Vol 32.28 - Hosafot - Supplement Spanish French Audio Video |
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Translation: Vayikra 183Directive of the alter Rebbe that a Shochet must be exceedingly G-d fearing Explanation of the lengthy wording of the Sages the “if he would put in it honey” etc. and why it is not stated concisely “Scripture has repeated it, to make it indispensable“('בעינן שָׁנָה עליו הכתוב לעכב') – Whether this is specifically regarding Kodashim or not. Nisan 184Explanation of “This month is to you” according to the Talmud Yerushalmi (Yevamot 8:3) “And from Chodesh his wife he begot” – meaning that the Halacha was created (ויולד מן חודש אשתו, שנתחדשה הלכה) Whether the Geulah was in Nissan or Tishrei; The war of Gog and Magog; Moshiach ben Yosef Every day of Nissan is a Rosh Chodesh, virtue of the month and its effect on all the months Yud Alef Nissan 186Blessing of Yud-Alef Nisan 5747Aspect of Yud-Alef Nisan and the month of Nissan and Pesach and Mizmor 96 – in all of the them Oneg and happiness is stressed Blessing of Yud-Alef Nisan 5748The day and month and year are unified Blessing of Yud-Alef Nisan 5749The allusion of the blessing in Tehillim Mizmor 88 Letter to children in connection with the seventieth year Letter of 5739 Pesach 196Aspects of Pesach 196The three Matzot are Keilim/receptacles, and the six items (on the Seder plate) Orot/lights Explanation of what is written in the siddur Arizal that there are fifteen Dayeinu’s One who eats Chometz on Pesach if he fulfills Tashbisu (the command to destroy all Chometz) and Bal Yirah (not seeing Chometz) Grape juice for the Four Cups General letters 198Twenty-fifth of Adar 5747 – the unity of Pesach – haste and running (חפזון וריצה) and there also must be in the Avodah of a person – alacrity and skipping (זריזות ודילוג) For free-choice to exist there must also exist alacrity in the opposite of holiness, and in order to ease free-choice, three signs were given to Yisroel - bashful, merciful and performing kind deeds (ביישנים רחמנים גומלי חסדים) that are interconnected Yud-Alef Nissan 5747Continuation. This aspect becomes expressed in the life of a Yisroel – rushing in the preparation of Pesach The three aforementioned signs in all places and time; how it is expressed in our time Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5748Rosh Chodesh Nissan - Rosh Hashanah for kings and for festivals When they left Egypt, Yisroel was made into a nation through their redemption from the servitude of the Egyptians - negating idol worship and accepting Torah and Mitzvot; and in a manner that the head is on the legs and on the innards Yud Alef Nissan 5748. Continuation the lesson from the calendar setup. Chag HaPesach on Shabbat. And specifically in the year of Hakhel Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5749; a leap year - uniting the sun and the moon. Mashpia and Mekabel Yud Alef Nissan 5749: continuation: the aforementioned in a manner that they are made into one entity, as is learned front eh korban Pesach Telegrams for Chag ha HaPesach 5747- 5749 225Sefirat HaOmer 226Caution from crossing the international Dateline in the days of Sefirah Shemini 237Siyum of Iggeret haTeshuvah “man sanctifies himself a bit from below etc.” (אדם מקדש עצמו מעט מלמטה) Tazria 227Permissible manners of preventing pregnancy according to Halacha Using electricity for and illness that prevents pregnancy Manner of preventing pregnancy; negation of tying the fallopian tubes Advice and Segulot for having children Precision in Family Purity through reviewing the Halachot; entering pregnancy in a precarious situation is dependent on the view of a Rav who is a Posek Negation of negative thoughts and worries in the aspects of having children Laws of touching during pregnancy Gynecological examinations by a doctor Nursing a child for one who is sensitive Segulot for the term of pregnancy The entrance of the nefesh HaKedosha at the time of the Mila Explanation of the three aspects of Mila Shalom Zachor for a male and not for a female Metzora 233Explanation of Pirush haMishnayot of Rambam (Nazir 8:6) regarding the shaving of a Metzora after Tevilah Explanation of the question of the Talmud (Kiddushin 57a) regarding the bird of the Metzora that is slaughtered and found to be non-kosher (Traif) Permissible manners of testing the semen of the husband Permission to cohabit with a contraceptive sponge (moch) Permissible manners to prevent pregnancy according to Halacha Regarding prostate surgery Saying the first four Mizmorei Tehillim at night Boundary of Bein HaShamashot (twilight) regarding the bedikah examination of a Niddah When the ovulating period does not coincide with the days of purity; ditto The virtue of engaging in the purity/Tahara of Jewish women and the commotion to the days of Sefirah Virtue of a kosher Mikvah and the connection to Matan Torah Washing in rivers and seas in lieu of immersing in a Mikvah The Tahara of a spring that is flowing specifically ‘Eid echad neman b'issurin” (עד א' נאמן באיסורין) (a single witness is believed in non-monetary cases). Explanation of the Kesef Mishnah end of Perek 6 of Hilchot Avot haTuma’ah that the Tahara of the person immersing is when they go out of the Mikvah Whether tooth fillings are a Chatzizah/barrier for Tevilah Tevilah in a Mikvah with a cloth in the ear Necessity for alacrity regarding family purity Necessity for education in Family Purity Rectification for stumbling in Family Purity Exactness in Family Purity () Segulah against children dying (R”L) Acharei 244Adopting children Regarding the son of a Niddah (בן הנדה). If the law of “and to the wife of your people” applies to a woman Kedoshim 245Dearness of the mitzvah of Ahavat Yisroel Haircutting specifically at the age of three and not after Lag B’Omer Not to preface the haircutting before the age of three Not to postpone the haircutting because of the fear of a cold Negation of the custom not to touch the Peyot of the head Not to change the clothing – whether Peyot and a beard are included Reason for growing the beard Negation of the idea that that the beard prevents earning Parnassah Negation of cutting the beard of the father of the bride before the wedding Cutting the moustache Emor 250Debate in the words of the Talmud (Bechorot 41a) regarding “a depression in the fleshy part is considered a blemish” (חרוץ במקום בשר הוי מומא) and the Rabbeinu Gershom there and the law of Nega’im that it must be deeper that the shade (עמוק מן הצל) Lag B’Omer 251Letter to Jewish children – 5747: arranging the parade on Lag B’Omer Letter to the parents and teachers – 5747; ditto General letter – 5749 Increasing in Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Chassadim Behar 257Selling land (on Shmittah) temporarily in relation to trees Negation of travelling to Eretz Yisroel in a Jewish ship because of the concern of the desecration of Shabbat Bechukotai 260Fulfilling Mitzvot is the way to receive G-d’s blessings Pirkei Avot 260Chapter seven: explanation of “one who learns from his fellow even one letter” Sicha Shabbat Parshat Bechukotai, 22 Iyar 5746Connection of Ahavat Yisroel to the days of Sefirah, and especially to Lag B’Omer and the Rashbi Directive concerning arranging farbrengens on Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan mSichas Acharon Shel Pesach ( and the farbrengen after this) 5744Enactment to study sefer Yad Hachazaka of Rambam by all Yisroel in three manners: three chapters a day, one chapter a day and sefer HaMitzvot IndexesIndex of topics 281 Index of verses 298 Index of statement of the sages 309 Index of sefarim 321
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