Table of contents:
- Vol 1.01 - Bereshit : The effect of Shabbat Bereshit on the whole year (4)
- Vol 1.02 - Noach : The Flood effected purification in the world like a "Mikvah". Struggles over livlihood(12)
- Vol 1.03 - Lech Lecha : The reason that the first test of Avraham mentioned in the Torah is "Go forth from your land(9)
- Vol 1.04 - Vayeira : Links-The story of the Rebbe Rashab who cried in his youth why Hashem did not appear to him etc. (9)
- Vol 1.05 - Chayei Sarah : Abraham and Sarah - body and soul (15)
- Vol 1.06 - Toledot : Abraham begat Isaac and made a great feast when he was weaned(16)
- Vol 1.07 - Vayetze : Links - The descending of Jacob to Charan before building the house of Israel (9)
- Vol 1.08 - Vayishlach : The connection between "I sojourned with Laban: and "I kept 613 Mitzvot"; Moshiach ; Story Ayeka (9)
- Vol 1.09 - Vayeshev : Links - Joseph was "handsome etc.", the incident of the wife of Potiphar; Joseph - baal teshuva, hidden aspects and their purpose (6)
- Vol 1.10 - Chanukah : Even though "Chanukah" has the same root as Chinuch (education), nevertheless the miracle was with a cruse of oil (5)
- Vol 1.11 - Miketz : Explanation of the aspect of dreams in Avodat HaAdam (5)
- Vol 1.12 - Chanukah : The innovation of the lights of Chanukah over the lights of the Temple and the lesson in Avodat HaAdam (6)
- Vol 1.21 - Vayigash : Links-The encounter of Yehuda with Joseph "for war".Parents'responsibility for their children (9)
- Vol 1.22 - Vayechi : Links - Explanation of the blessings to the Tribes (10)
- Vol 1.23 - Shmot : "And all the daughters you should let live" - that they receive their vitality from Egypt (9)
- Vol 1.24 - Va'eira : Links- Lesson from the plagues of "Blood and Frogs" and their order. The fifth word of Geulah (9)
- Vol 1.25 - Bo (Yud Shvat) : Links-The power of the Mesirat Nefesh of Bnei Yisroel at the time of going out of Egypt (13)
- Vol 1.26 - Beshalach : The advantage of the women's song over the mens' and in Avodah (9)
- Vol 1.27 - Tu B'Shvat : Debate between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel concerning New Year for trees.- Potential and actual.(4)
- Vol 1.27 - Yitro : The Ten Commandments and the Ten Sayings of Creation; The light of Torah must enlighten the world. (8)
- Vol 1.28 - Mishpatim : Links - Explanation of the Tzemach Tzedek on the verse: "For any sinful word, for a bull, for a donkey, for a lamb (8)
- Vol 1.29 - Terumah : The reason that the offerings for the Altar and the offerings for the sockets were equal for all Yisroel (9)
- Vol 1.30 - Tetzaveh : The advantage of Oil (in the Torah) over wine and water; The Golden Altar (6)
- Vol 1.31 - Purim Katan : "a good hearted person feasts perpetually (Mishle 15:15)
- Vol 1.31 - Tisa : "G-d took a type of coin of fire from beneath His throne on glory and showed it Moshe" (10)
- Vol 1.32 - Vayakhel : "Moses assembled" etc Shabbos, The connection between these subjects; Dealing with livelihood in an outward manner (8)
- Vol 1.32 - Adar : Complete-"Just as when we enter Av we decrease our simcha, so too when we enter Adar we increase our simcha" (2)
- Vol 1.33 - Pekudei : The reason for repeating the aspects in Parshiot Trumah-Tetzaveh in Parshiot Vayakhel-Pekudei (11)
- Vol 1.34 - Vayikra : Links-"when a man among you will bring an offering etc" - the offering of man himself examination of defects, Teshuvah(4)
- Vol 1.34 - Zochor : Four periods and steps in the war on Amalek; in Avodah (6)
- Vol 1.34 - Purim : The lesson from the miracle of Purim - Bnei Yisroel are not under the dictates of nature but rely on G-d (5)
- Vol 1.35 - Tzav : "A continuous fire shall burn upon the altar" Explanation of the Rav HaMagid of Mezeritch (6)
- Vol 1.36 - Shemini : The signs of Kosher animals and fowl in Avodat HaAdam (9)
- Vol 1.37 - Tazria : Links-Concept of male and female in Avodah and in the Future Geulah. Nisan and Tishrei (6)
- Vol 1.38 - Metzora (Shabbat HaGadol) : Links-Cconnection between the Parshat Tahara with Yetziat Mitzrayim where they were redeemed in the merit of Faith (5)
- Vol 1.38 - Shabbat HaGadol : The innovation of the Minhag of sending Shmurah Matzah for the night of the Seder
- Vol 1.38 - Pesach : Explanation of sections in the Hagadah (Mah Nishtana etc.) Explanation of the order of the Four Questions according to the Chabad custom (10)
- Vol 1.39 - Acharei : Links-Provide a charge to My charge. The advantage of oaths and protective fences (11)
- Vol 1.40 - Kedoshim : The connection between "Kedoshim" and "fear your mother and father" and Shabbat (10)
- Vol 1.41 - Emor : Links - Advantage of the month of Iyar: The whole month contains Sfirat HaOmer(11)
- Vol 1.42 - Behar : The reason that we learn from Shmittah that all the Mitzvot were said at Sinai(9)
- Vol 1.43 - Bechukotai (Lag B'Omer) : "If you follow My statutes" - request and promise (5)
- Vol 1.44 - Lag B'Omer : On the Shabbat after Lag B'Omer all of its aspects are elevated. Valley filled with gold (6)