Table of contents:
- Vol 21.01 - Shmot 1 : Rashi: "And He made them houses" (9)
- Vol 21.02 - Shmot 2 : "So that that righteous person, Avraham, may not say:'They will enslave them and oppress them' He fulfilled etc." (10)
- Vol 21.03 - Shmot 3 : Complete-"Yisroel is my son, my firstborn" - referring to greatness (7)
- Vol 21.04 - Va'eira 1 : Links-Rashi: "The text should be interpreted according to its simple meaning" (11)
- Vol 21.05 - Va'eira 2 : Complete - "If not for the frogs how would they have retribution from the Egyptians" (7)
- Vol 21.06 - Va'eira 3 : Complete - The Haftorah (the prophecy concerning Pharoah and Nevuchadnezzer) and the connection to the Parsha (7)
- Vol 21.07 - Chof-Dalet Tevet : Expanation of the wording in Iggeret HaKodesh Chap 28: "The deeds that he performed" (3)
- Vol 21.08 - Bo 1 : Rashi: "About midnight" (7)
- Vol 21.09 - Bo 2 : Debate between R' Gamliel and Rabbanan if relatives are permitted to testify concerning the New Moon (6)
- Vol 21.10 - Bo 3 : Complete-Rambam: Learning "Remembrence of the Exodus" from "Remembrence of Shabbat" (9)
- Vol 21.11 - Beshalach 1 : "Moses led Israel away" - "He led them away against their will" (7)
- Vol 21.12 - Beshalach 2 : "Today you will not find it in the field". Minhag of our holy Rebbeim not to eat bread at Seudat Shlishit. (5)
- Vol 21.13 - Beshalach 3 : "Now Moses' hands were heavy" (11)
- Vol 21.14 - Yitro 1 : Complete - Rashi: "And they camped" -"as one person with one heart" (8)
- Vol 21.15 - Yitro 2 : Links-"Every place where it states: "they journeyed", "they camped" it was in strife but here they were considered one heart" (11)
- Vol 21.16 - Yitro 3 : Complete - "Do not go up to My altar with steps". The a fortiori not to show disrespect to one's fellow.(6)
- Vol 21.17 - Mishpatim 1 : Links - Rashi: "would you refrain from helping him?" (8)
- Vol 21.18 - Mishpatim 2 : Complete - Rashi: "that I have prepared" The Beis HaMikdash is prepared even though we do not see a change (5)
- Vol 21.19 - Mishpatim 3 : Complete - Rashi: "And Moses wrote" and "the Book of the Covenant" (8)
- Vol 21.20 - Terumah 1 : The name of the parsha and its connection to the building of the Mishkan; The eternity of the Mishkan (10)
- Vol 21.21 - Terumah 2 : Complete - Rambam. Boundary of the the place where the Ark was hidden. Eternity of the Kodesh HaKodashim (8)
- Vol 21.22 - Terumah 3 : Depiction of the Menorah in the hand writing of Rambam. Picture of the Menorah (9)
- Vol 21.23 - Tetzaveh 1 : Why the name of Moshe is not mentioned in the Parsha (8)
- Vol 21.24 - Tetzaveh 2 : Rashi: "And die" and Rashi: "And not die" (9)
- Vol 21.25 - Parshat Zochor : Complete - The aspect remembering and eradicating Amalek - an adversary to the letters Vav and Hei (7)
- Vol 21.26 - Purim - Tetzaveh : The difference between a city, town and village in Avodah. The number eleven.(9)
- Vol 21.27 - Purim : Complete - The explanation of the three verses that the children recited(8)
- Vol 21.28 - Tisa 1 : Rashi: "When they enter the Tent of Meeting" (9)
- Vol 21.29 - Tisa 2 : Complete-Rashi:The difference between Rashi's two comments concerning the six [Canaanite] nations (9)
- Vol 21.30 - Tisa 3 : Complete-Rashi: "and you will see My back" And Zohar concerning the making of knots as a remembrance (6)
- Vol 21.31 - Vayakhel 1 : Links-Siyum Rambam (Hil. Beis Habechirah 8:12). Shabbat (6)
- Vol 21.32 - Vayakhel 2 : Complete - Zohar and Likkutei Levi Yitzchak in that R' Yose would think of worldy matters (6)
- Vol 21.33 - Vayakhel-Pekudei : The connection between these Parshiot to their names and their connection together (10)
- Vol 21.34 - Pekudei : Zohar and Likkutei Levi Yitzchak - the opening of the Ark, Knesset Yisroel,G-d. (13)
- Vol 21.35 - Hosafot - Supplement : Shmot - TOC Complete