
Vol 38.23 - Hosafot - Supplement                    Spanish French Audio  Video

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Rosh Chodesh Sivan 135


Sicha of 28th Iyar 5738 to the Convention of N’shei u’Banot Chabad

Innovation of the third day where “it was good” was repeated, good for Heaven and good for creations. The preparation for Matan Torah must be in the aspect of unity and the resolution of “We shall do and we will hear” the prefacing of the women to the men in the preparation to Matan Torah


Sicha of Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5722 to the students of Achei Tmimim, Boston . 142

Lesson from the statement of the Sages that the Ten Commandments were said in one speech, Even physical aspects of Bnei Yisroel ( and the conclusion of the Ten Commandments ) must be connected with “I am the L-rd your G-d”


Shavuot 144

Not to cross the International Dateline during the days of Sefirah.

Virtue of the occurrence of Chag HaShavuot is at the end of the seventh Shabbat.

When the revealed part of Torah (niglah) was hidden and the esoteric part of Torah (Nistar) was revealed.

Actions of spreading the wellsprings of Pnimiyut HaTorah in conjunction with Chag HaShavuot

The connection between Lag B’Omer, the Hilulah of the Rashbi, and Chag HaShavuot the Hilulah of the Baal Shem Tov

Segulah of the Two-hundredth Anniversary of the Hilulah of the Baal Shem Tov

Our children are our guarantors - the obligation to endeavor in Chinuch and in a manner based on the faith in G-d - “Anochi"

Utilizing Chag HaShavuot to awaken in synagogues regarding Chinuch

Engaging in Chinuch aids in receiving the Torah with joy and in Pnimiyut

Not to give room to weakness because of difficulties

Yeshivot are for the benefit of students, not for the benefit of the educators

Expanding a Yeshiva in order to accept more students

Receiving the Torah was like the entry of a child into Cheder

The prefacing of women to men in the preparation for Matan Torah and the donations to the Mishkan. The obligation to educate girls.

The merit and special role of women in the observance of Torah.

At the time of Matan Torah, all Yisroel were made healthy and complete

The Torah-teaching of the Baal Shem Tov that one must serve G-d with his body

Torat Chaim - "The Torah makes life” (תורה מאַכט אויף לעבן)

“Carved” (חרות) on the Luchot – “Freedom” (חירות) from all aspects that confuse

Serving G-d with joy and its connection to Chag HaShavuot according to what is written in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch 494:18

Telegrams for Chag HaShavuot 5750, 5751


General Subjects 160

Responsa regarding the Three Impure Klipot and their allusion in the verse “a tempest was coming” ( the Haftorah of Chag HaShavuot); Precise wording of the Alter Rebbe in Tanya end of Chap. 86; Explanation of the difference between the three Klipot

The virtue of the Tehillim groups

The difference between the Bnei Yisroel and Bnei Noach regarding the law of invalid blemishes (פסול מום)

Necessity of prefacing “We will do”, to “we will hear” in the aspects of Torah and its Mitzvot

Bnei Yisroel are one standing (קומה אחת) and the nature of the Jewish people and the manner of its existence and fate

All of Israel are believers, the descendants of believers. Only at times, their inclination prevails

All Yisroel want to uphold the Torah, no one will be rejected (בל ידח ממנו נדח)

It is impossible to change the root of Yisroel, who are the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Inner peace comes only when the conduct is suited to the inner nature. The necessity for orderly and stable living.

In our era of many changes, peace of mind of children is paramount; One must begin education at the highest level.

It is against Torah to say that someone has control over one’s soul. G-d only asks what is in one’s power.

Negation of the justification for one’s condition in Judaism because someone else is also behaving improperly; Advice to one who has fallen under the influence of the Yetzer to return to good

One should actually help others actually and not complain that others are not helping him

The mission to make an abode for G-d in the lower realms and not to shake worlds

Idolatry – one which is foreign to him; The need to put all of one’s effort into the mission that has been placed upon him.

Man was born to toil and it is impossible to break free of it.

Negation of the aspect of compromise and clouded judgment, especially in recent years

The need to completely negate any assistance to those who wish to “renew” the Halacha and adapt it to its present day.

The rulings of Shulchan Aruch do not concern majority votes.

The separation of boys and girls is not subject to compromise. The connection to the directives from the days of Chanukah

The necessity to act vigorously on the question of separation

A new music program in the spirit of Judaism

Why specifically those who fear G-d are martyred for G-d (נהרגו על קדוש השם)

It is impossible for a created being to understand G-d's ways. Certainly and how much more so is this understood from a child that does not understand the conduct of an elder and wise person

Debate in the words of the Mitteler Rebbe (in Shaarei Teshuvah) that from the time of the Arizal assimilation was nullified (בטלו ההשמדות) –how this fits with the assimilation of the last generation

Knowledge and free-choice and the debate regarding Divine Providence

The view of Torah regarding the four elements and its correlation to what is explained in science

The connection of the Avodah of purifying the air (דטהרת האויר) specifically to businesspersons. This is a preparation for Geulah.


Naso 186

The virtue of Shalom Bayit (peace in the home) even when the wife conducts herself suspiciously, G-d forbid. How much more so when the wife is modest (צנועה)

Influencing women through friends and acting with her in a pleasant manner

Shalom Bayit is dependent upon a house built on the foundations of Torah

The necessity to honor one’s wife. This is an awakening from below to awaken the aspect of Knesset Yisroel to be called the wife of G-d etc. (רעייתו של הקב״ה)

The Shechinah only rests between a married couple when there is Shalom Bayit. Advice to create peace

The obligation of parents to educate their children from a complete home

To engage and live a life according to Torah and there is no place for thoughts of divorce etc.

Refraining from excessive drinking even during a farbrengen

Aspects of the Mitzvah of Nesiat Kapayim (the priestly blessing)


Behaalotecha 192

Debate in what is written in Torah Or (s.v. b’Chaf-Hei Kislev) that in the morning, the sixth candle was lit after preparing it, and afterward the seventh candle

Debate in what is written in Likkutei Torah (ר פ) that Aaron is one of the Seven Shepherds (מזי הרועים)

Pesach Sheini – the intermediary between Pesach Rishon and Matan Torah

The lesson from Pesach Sheini – it is never too late (עס איו קיינמאל ניט פארפאלען)

The Chassidic saying: ‘Yeush? Shelo Mida’at’, (Losing hope – is a lack of intelligence) and the lesson from Pesach Sheini

Small Pesach (פסחא זעירא) – a small jump

The lesson from Moshe’s words, “Would it be that all G-d’s people were prophets”

The scope of prophecy and a Heavenly Voice


Shlach 197

Contemplation in the verses of our Parsha (14:8,9) If G-d desires us” and the conclusion that it is not the land of Canaan nor even the land of Israel but rather the Holy Land, which will be rebuilt if we listen to His Voice

The land is very, very good- because the purpose is the deed

The great virtue of Mitzvat Tzitzit

Whether one fulfils the Mitzvah of Tzitzit every moment that they are worn

Manner of placing the string into the hole of a Talit Gadol

Tzitzit from the words “peering from the lattices” (מֵצִ֖יץ מִן־הַֽחֲרַכִּֽים)


Korach 200

The beginning of the dealing with the Third Beit HaMikdash, that will be revealed from Heaven, is through the Kohanim who dedicate it.


Chukat 201

“Chukah”/statute from the word Chakikah/engraving. For words of Torah must be engraved within a person

Debate in what is written in the Siddur, Shaar HaSukot that simple stone vessels are Tamei

Explanation of Rashi (Talmud Pesachim 10a) “it is an uncertainty with regard to entry” (i.e into a place where there is Tuma’ah)


Yud-Beis Tammuz 203

Day for Farbrengen and awakening for the strengthening of Torah and Judaism

Segulah to increase in the spreading of Torah and Judaism both in a place that is strong in Torah as well as one that is far from Torah

The Geulah of the head (הראש) automatically affects all the limbs of the body and nullified hiddenness and cloakings

Victory over those that oppose G-d and His Torah. If this was so, in Galut with non-Jews, how much more so is this with regard to Jews who have Free-choice

The Rebbe Rayatz lifts in song and prayer for those who follow in his footsteps\

This happy day nullifies all aspect of Judgements and restricted mindedness etc. (וקטנות המוחין) of mourning

This was not an individual deliverance but a general victory in the aspects of Torah and Judaism

It is puzzling that there is depression close the Chag HaGeulah, for the words of Tzaddikim and their accomplishments exist eternally. However, one must have Mesirat Nefesh that it should be so and not different (אזוי און ניט אנדערש)

If so, if according to nature, there is no appearance of the possibility of success, one effects and sees fruit. How much more so in the land of freedom

The lesson from Yud-Beis Tammuz regarding how great the power is of even one Jew

The obstacles (המכשולים) today are incomparably small to what was then

After the Rebbe Rayatz paved the way, it is certainly much more easier for those who follow in his footsteps

Each year the aspects return and are drawn into the life of each person, and especially one who represents (שמייצג) the public

The obligation to utilize one’s power of influence over one’s followers in a manner of fear preceding wisdom. The lesson of Yud-Beis Tammuz that one who sincerely fights for truth can overcome even a powerful ruler

Allusions to the name of the Rebbe Rayatz – Yosef Yitzchak

Telegrams from Yud-Beis Tammuz 5718-5720, 5726, 5727, 5750, 5751


 Bein HaMetzarim 218

The purpose of the Bein HaMetzarim is to rectify the causes that brought the Churban. Through turning from evil and doing good

The law of those who say that the Torah is not entirely from G-d, and the fencing of the breaches among the Jewish People.

Increasing in Chinuch of children during the Bein HaMetzarim

Days of Segulah for the aspects of Gemach and Tzedaka

Baseless love instead of baseless hate

Maamer of the Tzemach Tzedek from the Bein HaMetzarim for personal growth; King – who are the kings – the Rabbis. Our leaders and their aspects etc. breaking through boundaries

Through transforming the microcosm of man to an environment of light and happiness, one merits that these days are transformed to joy and happiness


Pinchas 223

The difference between lot and inheritance (גורל וירושה) according to Niglah (exoteric) and Nistar (esoteric) parts of Torah

Matot-Ma’asei 224

Sicha of Chof-Hei Tammuz 5750

In the two Parshiot, it emphasizes the entry into the Land of Israel with the true and complete Geulah. The lesson that each person should prepare himself to enter Eretz Yisroel , through redeeming himself from the aspects of the world, like the essence of the ruling of Rambam (End of Hilchot Shmittah v’Yovel)


Summer 228

In the summer the sun is strong, physically and spiritually

Encouragement to Nshei u’Banot Chabad to their Avodah in the days of summer. In a manner of Avodat Hashem with the body and through happiness

Telegrams to Camp Gan Yisroel 5718, 5726, 5750, 5751



Index of topics 237

Index of verses 253

Index of statements of the Sages 268

Index of bibliographies 284




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