Table of contents:
- Vol 27.01 - Vayikra 1 : Complete-Rambam: 'When a person vows to bring a large, but instead brings a small, he does not fulfill his obligation"(7)
- Vol 27.02 - Vayikra 2 : Complete-Rambam: The obligation to bring an offering from "the most attractive and highest quality"(8)
- Vol 27.03 - Vayikra 3 : The differences between the anointed priest's bullock, and the community's bullock of unwitting transgression(8)
- Vol 27.04 - Beit Nissan : Complete - Saying of the Rebbe Rashab: "I am going to heaven, and (my) writings I leave for you"
- Vol 27.05 - Tzav 1 : Rashi: "An earthenware vessel etc. shall be broken etc. a copper vessel, shall be purged and rinsed with water". (8)
- Vol 27.06 - Tzav 2 : Complete - Rashi: "he shall not leave any of it over until morning" (7)
- Vol 27.07 - Shabbat HaGadol : Complete-The reason that the remembrance of Shabbat HaGadol was established according to the day of the week and not on the tenth of Nisan (4)
- Vol 27.08 - Chag HaPesach : Links-The boundary of the "Fifth cup" according to the opinion of Rambam (8)
- Vol 27.09 - Shemini 1 : Rambam: Tarrying creates a liability for one who becomes impure and does not leave the Temple immediately(10)
- Vol 27.10 - Shemini 2 : Debate between Moshe and Aharon concerning the eating of the Rosh Chodesh offering (8)
- Vol 27.11 - Shemini3 : Complete - Three conditions in the impurity of foods in Avodat HaAdam (6)
- Vol 27.12 - Tazria 1 : Links-Rambam: One who lacks atomement after birth (8)
- Vol 27.13 - Tazria 2 : Reason that Tuma'ah and Tahara of a leper is specifically dependent on the Kohen (4)
- Vol 27.14 - Tazria3 : Rashi: "He is bald; he is clean". The boundary of "Nesekin" (9)
- Vol 27.15 - Metzora 1 : Complete - Rambam: View of the law of when a rich man says: "I take responsibility for the sacrifices of this afflicted poor person" (6)
- Vol 27.16 - Metzora 2 : Order of the laws of afflictions in the Torah. Two reasons for the plagues of houses (9)
- Vol 27.17 - Acharei 1 : Links-Two commandments after the passing of Aaron (8)
- Vol 27.18 - Acharei 2 : Links-Rambam's viewpoint in the difference between the scapegoat and Yom Kippur service (9)
- Vol 27.19 - Acharei3 : Complete- Boundary of deferring Shabbat for Pikuach Nefesh (saving a life) (8)
- Vol 27.20 - Kedoshim 1 : Complete-Boundary of "You shall not place a stumbling block before a blind person" (8)
- Vol 27.21 - Kedoshim 2 : Links-Whoever denies the Mitzvah of just measures is considered as if he denied the exodus from Egypt (9)
- Vol 27.22 - Emor 1 : Links - The lesson from the name of the Parsha "Emor" - speaking in praise of one's fellow man (9)
- Vol 27.23 - Emor 2 : Complete - Rashi: "I shall be sanctified amidst the children of Israel" (9)
- Vol 27.25 - Behar 1 : Links - The intent of the question: "And if you should say, "What will we eat in the seventh year?" (7)
- Vol 27.26 - Behar 2 : The acquiring of persons, fruits and fruits of the date palm in Avodat HaAdam.(8)
- Vol 27.27 - Bechukotai 1 : Siyum of Rambam (and Siyum of Tractate Ketubos); "and the tree of the field will give forth its fruit" (16)
- Vol 27.28 - Bechukotai 2 : "They will then confess their iniquity" - The cause and the essence of the confession (10)
- Vol 27.29 - Bechukotai 3 : Many boundaries in the law: "a person who distributes his money for Mitzvot should not distribute more than a fifth" (12)
- Vol 27.30 - Hosafot - Supplement : Vayikra - TOC Complete