Vol 17.40 - Hosafot - Supplement Spanish French Audio Video |
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Translation: Vayikra 421 Schechitah in Avodat HaAdam A Shochet must be G-d fearing. Shaking hands regarding a Shochet for the purposes of command and control Caution from leniencies in Schechitah Integrity of Bnei Yisroel Nisan 422 Blessing of the trees according to the Alter Rebbe’s view Beis Nissan 423 Letter for farbrengen on the day of the Hilulah Day of the beginning of the Nesiut/leadership of the Rebbe Rayatz. Connection to educational institute Beis Rivkah and girls’ education Tzav 426 Debate in the words of the Tzemach Tzedek (Responsa Shaar haMiluim Chiddushim to tractate Pesachim) Mizmor l’Todah on Erev Pesach Debate in the law of reciting Parshat korban Todah for one who experienced a miracle Custom to recite verses of private Korbanot Yud Alef Nissan 428 Blessing of Yud-Alef Nisan 5722, 5736-5739 Letter to children in connection with the seventieth year Letter of 5739 Erev Pesach 434 Time for Bedikat Chometz for one praying the Arvit prayer alone Telegrams to for Chag HaPesach 5739, 5749 Passover 435 General letter -5739 Korban Pesach - private korban and communal korban – Achdus Yisroel. “Its head with its legs and with its innards” – unity of all parts of the community. Through “Pesach“ (an expression of skipping) from the boundaries that separate Bnei Yisroel General letter – Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5740. The occurrence of Chag HaPesach on Tuesday – the day that ‘tov’ was recited twice. Connection of “good for heaven and good for created beings” in all its areas and aspects Continuation: letter for Yud-Alef Nissan 5740. The connection of “good for heaven and good for created beings” to the Shmittah year and the beginning of the year on the day of Shabbat Notes in the Haggadah Shel Pesach The name “Shabbat haGadol” Explanation of “next year in the land of Israel” “free men” “meroriim” in the plural, and “maror” in the singular. Time of the brit Mila of Yisroel before the offering of the korban Pesach Matzah that is older than twelve months Telegram to Tzeirei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel – 5714 Words of farewell (דHברי פרידה) to the students departing for Chag HaPesach The preface to the first Pesach – Parah Adumah Mivtza Matzah in Kfar Chabad True freedom Guidance and Chinuch of children Aspect of burning the Chometz Aspect of Yetzias Mitzrayim – and the lesson for the aspect of Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim As aforementioned in connection to the institute Oholei Torah Influence of Chag HaPesach on the following days The days between Pesach and Atzeret Blessing at the time of the conducting of the Seder 5739 – to the students of Tomchei Tmimim, to the male emigres from Persia, to the female emigres from Persia, to the emigres from Russia in Russian, the students of Machon Chana, to the emigres from Persia Days of Sefirah 466 Law for one who is in doubt if he counted Sefirat HaOmer Alacrity in the time of counting for those who pray Arvit while still day Sefirat HaOmer for one crossing the International Date Line during Sefirah Lesson from the nusach “today is two days etc.” (היום שני ימים) and not “the second day” (יום שני) Shemini 468 Alacrity in Cholov Yisroel Law of frozen meat Pirkei Avot 469 Explanation of “establish many students” (והעמידו תלמידים הרבה) Iyar 469 Segulah of the month of spring (Ziv) where the brilliant ones of the world (the patriarchs - שבו נולדו זיותני עולם) were born Tazria 470 Opening the ark by the husband during pregnancy Alacrity in the laws of Niddah Segulah for having children - Alacrity in the laws of Niddah Aspects of adoption Using a contraceptive sponge (מוך) when the health of the mother is at stake Testing the semen of the husband Birth after a caesarean birth Caution in delaying the fulfillment of bris Mila Explanation of the Maamer “Zachor Havaya” in the Sefer Maamarim Yiddish regarding three things that depict the dearness of the body – Taharat Mishpacha, Mila and Pikuach nefesh Adding a name to a sick person which is the name of her sister Naming a child with the same name as that of a living father or grandfather Metzora 475 Contradiction between the Toseftah Zavim, beginning of chapter 3 (according to the Gra's commentary) and the Talmud Niddah (42a) in the law of a Niddah and Zavah. Explanation of the explanation of the Rash Zavim chap. 4 Mishnah 7 in the difference between a Zavah and a Zav Constructing a Mikvah according to the regulations of the Rebbe Rashab As above – The Halacha is according to the Rabbi of the community -“in the place of Rav the Halacha is like Rav” (באתרא דרב הלכה כרב) Aspect of a chamber on top of a chamber (בור על גבי בור) - a Hiddur of a Hiddur (הידור מן ההידור) Like the days of Chanukah A chamber of Zeriah and a chamber of Hashaka (בור זריעה ובור השקה) The law of nylon and plastic regarding impurity Virtue of three chambers, cleaning the Mikvah from above Necessity of repairing a Mikvah and that it supersedes the building of a Beit Knesset Debate in many of the particulars of the laws of repairing a Mikvah Aspect of immersing for purity (טבילה לטהרה) Necessity to construct a Mikvah in places where conduct according to Torah is lacking Comments to the Responsa of the Tzemach Tzedek in the matters of Mikvah Tevilah of Ezra (טבילת עזרא) is not harmful to health Rectification for the sins of the youth - inattention Comments on the Me’iri on Mikvah’s for health Acharei 484 The reason for the prefacing of Parshat Acharei (in the law of a Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur) to Parshat Emor (the laws of the kohanim every day), and the lesson regarding the virtue of the institution Oholei Torah The shock of the thought of studying in college, especially for a Shliach of the Rebbe Negation of the thought of studying in a university in order to improve one’s livelihood Explanation of Tanya chap. 24 in that Pikuach nefesh overrides other sins and also the concept of transgressing in order not to be killed (יעבור ואל יהרג) that it is a biblical decree (gezeirat haKatuv -גזירת הכתוב) Kedoshim 492 Comment of Tzafnat Paneach on Rambam Hilchot De’ot 7:4 Prohibition of speaking lashon hara on oneself Aspect of Mashpiim and Ahavat Yisroel; connection to Parshat Vayakhel Aspect of Ahavat Yisroel Virtue and necessity in the caution of touching the beard A Shidduch must not be dependent on one’s touching the beard Necessity of engraving words of Torah in one’s brain Advice for foreign thoughts () advice for one whose worship of God is not for its own sake () Emor 502 Emor and v’Emarta (you shall say) - To adjure the adults on the children and the connection to educational institution Oholei Torah Debate concerning prostate surgery Israeli in the diaspora with regard to the second day of Yom Tov in the diaspora (יו״ט שני של גליות) Making a drawing on Chol haMo’ed Lag B’Omer 505 An auspicious day to strengthen all aspects of Mivtzaim Lesson from the Mesirat Nefesh of the Rashbi and the lesson in the aspect of Chinuch Lag B'Omer or La'Omer Connection of Lag B'Omer to Chassidut Chabad Reason that it does not say Ziy”a (may his merit protect us - זי־ע) of the Rashbi in the letter of Lag B'Omer 5735 Farbrengens on Lag B'Omer Virtue of the holy city of Tzfat Debate and explanation of the introduction to Tanya, Shaar haYichud vhaEmunah and Iggeret haTeshuvah Behar 520 Alacrity in the laws of Shmittah in the holy land Great merit for those that keep Shmittah Question to the Rogotchover Gaon regarding the law of hefkar on the Yovel Explanation of Pirush HaMishnayot Niddah that a woman precedes a man with regard to attaining the age of legal majority in the case of vows, regardless of mental capacity (Onat Nedarim). Bechukotai 522 Fulfillment of Mitzvot must not be in order to receive reward, but in order for one to fulfill them properly, there must be the prevention of worries - connection to Jewish women and girls Debate in the Sicha of the Rebbe Rashab that the Alter Rebbe innovated that according to the view of Rambam a "mortally ill" person (goseis) is considered dead Aspect of “nor shall he offer a substitute for it (a tithed animal) (״ולא ימירנו״) in Avodat HaAdam – but rather one must fulfill the Shlichus that was placed on him. |
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