah and Chassidus); in contrast to nigleh.

Noitik: Necessary or in keeping with

Notrikun ("acronym"): A method of interpretation in which a word is seen as comprising the initials or main consonantal letters of another word or phrase.

Nukvah d'Ze'ir Anpin ("The female of Ze'ir Anpin"). Nukvah d'Ze'ir Anpin: The partzuf of malchut.

Nun: The 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.