
Vol 11.25 - Hosafot - Supplement               Spanish French Audio  Video

Hebrew Text:




Shmot 191

From the conduct of the “Hebrew midwives” one can learn regarding the conduct of the students of Beis Rivka”


Chof Dalet Tevet 192

Auspicious day to make good resolutions, especially for kohanim

Explanation of the wording of the Tzemach Tzedek concerning the passing of the Alter Rebbe “G-d will hasten the coming of our Redeemer” (ה׳ יחיש ביאת גואלנו)

Gathering for the benefit of Tomchei Tmimim – in light of the saying of the Alter Rebbe that Bnei Yisroel make spirituality from physicality

The aforementioned gathering - Ahavat HaShem, Torah and Yisroel

As above – the virtue of the Avodah of Chinuch, and the story of the Tomchei Tmimim regarding this.

Gathering of those who received “Hora’ah” (certification) for Schechitah on Chof Dalet Tevet


Va’eira 198

Role of women in Yetzias Mitzrayim and in our generation

My river is mine and I made it “, alternatively “I made myself“ (יאור לי ואני עשיתי - את יאור ואני עשיתני)


Bo 199

The aspect of “Machar Chodesh” is a hint to our Avodah at the end of Galut

Time for putting on Tefilin without a blessing before the Bar Mitzvah

Organizing a Bar Mitzvah for the Sephardic children in the Holy Land

Beginning of putting on Tefilin two months before the Bar Mitzvah

Scrupulousness in putting on Tefilin each day

Virtue of the “Tefilin campaign” (Mivtza Tefilin) and its protection, especially for those in the army

Source for the ruling of the Alter Rebbe and other sources in the law of the obligation to perform Pidyon HaBen


Yud Shvat 204

Words of the Rebbe Rayatz concerning his father, that he did not abandon his flock, are applicable also to him

Hiskashrut even after the passing, through studying his Torah etc.

Love and Achdus draw the power to fulfill his will

Awakening after the passing to increase in Avodah etc.

Before going to the Ohel, one does not eat but may drink

Request of the Baal Hilulah that his students be candle lighters.

Continuation of Hiskashrut even after the passing

The segulah of three months after the Histalkus – “yemei havchana” (a distinguishing period)

Primary virtue of the Baal Hilulah - Nasi, who dealt with influencing (hashpa’ah) in all matters

Reason for his custom to say Tachanun on the yahrzeit day of Tzaddikim

Segulah for the day of the Histalkus

Continuation of the trust in the blessings of the Baal Hilulah

His Mesirat Nefesh for the spreading of kosher education

Ending of the saying of Kaddish after eleven months

Strengthening Hiskashrut and the directives for the first yahrzeit occurrence

Segulah for the year of the Histalkus with regard to Hiskashrut, including via participation in the study of the entire Talmud divided among participants (chalukas haShas)

General directive in advance of the first yahrzeit

Specific directives and customs for the first yahrzeit

Concerning the Maamer Basi l’Gani 5710

Debate in many of the statements of the Sages regarding the objection (kapeida) of the Gedolei Yisroel to say a story in their name, after their passing  228

Virtue of printing the sefarim of the Mitteler Rebbe, especially after his passing

“Stand prepared” (“Imdu Hachein”) etc. 223

Blessing to aid one in his Avodat HaKodesh

Concerning the conclusion of the daily Mishnayot, the conclusion of the Kaddish recital and the conclusion of the tractate in approach of the yahrzeit 224

Visiting the grave of one’s father in the year of Aveilut (mourning) for one’s mother 224

Reciting the “ma’aneh lashon” on the graves of one’s parents, and when setting the tombstone

Segulah of the day of the Hilulah for those who were connected to him

Explanation of the phrase “Then the G-d fearing men spoke to one another, and the L-rd hearkened and heard it. And a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared the L-rd and for those who valued His name highly” (אָז נִדְבְּרוּ יִרְאֵי יְהֹוָה אִישׁ אֶל רֵעֵהוּ וַיַּקְשֵׁב יְהֹוָה וַיִּשְׁמָע וַיִּכָּתֵב סֵפֶר זִכָּרוֹן לְפָנָיו לְיִרְאֵי יְהֹוָה וּלְחֹשְׁבֵי שְׁמוֹ)

Farbrengen on the day of the Hilulah 225

An auspicious day (Yom segulah) for those who follow in his path

The beginning of the fifth year after the Hilulah

Directive to Neshei Chabad in approach of the fifth yahrzeit  226

Increasing in spreading Chassidut (Hafatzas haMayanot) the relationship to those that oppose 227

Hints on the day of the Hilulah from the verse “the tenth tribe shall be holy to G-d” 228

Directive to Neshei Chabad in approach of the Hilulah 228

Even when his soul has risen to heaven, he arouses great mercy for those that are connected to him 229

Encouragement to study his Torah

Good resolutions in approach of his day of Hilulah and its power 229

Virtue of Avodah in the Oholei Yosef Yitzchak institution 230

Blessings for successful effect in the institutions of the Baal Hilulah

Virtue of participating in a farbrengen on the day of the Hilulah, and the proof from Niglah from the Kaddish recital

Preparation for the day of the Hilulah

The aspect of opening up the treasure stores in the Maamer Basi l’Gani

The elevation of his soul and its effect on all who are attached to him

The segulah of the day

The precise wording “Mah zaro bachaim” and the lesson for the students of the yeshiva

Explanation of the wording of the Baal Hilulah in his letter concerning his father “The mighty of Yisroel, protectors of the land” (גיבורי ישראל מגיני ארץ)

Collection for the yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim

Strengthening in Teshuvah and good deeds

Day of remembrance and segulah for continuing in his deeds

Virtue of youth

Studying 25 chapters of Mishnayot in honor of the 25th year

Telegrams 5733 5734



Beautification of Mitzvot (התנאה לפניו במצות) according to the view of the Alter Rebbe - is a Biblical commandment

Virtue of women – the song of Miriam and the song of Devorah, the Sicha of the Rebbe Rayatz on this

The Manna descending to all Yisroel, and also according to Pnimiyut HaTorah, its relation to all Yisroel 243

When one fulfills “Lechem Mishneh” (through another), if one is required to also make the HaMotzi blessing

Changing the place of the study of Chassidut; repeating Chassidic discourses (Da’ch) at the time of Seudat Shlishit and not extraneous talk

Opinion of the Alter Rebbe in the Siddur like the view of the Gaonim (not like the Shulchan Aruch that follows the opinion of Rabbeinu Tam)

Explanation of what is written the Responsa of the Tzemach Tzedek (Y.D. 204) in the doubt regarding Nolad that occurred before Shkiat HaChama (dawn)

Debate in the nature of Bein HaShamashot (twilight) and the view of the Alter Rebbe in his Siddur, and whether it is possible to rule contrary to the view of Rabbeinu Tam

Whether the obligations of Shabbat are on the activity itself or the result of the action

Debate in the correct pronunciation in the Torah reading of “Zecher Amalek” and the Maamer of the Alter Rebbe on this.


Yitro 250

“And Yisroel camped” as one person through bitul “at the foot of the mountain” and the special connection to women

Notifying the recipient of the mission. Targum Yonason’s (19:8) answer of the Mechilta’s question - “did Moshe need to take the words of the people back to the L-rd?” is answered 251

Virtue of women “so should you say to the house of Yaakov” and the connection to the Beis Rivka school

As above with regard to the yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim

Great importance of educating girls

Everyone is given the power to complete his Avodah and G-d says to him “I am the L-rd your G-d” in the first person

Example from the Kaballat Ol and dedication of military personnel for Avodat HaShem, and the special connection to the youth of our generation

Extra endeavoring to impart Torah (“Tofeach al menas lehatfiach”) and the lesson of “G-d descended on mount Sinai”

Additional proofs for the tradition (Masoret) of the Avot

Explanation of the image on the “title page” (sha’ar) of “talks and tales” (Sichot l’no’ar), the condition and form of the Luchot, the roundness of the earth, the three pillars  257

Explanation of the “parables” in Torat HaChassidut: the “Sach HaKol” (sum-total), “Ein od milvado” (There in none but Him)

Prohibition of joining organizations that have conservative or reform members 261

As above, organization for Torah classes for youth etc.

The role of rabbis, the negation of compromise  263

Complete negation of compromise

Question of listing the children of intermarriages and “Mihu Yehudi”

The term “chiloni” (secular) is not correct

Proofs for the existence of G-d  274

Continuation – the main thing is a personal accounting (cheshbon haNefesh) concerning one’s status with Yisroel etc.

Simple faith or examination (chakira)

Debate in the words of the Yerushalmi (Berachot 1:5) that “Hashem Echad” corresponds to “You shall not have” 280

Explanation of the words of the Rid (Shabbat 157b) regarding measuring on Shabbat: “I was merely occupying myself but had no intention of actually measuring” (מתעסק אני לשחוק) 280

Increase in blessings through lighting Shabbat candles

Blessing to one who has accepted upon themselves to light Shabbat and Yom tov candles

As above to a girl before Bat Mitzvah

Debate regarding candle lighting of small girls beginning at the age of Chinuch; the conduct of Rivka Imeinu

Debate in the words of the Shulchan Aruch (end of 63:7) “Jewish daughters are accustomed to bless etc. “

The Shehechiyanu blessing for candle lighting at the first time; only one candle for girls; honor and pleasure (kavod v’Oneg) of Shabbat with candle lighting

Scrupulousness not to make Kiddush during the sixth hour (between six and seven)


Mishpatim 291

Aspect of servants of G-d and not servants to servants, Mordechai did not bow, yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim

Mitzvah of Oneh (marital relations) on the night of Nital

Fulfilling doctor’s orders and strengthening spiritual health

Bitachon/Trust and increase in Torah and Mitzvot is a segulah for health

Removing teeth

Bitachon improves health  297

Accepting Torah and Mitzvot is a segulah for health

Virtue of charity to Collel Chabad

Directive and study from eye surgery

Permission from a doctor not to wash (a wound) on Shabbat

Healing together with bitachon

Lesson from a Pharmacy to Avodat HaShem 298

Virtue of a Gemach

Letters for Gemach –

5733. The connection of a Gemach to the year of Shmittah that began on Shabbat –

5734; connection to Hakhel and the love of Yisroel -

5735; kindness – the sustaining of the world

One who objected to receiving sefarim. Debate in the law of the prohibition of pressuring a loaner to pay (אסור לגגוש את הלוה לפרוע) 304

The Torah of the Baal Shem Tov on the verse “when you see a donkey under”

Lesson of a locomotive for Avodat HaShem 306

Second day of Yom tov for a resident of Israel who travels to the diaspora

Source for what is written in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch (128:10) that the Avodah of the firstborn was specifically with the firstborn of the father


Adar 308

Explanation of in Adar “a proclamation regarding the shekel” (משמיעין על השקלים); the preparation for Geulah through Achdut Yisroel and the nullification of Klipot

The month of days of desire (ratzon); a month that transforms (nahpoch)

A month for revealed success, like the innovation of Purim over Chanukah

Letter day 2 of Rosh Chodesh Adar 5733; lesson from the leap year, specifically in the month of Shmittah which began on Shabbat

Explanation of the statement of the Sages (Beitza 15) that “Adar in which it states ‘Adir bamarom HaShem”, why “bamarom” and not “baEretz”, and c.f. also in the section Adar-Nisan


Ninth of Adar 313

“America is not different!”


Terumah 314

Virtue of women in the contribution to the Mishkan

Virtue of women who are tasked with building the individual Mikdash; Tzniut

Reciting Tehillim and Torah classes in the Beit haKnesset

Detailed Explanation on the description of the word “Shechinah” in the saying of the Sages

If it is possible to reconcile the contradiction between the unity of G-d and the existence of the worlds which is like “the place of the Ark did not take up space” (eino min hamiddah); three aspects in the “place of the Ark etc.”


Tetzaveh 320

Coloring letters of the Alef-Beit to aid children. In medieval times (יְמֵי הַבֵּינַיִם)  many sefarim, also Reishit Chochmah (?) were illustrated.


Purim 321

Encouragement in the Purim campaigns on Shabbat Parshat Shekalim

In the Mitzvot of Purim, unity is emphasized, specifically in the Hakhel year

Sicha of Purim 5718; “light (0rah) the source of the Torah, Pnimiyut HaTorah, Tomchei Tmimim, those who go out for the wars of Beit David, would write a Get etc.”; saying of the Mitteler Rebbe “an onion”; aspect of light (orah) in the female tense

Fulfilling the Mitzvah of Purim, without concentration (hesach hada’at) like the Mitzvah of Shichcha (forgotten sheaves) and appointing a Nasi (מצות שכחה, ומינוי לנשיאות)

Purim a term denoting lottery; drawing down from above to below; the lottery from day to day and from month to month – sun and the moon  335

The happiness of Purim is greater than Yom tov and nevertheless work is permitted – even at the time of the work, it was with Mesirat nefesh

Increase in Torah, Yom tov, Mila and Tefilin, specifically the Tefilin campaign

Lesson from the miracle of Purim for the conduct of military personnel in Israel (Mitzvah “to know” or “to believe” in the existence of G-d)

Encouragement for the aspects of Purim and drawing the hearts close

Connection to the conclusion of tractate Sukkah with the days that follow Purim

“Orah” and not “Or”

Mesirat nefesh of Yisroel in the time of the miracle of Purim

“They fulfilled that which they accepted” and through happiness

One’s son-in-law is like his son – the differences between them, and the two virtues between Yisroel and G-d and the connection to Purim

What was the decree that cause Esther to be taken to the palace of Achashverosh; the aspect of the fasting of Esther’s maidens

Shehechiyanu on the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot

Lesson from Maamer v’Kibail haYehudim 5687 in the aspect of Mesirat nefesh for Chinuch


Tisa 347

Source for what is written in Likkutei Torah (Bamidbar 11:1) that in the Mishkan of Moshe the heavenly fire did not descend in the form of a lion

Notes on the letter in the aspect whether Pikuach nefesh is a deferment (דוחה) or whether it is permitted (הותרה) according to the view of Rambam, and others  350

Explanation of the Mechilta’s example in Parshat Tisa (Ex. 31:14) concerning the desecration of Shabbat to avert an attack on Eretz Yisroel (הואיל וחללנו מקצתה נחלל את כלה ת״ל מחלליה מות יומת אפילו כהרף עין). Explanation of the Responsa of the Torat Chesed in the Mechilta


Vayakhel 351

Lighting a fire does not contain any effort in our time and also in G-d’s deeds where he “He ceased and rested” (שָׁבַת וַיִּנָּפַשׁ)

Jewish ships and the desecration of Shabbat therein

Why the command of the building of the Mishkan by Moshe to Yisroel was not done standing.


Pekudei 358

Through the participation of each person in the making of the Mishkan and in each good thing according to one’s ability, gives him a merit in all.


Adar-Nisan 358

Drawing Geulah to Geulah (mismach Geulah l’Geulah)- Adar to Nissan, and the connection to women. Also c.f. Adar


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