Vol 34.22 - Tavo 3 Spanish French Audio Video |
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Page160 Page161 Page162 Page163 Page164 Page165 Page166 Talmud-Avodah ZarahTalmud English-Avodah Zarah Talmud English-Avodah Zarah Talmud-Sotah |
Summary: (5749) Debate between Rashi (Talmud Avodah Zarah 19b) and Tosafot (Talmud Sotah 22b) in that "it is not fitting to give decisions until forty years old", whether this start from birth or from when "one begins to learn"; The merging of the sayings of the sages ""ben arbaim l'bina," (at forty, one attains understanding. Avot 5) and "it may take one forty years to know the mind of one's master" (Talmud Avodah Zarah 5a) Explanation of Tosafot there (ibid "until forty") that it is possible to attain understanding of one's master before a span of forty years. A hint fro this topic to the Torah of the Baal Shem Tov that from every thing that a person sees or hears there is a lesson in Avodat HaShem. |
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