Vol 14.25 - Hosafot - Supplement Spanish French Audio Video |
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Translation: 5 Menachem Av 173-184M’Sichas Shabbat P’ Devarim 5735 173-178Siyum Tractate Berachot and Tractate Moed Katan and the differences between them according to the Arizal, the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe. M’Sichas Chof Menachem Av 5735 179-184Two versions in the statement of the Sages ( End of Tractate Berachot and end of Tractate Moed Katan), “Torah Scholars have no rest etc.” or “Tzadikim have no rest etc.” 9 Menachem Av 185Tisha b’Av that occurs on Shabbat. Source of Rambam Hilchot Taanit 5:8 Va’ethanan 186-205Sichas 11 Menachem Av 5738 – To children of Summer Camps 186-195Rectification of the cause of the fast of Tisha b’Av, especially through Jewish Children;
Sichas 27 Menachem Av 5738 – To students of camp “Emunah” 195-199
Letters 200-205Necessity to guard one’s health. Resolution of the Minhag of the inhabitants of Yerushalayim not to be careful regarding water that has been left overnight in a metal vessel; and the explanation of the Alter Rebbe, Hilchot Nizkei Guf vNefesh end of Chapter 7. Place for affixing a Mezuzah in a balcony (gezuztra). Regarding the occurrences in Uganda in the summer of 5736 – guarding a house through a Mezuzah and the connection to women. Explanation for that which a newborn is attributed to the mother. Tu B’Av 206-207Increasing in Torah study. Chof Menachem Av 208-210Increasing in Mivtzaim. To the inauguration of the Synagogue for the immigrants of Gruzia in Lod Ekev 211Reciting Retzei and Yaaleh v’Yavo in Birkat HaMazon when the Yom Tov feast extends into Shabbat. The Holy Land 211-222Proper preparation when travelling to Eretz Yisroel. Reg leaving one’s place of guidance () etc. in order to travel to Eretz Yisroel. To the emissaries to Safed – 5737. The necessity to increase in the holiness of the body in Eretz Yisroel. The necessity of Education; schools in Eretz Yisroel. The virtue of Yerushalayim in Eretz Yisroel. Travelling on a Jewish ship on Shabbat. To the immigrants and settlers in Nachalat Har Chabad. Strengthening the spreading of Judaism and the wellsprings of Chassidut. Founding of “Agudat Nachalat Har Chabad“. Setting the cornerstone of Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim in Kfar Chabad. Prayer 223-235Debate in the view of the Alter Rebbe whether prayer is Biblical. Whether intent prevents fulfilling the obligation of prayer. The Nusach of the Shehecheyanu blessing. The necessity to pray at length. The Avodah of prayer, even for a simple person. Service of the Heart (prayer) is relevant to everyone. When is it better to pray, when one is awake all night. Regarding an interruption of prayer (הפסקה) with words of Yiddish etc. When the Tzibbur prays with Nusach Ashkenaz, if it is possible for the Prayer Leader (הש״ץ) to pray with Nusach Arizal. Regarding the minhag to say at the end of the Amidah, the verse that begins and ends like one’s name. The source and order of the “verse” - “Hashem Melech, Hashem Malach, Hashem Yimloch”. If a majority of a Minyan is sufficient. Whether it is permitted for a mourner to live, for the sake of his livelihood, in a place where there is no Minyan. Reciting Kaddish through a grandchild, when the mourner is, in any event, reciting Kaddish A father reciting Kaddish for his infant son. Calculating the day of the Yahrzeit. The obligation and virtue of reciting the Kaddishim after Kaddish Tiskabel, in a place where there is no-one who is obligated to recite Kaddish. The Minhag that on the day when one recites Yizkor, to get an Aliya l’Torah, on that day. Reading Vayechal on a fast day. Regarding drawings on the prayer lectern (העמוד). Foreign thoughts during prayer. Distraction (פיזור הנפש). How to get enthusiastic about study and prayer; Foreign thoughts; Bad thoughts. Carefulness with health; It is better to eat to pray, etc. Torah 236-237The reason that Rambam begins Hilchot Talmud Torah with exemptions from Talmud Torah. Virtue of studying Halachot that are necessary. Explanation of what is written in Likkutei Torah Parshat Kedoshim regarding remembering the Written Torah. Whether Pnimiyut HaTorah is a part of the “third” of Talmud or the “third” of Chumash (מקרא). Hiskashrus – Connection 237-247Concerning “ma’mad” (contributions to the Rebbe’s household) and the spreading of the wellsprings of Chassidut. Necessity of carrying out the mission of the Nasi. Livelihood and the kingship of the house of David are equal to one another (Iggeret HaKodesh 22), as well as spiritual livelihood; Necessity of carrying out the Nasi's mission. Strengthening the institutions of the Rebbe. Three levels of Hiskashrus. The responsibility placed on those connected to the Rebbe since he is their head. Saying words of morality (דברי מוסר) through the power of the sender (המשלח). Faith (in a Tzaddik) is a Segulah for one who has ailments of the feet. Directives to a group that came from Eretz Yisroel for Tishrei 5721. Re’eh 248-260M’Sichas Shabbat P’ Re’eh 5735 248-251"Behold, I set before you . . a blessing” - in the month of Av through "And all your children shall be disciples of the L-rd" (Haftarah). The virtue of education. Letters 252-260Regarding Sefer HaTechuna (Astronomy) from R’ Chaim Vital; Human involvement of a child, regarding Idol worship (תפיסת יד קטן בע"ז). Negation of depression due to hardships, etc.; General instruction from the art of painting in Avodat HaShem. “Everything that G-d does, is for the good”. Not to be affected from tests. Regarding the law of an animal from an Ir HaNidachas (an Apostate City) that one transgressed and consecrated it ( Tosafot - תוד"ה למעוטי חולין קמ, א) Explanation of the glosses of the Rebbe (Rashab) N”A in Tanya regarding the obligation and observance of permissible and forbidden things; Impure animals in the Future. Elul 261-275Awakening in the education of children in the month of Elul 5733. "Organizing" a gathering for children, for Torah and Tzedakah before Tishrei of the Year of Hakhel (5734). Thank you to the children for fulfilling the above mission. To the communal activists of education – the arrangement for the above gathering The five Mivtzaim and their connection to the month of Elul. Endeavoring to make gatherings for Torah, Prayer and Tzedakah in the Month of Elul (5734) and Tishrei (5735). General Letters – Explanation of the parable of “the King is in the field” and the Psalm: l’David HaShem Ori. To Nshei Chabad - The awakening in Elul Between man and G-d, and between man and his fellow. Explanation of “My light and my Salvation” (אורי וישעי). Utilization of the auspicious days (ימי הרצון) of Elul for the activities of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad. Shoftim 276-300Sichas 2 Elul 5737 - For children of summer camps 276-283
Sichas Day 2 of R”C Elul 5738 - For children of "Gan Yisroel" 284-291
Letters 292-293Lesson from the handing over of the "Key to the City". Explanation of Rambam Hilchot Avodah Zarah (6:9) regarding an “Asherah pole" (אשרה). Military affairs 293-300The responsibility of a soldier to keep Torah and Mitzvot. Everyone who has the ability to influence another is obligated to do so. The main aspect of the army – Kaballat Ol, and the lesson in Avodat HaShem with accepting the yoke of the kingdom of Heaven. Those that enter the military must be stringent in Torah and Mitzvot. Directive to conduct in the military, in the year 5717 (during "Operation Sinai"). Addition in matters of holiness among the people in the army. Regarding Mivtza Tefillin and Mezuzah in the army. Injury in the war – actual Mesirat Nefesh. “One who accepts upon himself the yoke of Torah etc.”. Teitzei 301Explanation of the Maamer “Ani l’Dodi” 5708 regarding “Scripture bases this upon one’s desire” (בחשקו תלה הכתוב). Shidduchim (matchmaking) matters 302-309The characteristic of faith regarding matchmaking. Regarding the manner of choosing shidduchim. Regarding the time between the engagement and the wedding. The time for determining the wedding in the month of Tammuz or Av; Place of residence. Two aspects in witnesses, as well as in Jewish testimony, "You are my witnesses". The foundation of married life - on the foundations of the Torah and Mitzvot. A great marriage in spirituality through reducing a waste of money. The shock that there is mixed dancing at a wedding. The manner of Birkat HaMazon when there are ten persons at the wedding. The time of the wedding - appropriate to a change in conduct for the better. 15th Elul – Chai Elul 310-346M’Sichas Chai Elul 5737 310-314Eighty years since the founding of Tomchei Tmimim. The number eighty alludes to the connection of the regular letter Mem and the final letter Mem (פ ם) – Niglah and Pnimiyut. The practical lesson. M’Sichas Acharon shel Pesach 5736 314-324The connection of the Maamer: “'מלכא ומלכתא הוו יתבי כו” to the founding of Tomchei Tmimim. The connection between Torah and Mivtzaim. M’Sichas Day 2 R”C Mar-Cheshvan 5730 325-329The journey on Shlichut to a yeshiva in a distant country - like the general descent of the soul into the body to reveal the virtue of the "son of the king" even in a distant place, etc. Sichot 330-339To emissaries to Australia, the Holy Land and France, regarding the yeshiva in New Haven and other yeshivot. Letters 340-346Students in a faraway place – Shluchim. Regarding the travelling of the students of yeshivot from the Holy Land to the U.S. The virtue of Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim – “lamplighters” (נרות להאיר). Merit of interacting with students Tomchei Tmimim (“Tmimim”). The Avodah of our generation, of the Tmimim. The “alumnae” of Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim. Studying in Tomchei Tmimim, even for a short time, has an everlasting effect. Damage from the Avodah of fasting. Coordinating the schedule of the Yeshivah and spreading wellsprings (Hafatza) in accordance with the directives of the administration. Chai Elul 347-354Essence of the Avodah of Chai Elul, and three Selichot that were revealed specifically in our generation. Vitality in all aspects of Elul, like the acronyms that it contains. Encouragement to the Avodah of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad in the Holy Land. The Avodah of the Baal Shem Tov – uniting spirituality and physicality. Answer to the advice regarding coming to the Holy Land. Bringing vitality into the aspects of Elul. Encouragement for the new school year from the birth of the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe. Questions regarding the history of the Nesi’im (Chabad Rebbe’s); The birth year of the Alter Rebbe. Tavo 355-360Advice on how attain joy. Necessity of eliminating depression and bitterness (מרה שחורה). Instead of a broken and crushed heart, there must be joy, gratitude and faith. Negation of depression in the Avodah of Hafatza (spreading Chassidut). The source of depression is the Yetzer Hara. Many details in the virtue of faith and Joy. Nitzavim 361-363Explanation of the Maamer: “כה אמר ה' -תש"ג” regarding the rectification of the defect not fulfilling a Positive Command, through Teshuvah. Debate in the aspect of "In a place where Baalei Teshuvah stand, even complete Tzadikim etc.” - the source and Halachic ruling. Rosh Hashanah 364-379The wording of the blessing after the reading of the Pan Klali (Communal Pidyon Nefesh – supplication to one’s Rebbe to intercede in prayer on his behalf) of the years 5732-5738. Encouragement for the Mivtza of Neirot Shabbat Kodesh before Rosh Hashanah (that occurs on Shabbat). M’Sichas Day 2 of Rosh Hashanah and Shabbat Shuva 5738 369-373Necessity and virtue of collecting funds (similar to Maot Chitim) for the holidays of the month of Tishrei. Letters 374-379In every synagogue there should be Torah lessons and a Gemach fund. Strengthening the commitment to the Nasi and head of the generation on Rosh Hashanah. The virtue of Rosh Hashanah that occurs on Shabbat. As above; The aspect of "for the day that is completely long" (ליום שכולו ארוך). Vitality of worlds on Rosh Hashanah that occurs on Shabbat. Source of the Nusach of the blessing: "to light the candle of Shabbat Kodesh" (להדליק נר של שבת קודש) and the text of the blessing for lighting candles on Rosh Hashanah. Haircut for a three-year old whose birthday occurs on Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah and its prayers – a general aspect for the whole year. The coronation of Rosh Hashanah by the souls of Bnei Yisroel who are kings. Explanation of Derech Mitzvotecha (מצות נ"ח פ"ב ) regarding "תתן אמת ליעקב", and its relation to “תיקון ואמת” (of Moshe). Aseret Yemei Teshuvah 380-383Aseret Yemei Teshuvah – Teshuvah Ilaah (“higher-level repentance”); The help for this is through connecting with the Nasi of the generation. Theme and Avodah of these days. Regarding Selichot on Aseret Yemei Teshuvah. Selichot of Tzom Gedalia. Yom Kippurim 384-399Wordings of the blessings of Erev Yom Kippur (after Mincha, and to the students before Kol Nidrei) of the years: 5723, 5732-5738. After Yom Kippurim 400"Now especially one needs to do Teshuvah". 13th day of Tishrei 401-414Sichat 13th day of Tishrei 5734 401-411
Letter 412-414For the 20th conference of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad. Chag HaSukkot 415- 417Sichot when handing over the Etrog to Kfar Chabad, etc. – of the years: 5733, 5736-5738 Sichat Shabbat Chol HaMo’ed Sukkot 5734 418-430
M’Sichas Night of Erev Chag HaSukkot 5736 431-432Eliminating the possibility of harming the completeness of the Land (שלימות הארץ) through increasing in the joy of the holiday; Travelling to towns with Jewish representatives of many countries. Letters 440-441Joy of Sukkot is also present even in a condition of rain that prevents sitting in the Sukkah Sichat Day 3 Chol HaMo’ed Sukkot 5737 – to the students of Sha”loh 433-439
Letters 440-441The Avodah of Chag HaSukkot -remembering the exodus from Egypt. Departure from measure and boundary (ממדידה והגבלה). Mivtza Arba Minim. Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah 442-445From the joy of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, it is drawn throughout the year. Speech on the night of Shemini Atzeret 5737 before the fifth Hakafah - Hakafot by the Levites in the place of Hakafot in the city of Chevron. Speech on the night of Simchat Torah 5737 before the fifth Hakafah – Hakafot by military personnel. General Letters for Rosh Hashana 5736-5738 449-480Chai Elul 5735 449-453Vav Tishrei 5736 454-457Chai Elul 5736 458-460The days of Selichot 5736 461-464Vav Tishrei 5737 465-46813th of Tishrei, evening of the 14th – Erev l Chag HaSukkot 5737 469-472Chai Elul 5737 473-476Vav Tishrei 5738 477-480 |
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