
Vol 16.49 - Vayakhel 2                       Spanish French Audio  Video

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(5736) Two aspects of the Mishkan - "resting of the Divine Presence" and a "place of Torah" (Shemot Rabbah 50:2); Siyum Tractate Chagigah (27a): "R. Abbahu said that R. Eleazar said: The fire of Gehinnom has no power over the Scholars. etc  Resh Lakish said. The fire of Gehinnom has no power over the transgressors of Israel etc"

Explanation of the difference between the boundary of Torah and the boundary of Mitzvot

Chagigah (27a):

R. Abbahu said that R. Eleazar said: The fire of Gehinnom has no power over the Scholars. It is an ad majus conclusion [to be drawn] from the salamander. If now [in the case of] the salamander, which is [only] an offspring of fire, he who anoints himself with its blood is not affected by fire, how much more so the Scholars, whose whole body is fire, for it is written: Is not My word like as fire? saith the Lord. Resh Lakish said. The fire of Gehinnom has no power over the transgressors of Israel. It is an ad majus conclusion [to be drawn] from the altar of gold. If the altar of gold, on which there is only a denar thickness of gold, is not affected through so many years by the fire, how much less so the transgressors of Israel, who are full of good deeds as a pomegranate [is of seeds]; for it is written, Thy temples are like a pomegranate split open. Read not ‘thy temples’ [rakkathek] but ‘thy worthless ones’ [rekanim shebak].





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