Table of contents:
- Vol 4.07 - Yud Beit, Yud Gimmel Tammuz : When the Rebbe Rayatz was incarcerated, one of his interogators called him "Rebbe" (7)
- Vol 18.34 - Yud-Beit Yud-Gimel Tammuz : Reciting Tehillim. The innovation of the Geulah of Yud Beit Tammuz etc. (10)
- Vol 23.19 - Yud-Beit Yud-Gimel Tammuz : The Rebbe Rayatz's explanation of Divine Providence gave him strength to bear the travails of the incarceration (9)
- Vol 28.19 - Yud-Beit Yud-Gimel Tammuz : "There is none beside Him". The wonder that no harm befell all those who were sent on behalf of freeing the Rebbe Rayatz.(8)
- Vol 33.20 - Yud-Beit Yud-Gimel Tammuz 1 : Complete - Explanation why the nusach of the HaGomel blessing is different from the blessing on a miracle.(7)
- Vol 33.21 - Yud-Beit Yud-Gimel Tammuz 2 : Explanation of the Rebbe Rayatz in his first letter for the celebration of Yud-Beit Tammuz: "It is fitting to establish it etc" (4)
- Vol 33.23 - Yud-Zayin Tammuz : The words of the Rebbe Maharash: "Would that it be (Halevai) that it be truly deferred" (8)