Vol 16.56 - Hosafot - Supplement Spanish French Audio Video |
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Translation: Shmot 491Debate if Messiah is greater than Moses Explanation of the words of Sefer "Ma'arechet Elokut" that the Ein-Sof (the Infinite aspect of G-d) is not alluded to in the Torah where etc. The difference between the names Ab, Sag Mah and the Name Ban
Chof Dalet Tevet 494Learning from the directives of the Alter Rebbe (Baal Hillula) to Chabad girls
Va’era 495Explanation of Rashi "Va’era - I appeared to the Patriarchs" and the lessons regarding Chinuch and especially education of girls
Bo 497Resolution of the question of R' Yosef Korkus on the Kesef Mishneh (Hil. Bikkurim 12:6) regarding the time of thirty Days for Pidyon HaBen Measurement of Atzbayim al Atzbayim (2 thumb widths) for Tefilin Barrier (chatzitzah) of air between the Tefilah Shel Rosh and the head Explanation of the commandment of Tefilin in the Sefer "Eleh HaMitzvot" authored by R'Moshe Chagiz (commandment 378) Reason for the necessity of the "Tefilin Campaign" (Mivtza Tefilin) even after the conclusion of the war in the Holy Land Necessity and the Virtue of "Mivtza Tefilin" Virtue of the commandment of Tefilin and in particular for the military; Debate in the form of the (Torah) letters in Ktav Chabad (style) e.g. Tet and Tzaddik Proper manner of Tefilin Checking Teachers in girls' schools - resemble Moses and Aaron
Yud Shvat 503Self-sacrifice of the Rebbe Rayatz (Baal Hilula) for Chinuch and spreading Judaism A Tzaddik, after his passing, is found in this world, even more than when he was alive ( ״אשתכח בהאי עלמא יתיר מבחיוהי״ ) Conducting the marking of the memorial in schools according to the age of the students Virtue of the Ohel (gravesite) of the Tzaddik of the generation Proper preparation for the day of the hillula and in particular when it occurs on Shabbat Shira Merit of the Rebbe Rayatz stands for those that occupy themselves in his matters ״הנוטל פרוטה מאיוב מתברך״ - accepting a coin from Iyov (tzaddik) Studying Chitas (שיעורי חת״ת) the Torah of the Baal hillula Blessings of the Baal hillula with regards to Kfar Chabad Time of contemplating the work of the Baal hillula and the resolution to deal in this Connection of the Baal hillula and his Avodah with the aspect of Purim Auspicious time for learning and Chinuch Virtue of the institution - Beis Rivkah" Virtue of the Lubavitch School (London) Telegrams for Yud Shvat - 5738- 5740
Beshalach 513Debate in the saying of the Sages: ״אין מרובע מששת ימי בראשית־ (square creations) and Explanation of Mechilta (Beg. Parshat Beshalach on the verse ״וישובו ויחנו לפני פי החירות״ "And they camped in front of the Pi HaChirot" Virtue of the aspect of song and the manner of introducing and producing Chabad tunes in our times Notes to the writings of the Tzemach Tzedek (Or HaTorah Nach page 360) on the verse: ״כל המחלה אשר שמתי במצרים לא אשים עליך" (Every disease that I placed on Egypt, I will not put on you) - many levels in healing Eating and drinking in the World to Come; status of the body that will arise at the resurrection of the dead (Techiyat HaMeisim) Souls who have been reincarnated several times - which body will they rise in at Techiyat HaMeisim Prohibition of scheduling a medical procedure three days before Sabbath Nature of the obligation of ״לחם משנה״ (bread on Shabbat) Shabbat is a time of pleasure (Oneg) not happiness (Simcha) Mitzvah of repairng Eruvin (Shabbat ritual enclosures) Twenty six hours of Shabbat Necessity of eating the Shabbat day meal with family members (in addition to the farbrengen in shul) Conducting "Seudat Shlishit" for the high school students Blessing to the organizers of Seudat Shlishit for Tomchei Tmimim Montreal Virtue of Mesibos Shabbos (Shabbat gatherings for children) Virtue of "Melaveh Malka" meal and its effect on the coming week Keeping Shabbat in a place where the day (and night) is more that twenty-four hours Debate in Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch (Hil. Shabbat 357:1) concerning pouring water in a private domain that flows into the public domain
Tu B'shvat 529General learning from the three aspects of a tree - growth, producing fruit, fruit that will produce fruit - regarding man who is likened to a tree (Debate in the words of Rambam concerning parables in Torah The views - ״לשיטתו״ - of Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai if potential ( ״בכח״ ) is greater or whether actuality ( ״בפועל״ ) is greater does NOT apply to all the laws of the Torah
Yitro 533Siyum of tractate Kiddushin: The difference between the wording of the saying of R' Nehorai: ״מניח אני כל אומנות כוי״ (I abandon every trade) in the Mishnah and the Beraita; Three ways to study Torah: 1) To making a living - is prohibited 2) for its own sake as well as for a living - is allowed 3) for its own sake and that work will be done by others - special individuals; Explanation of the aspects in Pnimiyut Knowledge of the existence of G-d in a positive or negative manner Difference between the acceptance of Torah - and to distinguish - other religions: Reason that it is impossible to change the regulations of the Sages (תקנות חז״ל) The holiness of the letters of the Torah All Yisroel are believers Virtue of citing sources in a book: The part related with the emotion comes about through the author living in accordance with the spirit of the Torah The lack of integrity in many "keepers of the faith" (שומרי מסורה״) must bring an awakening of hidden strengths The deed is primary (in our time one must specifically go from physical Judaism to spiritual Judaism (בזמננו צ״ל הליכה מיהדות הגוף ליהדות הנפש דוקא) Virtue of creating a compendium of Chabad Chassidic subjects (ערכי חסידות חב״ד) according to the alphabet and this will certainly influence the author to act accordingly Necessity of protesting against the adverse events in Eretz Yisroel which arise from general victories Virtue of citing sources: Vigilance not to place in books about Gedolei Yisroel people who oppose each other Vigilance against printing scribal Torah letters Test to know if something comes from the "Yetzer" is if one has remorse afterwards All those who deviated from the accepted (Jewish) way in the history of Yisroel ultimately did not have any remnant Negation of making compromises: If the relationship between the Nations and their seventy supernal angels is like the partnership of a father and son Priority of the Jewish people - spirituality; those who think that path to this is primary and a replacement cause disastrous results Youth will shame their elders ( נערים פני זקנים ילבינו) - can be utilized for good Nullifying doubts in faith Story of the Tzemach Tzedek concernng doubts in faith How to behave with those who wish to destroy Jewish affairs The connection to missionaries The world is not lawless and therefore there must be faith etc. and the proof is from science Even though one must avoid controversy - one must be careful not to quote or mention one who can cause "drinking bad waters (״שתיית מים הרעים״) Gratitude to an enticer to idolatry (מסית) for his teaching is not applicable How to respond to war against Judaism in the Holy Land A Mitzvah that is unable to be accomplished by others supersedes Talmud Torah The concept "Jewish consciousness" תודעה ישראלית״" and the danger involved Encouragement to a Baal Teshuvah The role of rabbis in our time The connection to tests and difficulties "Why does the way of evildoers succeed" (״מדוע דרך רשעים צלחה״) Nullification of cloaking and concealment through sacrifice and dedication etc. Dissemination of Judaism in Spain Holy community (״קהילה קדישא״) - is associated with the sanctity of the Torah The vessel and conduit for blessings - is Torah and Mitzvot, especially with one who came from the Holy Land The characteristic of trust/ bitachon Siyum of a Sefer Torah of a Yeshiva Methods of learning the Oral Torah Negation of using the term "Must" (הכרח) regarding G-d The cantillations of Tanach Aspect of the punctuations ( הנקודות) according to Kabballah Free choice for the Nations Writing the secular date Regarding marriage and Talmud Torah there is no obligation to obey one's father The nusach "For we were chosen" (״כי בנו בחרת״ ) in Kiddush Kiddush over wine at the seventh hour Tzedaka before lighting the Shabbat candles Time to light the Shabbat candles Girls lighting Shabbat candles before their wedding Nusach of the blessing - ״של שבת קודש״ Prayer before lighting the Shabbat candles When depicting the Shabbat candles - add a small candle signifying the daughter's
Mishpatim 580"And He shall surely heal"( "ורפא ירפא") - together with trust Physical health associated with spiritual health Adding in Torah study - a segulah for healing Doctors are only messengers and one must keep Family Purity (Taharat HaMishpacha) "Permission was given to a doctor to heal" ( ״רשות לרופא לרפאות־) - but not to burden the heart If one goes to the hospital one should take advantage of it to spread Judaism etc. Spiritual health affects physical health An infirm person does not need to employ his intellect in medical matters but rather to just fulfill the doctor’s orders Blessing for health: Chitas study Negating the aspect of fasting Negating depression and dejection Explicitly following the doctor's orders Participation in the work of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad (Tzach) adds to physical health Establishing Chinuch institutions - a segulah for health Keeping a promise that one made when infirm Blessing for health; Chitas study Reciting five psalms in order for the betterment of ones mother's health Segulah for health of one's feet - knowing Shaar HaYichud V'HaEmunah by heart and giving Tzedaka Delaying an operation dependent on a doctor Carefulness to perform treatments in a manner that is permitted according to Shulchan Aruch Examining a woman who has not become pregnant X-rays ( קרני ״רענטגען״") Radium treatments for children Learning the aspects of Gemach from a leap year that is complete Gemach and the month of Adar Gemach in a leap year which is the completion of a minor cycle (מחזור קטן) that that started on a Tuesday where "good" was doubled (Debate in the source of the saying in Iggeret HaKodesh (end of chap. 9) that "Yisroel will only be redeemed through Tzedaka ( ״אין ישראל נגאלין אלא בצדקה״) ) Virtue of a Gemach Founding the Keren Gemach in Nachalat Har Chabad for immigrants from Russia Telegram to the Shluchim in the Holy Land - 5746
Adar 602Lesson from a leap year in conjunction with the method of Chinuch in a Yeshiva Time of a Bar Mitzvah for who was born in a leap year is omitted in the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch Lesson from a leap year in conjunction with the method of Chinuch in a Yeshiva Joy and faith in Divine Providence
Terumah 606Virtue of Jewish women and girls in the construction of the Mishkan Israel and the lesson regarding Jewish school for girls "A living being carries itself" (״החי נושא את עצמו") - the allusion in it Laying of the cornerstone for Shikun Chabad in Jerusalem (debate in the aspect of "Laying of the cornerstone") Virtue of a Beit Knesset where everyone is a united group ( ״אגודה אחת״ ) Beit Knesset "Nusach Ari", "Tzemach Tzedek and "Lubavitch" Virtue of peace between worshipers in a Beit Knesset Manner of conduct for a Gabai in a Chabad Beit Knesset Negation of a "World Council of synagogues" Mechitzah in a Beit Knesset Necessity of the Bimah being in the center of the Beit Knesset and the debate in this Bringing a seeing-eye dog into a Beit Knesset The power and merit of a Gabai After an undesirable event in the Building of a yeshiva - After a fire one becomes wealthy" (״אחרי שריפה מתעשרים״)
Tetzaveh 618Explanation of the saying of the Rebbe Rashab "The Rebbe makes the Kohen Gadol" ( ״דעם כהן גדול מ!*בט דער רבי־)
Purim 619Encouragement for the Purim campaign ("Mivtza Purim") Increase of children in Torah study and charity in proximity to Purim Establishing Gemach’s through school students Aspect of eradicating the memory of Amalek in Avodat HaAdam Preparation for the Purim campaign ("Mivtza Purim"); gatherings for Torah, prayer and charity Lesson from the days of Purim for the necessity of Kosher Chinuch Lesson from the conduct of Mordechai for the aspect of Mesirat Nefesh Virtue of charity work (Matanot l'Evyonim") in our generation Virtue and necessity for the aspect of joy Bringing close youth Lesson for women from the saying of Esther to Mordecai "Go gather etc." Telegrams for Purim - 5735 – 5740
Vayakhel 639Teaching from Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei for the manner of management of a Yeshiva: Knowing the instructions of G-d, fulfilling them, providing an accounting Prohibition of traveling on a Jewish ship on Shabbat Questions in the verse Vayakhel 35;12 ( This is the partition) and Rashi's commentary there
Pekudei 645Teaching from Parshat Pekudei for the aspect of the virtue of the Beis Rivkah school
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