Table of contents:
- Vol 20.01 - Bereshit 1 : Rashi: "Said Rabbi Isaac: It was not necessary to begin the Torah etc" The claim of the nations "You are robbers" (6)
- Vol 20.02 - Bereshit 2 : Rashi: "it will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth" (6)
- Vol 20.03 - Noach 1 : "Abraham was forty years old when he became aware of his Creator"(12)
- Vol 20.04 - Noach 2 : Calculation of Noach's age (and the age of the world) and its resolution according to Pshat(5)
- Vol 20.05 - Noach 3 : Rashi: "And G-d remembered". Lesson concerning the covenant of Noach(5)
- Vol 20.06 - Lecha 1 : Links - Abraham's request: "Please say [that] you are my sister" (7)
- Vol 20.07 - Lecha 2 : "your reward is exceedingly great". Explanation of the Torah study of R' Yosi ben Pazi (9)
- Vol 20.08 - Lecha 3 - Zayin MarCheshvan : The connection between Zayin MarCheshvan to parshat Lech in Avodah. (7)
- Vol 20.09 - Vayeira 1 : Links - The crying of the Rebbe Rashab in his youth etc. Why the "Vayeira" of this Parsha (7)
- Vol 20.10 - Vayeira 2 : Complete - Rashi: "And he said, My lords, if only I have, etc" (5)
- Vol 20.11 - Vayeira 3 : Links - "Be firm, for My sake in this trial so that men may not say etc" (6)
- Vol 20.12 - Chayei Sarah 1 : Why Rashi doesn't explain "why the word 'years' was written after every digit" concerning Yishmael (7)
- Vol 20.13 - Chayei Sarah 2 : Complete - "Baalei Teshuvah in one hour and in one minute get close to G-d" (Zohar) and Likkutei Levi Yitzchak. (5)
- Vol 20.14 - Chayei Sarah 3 : "Three were answered immediately: Eliezer, Moshe and Shlomo (9)
- Vol 20.15 - Toledot 1 : Rashi: "He shaped the features of Isaac's face to resemble Abraham's (8)
- Vol 20.16 - Toledot 2 : "And the youths grew up". Esau was included but he corrupted his ways (8)
- Vol 20.17 - Toledot 3 : Complete - Rashi: "the blessing of Abraham" (8)
- Vol 20.18 - Vayetze 1 : Complete - The twenty years during which he stayed in the house of Lavan, he did not sleep (5)
- Vol 20.19 - Vayetze 2 : Rashi: "the land upon which you are lying" (7)
- Vol 20.20 - Vayetze 3 : Two viewpoints in the manner of the blessing to the flocks of Lavan for Jacob's sake (8)
- Vol 20.21 - Vayishlach 1 : Rashi: "and kissed him" (10)
- Vol 20.22 - Vayishlach 2 : Rashi: "until I come to my master, to Seir." and the differences to Rashi in Talmud and Rambam (12)
- Vol 20.23 - Vayishlach - Yud Tet Kislev : Complete - "I have become small etc". and Iggeret HaKodesh (Epistle 2) (5)
- Vol 20.24 - Yud Tet Kislev 1 : Complete/Links - Sicha of the Rebbe Rayatz - The analogy of coals and pearls (9)
- Vol 20.25 - Yud Tet Kislev 2 : Complete - Connection between the redemption of the Alter Rebbe to the third day of the week (Tuesday) (7)
- Vol 20.26 - Vayeshev : Complete - Because they (the brothers) sold Rachel's firstborn (Yosef), for twenty pieces of silver etc. baseless hatred, saving our community (7)
- Vol 20.27 - Miketz 1 : Rashi: "before the year of the famine set in" (marital relations) (8)
- Vol 20.28 - Miketz 2 : Synopsis - "to slaughter an animal and to prepare". Joseph kept Shabbat before it was given (7)
- Vol 20.29 - Chanukah : Complete - The reason for the different views of Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel (5)
- Vol 20.30 - Vayigash 1 : Complete - Rashi: "Then he approached him" - Protecting Jewish children from bad influences (6)
- Vol 20.31 - Vayigash 2 : Explanation of the views of who comprised the seventy souls (10)
- Vol 20.32 - Vayechi 1 : Complete - "Jacob attempted to reveal to his sons the End of days but the Shechinah withdrew from him." (7)
- Vol 20.33 - Vayechi 2 : Rashi: "And his sons carried him" (8)
- Vol 20.34 - Vayechi 3 : Rashi: "on Joseph's knees. In halacha: 1) a Sandek 2) Talmud Torah with one's great grandson (12)
- Vol 20.35 - Hosafot - Supplement : Bereshit