Table of contents:
- Vol 5.01 - Bereshit 1 : Rashi: "Said Rabbi Isaac: It was not necessary to begin the Torah etc" (15)
- Vol 5.02 - Bereshit 2 : Rashi: "the. .sea monsters" (8)
- Vol 5.03 - Bereshit 3 : Rashi: "And G-d completed on the seventh day". Debate in the boundary of work of finishing an object (12)
- Vol 5.04 - Noach 1 : "These are the generations of Noah". "The memory of the righteous shall be for a blessing". Lashon Hara(11)
- Vol 5.05 - Noach 2 : Rashi: "and only Noah survived". (10)
- Vol 5.06 - Lecha 1 : Links - The name of the parsha "Lech" - going from strength to strength (11)
- Vol 5.07 - Lecha 2 : Links - Why does Rambam attribute the Mitzvah of Maaser to Yitzchak and not to Avrohom (9)
- Vol 5.08 - Vayeira : Links - "Now the L-rd appeared to him" - "to visit the sick. It was the third day from his circumcision" (9)
- Vol 5.09 - Chof MarCheshvan : The story of the Rebbe Rashab who cried in his youth why Hashem did not appear to him
- Vol 5.10 - Chayei Sarah 1 : "Just as they are perfect their years are perfect etc" This refers to Sarah etc (14)
- Vol 5.11 - Chayei Sarah 2 : Rashi: "Machpelah (double) Cave". (6)
- Vol 5.12 - Toledot 1 : Rashi: "And these are the generations of Isaac the son of Abraham (9)
- Vol 5.13 - Toledot 2 : Rashi: "a hundred fold". The explanations - two ways in the miracle; "Do not deviate" (8)
- Vol 5.14 - Tet Kislev : Hint of the Histalkus and Avodah of the Mitteler Rebbe in the verse: "This pile (Gal) is a witness"
- Vol 5.15 - Vayetze 1 : Since he (Isaac) was confined he was like a dead person, the evil inclination having ceased from him (9)
- Vol 5.16 - Vayetze 2 : Links - According to Pshat) How did Jacob marry two sisters even though "I kept 613 Mitzvot" (9)
- Vol 5.17 - Vayishlach 1 : The obligation of a thirteen year male in Mitzvot. Debate if a Ben Noach is obligated in honoring parents and charity (13)
- Vol 5.18 - Vayishlach 2 : Rashi: "Basemath, daughter of Ishmael" (9)
- Vol 5.19 - Yud Tet Kislev : Explanation of the saying of the Alter Rebbe: "This day will be fixed as a everlasting festival"
- Vol 5.20 - Vayeshev 1 : Rashi:. "awaited the matter" - awaiting His Faithfulness; Geulah (5)
- Vol 5.21 - Vayeshev 2 : Rashi : "and let her be burned" The reason according Pshat that Tamar was sentenced to be burned (11)
- Vol 5.22 - Miketz 1 : Rashi: "It came to pass at the end" (6)
- Vol 5.23 - Miketz 2 : Rashi: "the king's patron". The need for the three explanations (11)
- Vol 5.24 - Miketz 3 : Rashi: "Lest misfortune befall him". Marriage (10)
- Vol 5.25 - Chanukah : The lights of Chanukah and Mezuzah; The advantage of Chanukah over other Mitzvot. Connection to Mitzvat Tefilin (5)
- Vol 5.26 - Vayigash 1 : Rashi: "the son of the Canaanitess" - Debate that Shimon married his sister (11)
- Vol 5.27 - Vayigash 2 : "All Yisroel is called after Joseph" Explanation of the three aspects in the Midrash (12)
- Vol 5.28 - Vayechi 1 : Rashi: "for in their wrath they killed a man" (10)
- Vol 5.29 - Vayechi 2 : Rashi: "And his sons carried him". Debate between R' Yehuda and R' Nechemiah (14)
- Vol 5.30 - Hosafot - Supplement : Bereshit - TOC Complete