Table of contents:
- Vol 36.01 - Shmot 1 : Complete/Links-Rashi: The necessity in the two commentaries of Rashi on the verse: "Moses became frightened" (6)
- Vol 36.02 - Shmot 2 : "What merit do they have that I shouldbe able to save them . . in the merit of the Torah that they will accept in the future etc." (9)
- Vol 36.03 - Chof - Chof-Dalet Tevet : The obligation to learn the laws of Mitzvot that are not applicable in these times in Rambam (Hilchot Talmud Torah) (10)
- Vol 36.04 - Va'eira 1 : Rashi: "and Moses shall cast it": The precise wording of Rashi: "many miracles" even though "he only counts two".(7)
- Vol 36.05 - Va'eira 2 : The connection of the Haftorah - "I will give you free speech in their midst" to the topic of the Parsha (5)
- Vol 36.06 - Rosh Chodesh Shvat : Complete- The necessity to translate the Torah into seventy languages; Connection to Mishneh Torah and Yud Shvat
- Vol 36.07 - Bo 1 : Rashi: "I will pass" (and the difference in wording from the Mechilta) (8)
- Vol 36.08 - Bo 2 : Partial-The title "Tzivos Hashem" (hosts of the L-rd) that was given to Bnei Yisroel when they left Egypt. (6)
- Vol 36.09 - Bo 3 : Rashi: "you shall decapitate it". (6)
- Vol 36.11 - Beshalach 1 : Complete-Rashi: "May dread" fall upon them" and "and fright" (5)
- Vol 36.12 - Beshalach 2 : Complete - Wording of Alter Rebbe in Shulchan Aruch that Seudat Melave Malka "is not so much an obligation" (7)
- Vol 36.13 - Beshalach 3 : Complete-The reason the Manna did not fall on Yom Tov; The obligation of Lechem Mishneh on Yom Tov (5)
- Vol 36.14 - Tu B'Shvat : Complete- "There are four New Years" (4)
- Vol 36.15 - Yitro 1 : Complete - Rashi: "These are the words". (4)
- Vol 36.16 - Yitro 2 : Complete - Explanation of Ramban concerning the Mitzvah of honoring one's father and mother(6)
- Vol 36.17 - Yitro 3 : Complete - The reason that the first commandment after Matan Torah was: "Do not make [an image of anything that is with] Me" (6)
- Vol 36.18 - Mishpatim 1 : Links - Opinion of Rambam in the law of "change of control" [for an animal whose nature changed] (7)
- Vol 36.19 - Mishpatim 2 : Complete - Rashi: "the month of springtime". Debate in Rashi when to add an intercalary month (6)
- Vol 36.20 - Mishpatim 3 : Rashi: "And Moses took half the blood and put it into the basins" (8)
- Vol 36.21 - Terumah 1 : Links - Tzemach Tzadek. "[The holiness] does not change forever" regarding the Temple (8)
- Vol 36.22 - Terumah 2 : Complete - Rashi - Concerning the manner of placing the Yeriot/Curtains on the Mishkan (5)
- Vol 36.23 - Terumah 3 : Complete - Rambam. The boundary of the curtain dividing the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies (10)
- Vol 36.24 - Tetzaveh 1 : Complete-Rashi: "according to their births". View of Rambam that it is "according to the order of their birth from the Mothers" (7)
- Vol 36.25 - Tetzaveh 2 : Debate between Rambam and Raavad (End of Hil Kelayim) if Kelayim is allowed in the priest's clothes in the Temple (8)
- Vol 36.26 - Purim 1 : Complete - The doubt of Ahashverus "what shall be done to Queen Vashti" (5)
- Vol 36.27 - Purim 2 : Complete - The three reasons that we do not say Hallel on Purim (8)
- Vol 36.29 - Tisa 1 : Complete-One should never break away from custom. For behold, Moses ascended on High and ate no bread (7)
- Vol 36.30 - Tisa 2 : Complete-Explanation of Likkutei Levi Yitzchak on Zohar that the obligation to attribute a saying to the original author (5)
- Vol 36.31 - Vayakhel : Links-Rambam, Shulchan Aruch Harav "A person who kindles even the smallest fire is liable etc" (7)
- Vol 36.32 - Vayakhel-Pekudei : Complete - Ramban and Rambam in the main intent of the Mishkan.The Shechina in the Mishkan (7)
- Vol 36.33 - Vayakhel-Pekudei - Parshat HaChodesh : Complete-The choice of Yerushalayim and David. Haftorah. The eternity of Yerushalayim. Rosh Chodesh of Geulah (10)
- Vol 36.34 - Hosafot - Supplement : Shmot, Yahrzeit customs, Health matters - TOC Complete