Vol 6.27 - Hosafot - Supplement Spanish French Audio Video
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Translation: LettersShmot 243Even when one is in "Eretz Mitzrayim one has to remember that they Bnei Yisroel Debate and correlation between the contradictions in the writings of the Arizal and Chassidut regarding the level of Moshe Rabbeinu Prophecy of Moshe Who is greater - Moshe or Moshiach Explanation of what is written in Shulchan Aruch (YD 242:36) "A person is punished with Malkus (d'Rabanan) for saying to his friend, "Even if you would be Moshe Rabbeinu, I would not agree with you!" Such talk is considered a disgrace to Moshe" is not in contradiction to the statement in the Talmud that one can compare to Moshe. Explanation of Moshe' statement "Please allow us to take a three day journey etc. Ex 5:3) The reason that many of the Tzaddikim before Matan Torah were born from the marriage between relatives Different Midrashot in the manner that Amram re-married Yocheved Explanation of Zohar (2:148a) that Moshe fulfilled the Mitzvah pf Peru u-Rivu (be fruitful and multiply) even though he had two sons (like the opinion of Beit Shammai - Mishnah Yevamot 6:3) Chof Dalet Tevet 257The connection of the Alter Rebbe to the month of Tevet where the body (Atmuto u'mehutzo Yitboreich) has enjoyment from the body (the essence of Yisroel, through the physical body) Lesson from the name "Shneur" regarding the virtue of Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Special power of Chof Dalet Tevet that it should be for all those who follow in his path "a unique cleaving" (״בחד קטירא אתקטרנא כוי״) Enabling one to serve G-d in a manner of "Shnei Or" , revealed and pnimiyut of Torah and their attachment Method of Chabad - the head ruling the heart (מוח שליט על הלב) and bringing unity to the Land - A cure for the ills of the period The story of the "sound of a child crying" and the lesson for each and every person Rosh Chodesh Shvat 266Day that Moshe interpreted the Torah into seventy languages and the connection to the Rebbe Rayatz, the Baal Hilulah of the month of Shvat Bo 268Lesson from Rashi's commentary on the verse: “When your son asks you at a later time (machar)" that "There is a machar that is immediate and there is a machar that denotes a later time". Dealing with a "son" who is on the level of "a later time" (לאחר זמן) Answers concerning the criticisms in connection with "Mivtza Tefilin" (Tefilin campaign) Correlating "Mivtza Tefilin" as a Segulah with the words of Rambam (Hil. Mezuzah 5:4) concerning the protection of a mezuzah Necessity to engage in "Mivtza Tefilin" and its segulah Virtue regarding the members of the military Virtue of the Mitzvah of Tefilin - the view of our holy Torah that intellect, emotion and deed must be together - and this is openly visible in this Mitzvah A child's putting on Tefilin before the bar Mitzvah for Chinuch Blessing to those beginning to put on Tefilin Yud Shvat 283Yud Shvat - the day of receiving blessings from the Baal Hilulah by "standing prepared" (״עמדו הכן כולכם״) Virtue of the essence of Yisroel Necessity for spreading the wellsprings of Chassidut outward (הפצת המעיינות חוצה) Story about the Baal Hilulah that he had self-sacrifice to annul a decree against a Jew Encouragement to N'shei Chabad (Chabad women's organization) regarding the Hilulah and the connection to Shabbat Shira whose ending and completeness is the song of Miriam and the women Tenth year of the Hilulah Virtue and segulah of the day Auspicious day in being the twentieth year Lesson for Jewish women on the twentieth year "A twenty year old may sell his father's estate" (״מבן עשרים שנה מוכר בנכסי אביו״. BB 155a) and lesson from this is connection with the twentieth year Encouragement to engage in the field of Chinuch Debate of Rambam (Hil, Talmud Torah 2:7) "to make the Torah great and glorious (יגדיל תורה ויאדיר) Educating children in the institutions of the Baal Hilulah Beshalach 304Explanation and lesson from the Targum Yonason ben Uziel on our Parsha (14:21) that the six Matriarchs were carved on Moshe’s staff Conclusion and completeness of the song by the women and this is the preparation to Matan Torah Directive in the Avodah of women and in our time The Haftarah of Shabbat Shirah - specifically the song of Devorah Tu B'Shvat 308Lesson from a tree in Avodat HaAdam - the roots, trunk of the tree and its fruits Lesson in the virtue of children’s Chinuch Education of children - metaphor from caring of trees As above - a small deviation in one’s youth can have a great effect in one's old age Time to increase in the study of the Torah - conquering the world with this increase Yitro 313Mitzvot between man and his fellow are dependent on Mitzvot between man and G-d "For they are My servants" - "there is no free individual, except for one who occupies himself with the study of Torah" The foundation for personal conduct in justice and honesty is - Emunah in G-d Answers to questions on faith The proof that Torah is from Heaven Difference between Jewish traditions (מסורת ישראל) and other "traditions" (״מסורות״ אחרות) The difference between Yisroel and the Nations The "age of the world" (״גיל העולם״) according to science Siyum of tractate Kiddushin: The distinction between the Mishnah and the Beraita in accordance with the division of generations, and the connection to the beginning of the tractate Mishpatim 322Debate in the words of the Rishonim that "the master is responsible for his wife's keep" is Biblical (even though a husband is responsible for his wife's m'dRabannan) and the reasoning of the Maharsha"l in the sefer Chochmas Shlomo Necessity to seek healing through a doctor Letter to the conference of Orthodox medical doctors - many things to strengthen Judaism through medical science Debate in the words of the sefer Yam Shel Shlomo (Bava Kama 91b) that a person may not injure or shame himself for monetary gain and the ruling of the Alter Rebbe on this. Explanation of the words of the Talmud (Sanhedrin 2a) that we learn the death of an ox from the death of the owners Letter to the annual Melaveh Malka of the organization "Gemach - Shomrei Shabbos" Virtue of a Gemach Ways and virtues of a Gemach Gemach in spirituality The connection to "Shomrei Shabbos" Increasing the number of loans Directive for the sixth year of Shmittah Gemach - an attribute of G-d Lesson from the Maamer (המשך) Basi LeGani concerning emptying the treasuries Tzedaka uplifts "On the first of Adar public announcement is made concerning the payment of the shekels and concerning the Kelaim (mixed species) The Sanhedrin next to the Mikdash - even affairs between "man and his fellow" must be founded upon holiness Story of the Tzemach Tzedek who merited to see the Alter Rebbe after giving a Gemach Relationship of Gemach to "Hakhel" Gemach below effects Gemach from Above (according to the Maamer s.v. “VaYikchu Li Terumah” 5628 Explanation of the virtue of Gemach over Tzedaka Strengthening in the twentieth year of the Hilulah of the Rebbe Rayatz Giving a Gemach warmly "The poor of your city takes precedence" – Gemach’s to support the neighborhoods where Jewish people live Descent of the soul into the body- a loan and deposit Resolution of the contradiction if the loaner or borrower is greater (אי חלק המלוה גדול או חלק הפקדון) Prohibition of moving away from Jewish neighborhoods In addition to the prohibition - danger for those that move to the new place Adar 358Aspect of a leap-year - completion and also for the future Zayin Adar 361Mediation between what is written in the Zohar (2:156a) that Moshe did on Shabbat with what is known that Moshe wrote he thirteen Sifrei Torah on the day of his passing How they conducted mourning on Moshe's passing on Shabbat Birth of Moshe atones on his death - the connection to Tomchei Tmimim Ninth of Adar 364The saying "America is not different (״אמריקה אינה שונה״) in conjunction with Jewish women and girls Terumah 365Explanation and lesson from the beginning of tractate Berachot and the connection to Parshat Terumah Lesson from the command "make a Sanctuary for Me, and I will dwell in their midst" to the convention of Nshei uBnot Chabad Yeshiva - like the Mikdash and Mishkan Tetzaveh 368Aspect of Ephod according to kabbalah and the reason that the beginning of the Churban was specifically with it Lack of the Urim v'Tumim Purim 369Sacrifice for children's Chinuch Everyone has the obligation to endeavor in Chinuch from a Kal v'Chomer from Mordechai Purim - Simcha until one cannot discern (עד דלא ידע) Light and happiness (אורה ושמחה גו') Debate in the name "Taanit Esther" Explanation of the Mishnah: "Megillah is read on the Eleventh" (מגילה נ קראת בי־א וכוי״”) in Avodat HaAdam The birth of Moshe that caused that the miracle of Purim was in Adar I Even the eleventh of Adar is the time of Purim Esther did not rely on the reason that "relief and deliverance will arise to the Jews from another place" (ריוח והצלה יעמוד) and from this is a lesson in the work of Chinuch Purim - lots, a lot (goral) that is above reason and logic through transforming evil to good Connection between a leap year and Purim and the lesson in the area of Chinuch Lesson from Purim for all the years and from that which the Megillah is called after Esther's name - for women and their daughters a lesson in the eternity and importance of Chinuch Lesson from the Maamer s.v. "V'kibeil haYehudim 5687" (וקבל היהודים תרפ״ז) Connection of Purim to "Hakhel" "One who reads the Megillah retroactively has not fulfilled his obligation" (הקורא את המגילה למפרע - לא יצא) - lesson for kosher Chinuch "Taanit Esther" in its time was even for children (Esther 9:4) Strengthening Judaism Chinuch - the connecting point between Adar and Nisan Connection of Purim and Pesach for women and girls Tisa 390Who carried the Kiyor (basin) Debate in the argument (Rosh Hashanah 17a) if "Rav Chesed: (abounding in grace) is "conquering sin" or "inclining towards kindness" (אם ״ורב חסד״ הוא כובש עון או נושא עון) and the explanation of the Maamer s.v. "kol HaMeracheim" 5709 Lesson from the verse "And G-d spoke . . When you take the count" Vayakhel 397Lesson from "Vayakhel-Pekudei" - deed is primary Debate and responsa in the aspect of travelling on an Israeli ship on Shabbat Pekudei 408Siman (mnemonic) for the number of verses in Parshat Pekudei Parshat HaChodesh 409Maamer s.v. "HaChodesh" that the Tzemach Tzedek delivered before his passing Addition -Hosafa 413Debate if it is considered a kiss if the beloved does not feel it (e.g. Yosef to Yaakov after his passing; kissing the mantle of a Sefer Torah) |
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