
Vol 19.56 - Hosafot - Supplement                                    Spanish French Audio  Video

Hebrew Text:

Page 435



Devarim              435 -438

Directives and suggestions concerning arranging a new commentary on Tanach

Menachem Av   439

Allusion in the name "Menachem Av" 

Netilat Yadaim at the conclusion of Tisha b'Av

Va’etchanan       440

Notes in Shar HaYichud vHaEmunah; Knowledge of the negative (ידיעת השלילה)

Connection to the Siyum of Shas (Ein Yaakov) and the start - Unity and Peace 

Virtue of donning Tefillin

Reason for our custom that a child does not make a blessing when starting to put on tefillin

Virtue of tefillin of Rebbeinu Tam

Segulah for healing - Checking Tefillin etc.

Checking Mezuzot

Virtue of the work of a Sofer Sta"m

Virtue of a donation that enables the printing of Sefer Sichot of the Rebbe Rayatz.

Tu b'Av                447-449

General letter 5739 - increasing in Torah

Eikev                   450-477

Lifting the Kos Shel Bracha a Tefach above the table

G-d's blessing comes through the fulfillment of Mitzvot, in particular in the Holy Land

Laying of the cornerstone for Kfar Chabad Beit 

Laying of the cornerstone for Yeshivat Torat Emet in Jerusalem

Directives to travel to the Holy Land

Changing one's Nusach to that of the Arizal

Changing the knot of Tefillin to the knot that is the Chabad minhag

Leading prayer in Nusach Arizal even when the congregation prays in another Nusach

Carefulness when davening

Reason for our custom that a mourner says fifteen Kaddishim every day

Reciting a chapter of Psalms when there is a pause between returning the Torah to the Ark and the Kaddish before Musaf

Time of removing Tefillin on Rosh Chodesh according to our custom

Caution from speaking during Kriat HaTorah; 

Virtue of Avodah Pnimiyut over that of Kaballat Ol and decrees

Conduct of the Shliach Tzibbur during the High Holy Days

Nusach and punctuation (Nikkud) of "L'Chayei Haolamim" 

Davening with a Sephardic or Ashkenazi accent

Beating the chest during "Selach lanu" when the conclusion of Mincha is after sunset (שקיעה)

Nusach of "Mi Shbeirach" for a female  

Reciting the prayer for rainfall for one who is from Eretz Yisroel and is abroad

Nusach of Birkat HaMazon - "shHaSimcha b'meono shAcalnu miShelo" (שהשמחה במעונו שאכלנו משלו)

Punctuation of Kaddish: "Yisgadal vYiskadash"

Ups and downs in Avodat HaAdam 

Advice regarding Hitbonenut (meditation) during prayer etc.

Cancelation of evil thoughts

Source of the expression "HaGoy sheYeshnu beChol Echad vEchad" (הגוי שישנו בכאו"א)

If a Mitzvah that cannot be performed by others exempts Torah study

Advice to nullify the lack of peace of mind

Connecting (Hiskashrus) through Torah study

Ways to connect (Hiskashrus)

Learning the Rebbe Rayatz's Maamarim

Caution with health

Unity among Chassidim

Through conduct according to the will of the Nasi HaDor we receive his blessing his effluence

Manner of establishing Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim

Caution against the advice of the Yetzer not to participate in "Ma'amad"

Reliance on the advice and instructions of the Rebbe in physical matters and certainly in spiritual matters

About residences in Kfar Chabad

Virtue of the connection to the Jews of Russia


Directives to the Rebbe's emmissary

Re'eh 478

Trust in G-d nullifies trials (נסיונות)

Observing the human condition brings one to the conclusion that there is Master for this capital (G-d) and that one must trust Him etc.

The Middah of trust; Tzedakah- a Segulah for Parnasa

"Melach Mamon - Chasser" (מלח ממון - חסר) which literally means, "Salt money by diminishing it."

Note: The Talmud teaches, "Melach Mamon Chasser," which literally means, "Salt money by diminishing it." Before refrigeration, people would preserve meat by pouring large amounts of salt on it, which would drain the meat of all its juices. Although this had the effect of diminishing from the size of the meat, this procedure was necessary to ensure its preservation. If somebody refused to salt the meat in order to maintain its full weight and volume, he would ultimately lose the entire piece, because it would spoil. The Talmud here teaches that money is "preserved" in the same fashion. If a person wishes to "salt," to protect, his money, then he must "diminish it," he must give some of it to charity. Otherwise, his wealth, like an unsalted piece of meat, will be "spoiled" and lost.

 "Gadol Hamaseh Yoser Min Haoseh" - The person influencing the deed is greater than the doer

How to support Eretz Yisroel                                                                    

Tzedakah for military personnel

Tzedakah - Impact on others

Beautifying Mitzvot (Hiddur Mitzvot) - expanding the conduits of Parnassa 

Explanation of the saying of the Sages: "ein Toanin Lemasit" (do not advance a claim on behalf of one who is accused of inciting others to idol worship) - even though this is before the completion of the din

Elul             489-499

Letter of 5736 - carefulness in all aspects Elul

"Ori", Yishi","Maoz Chayai"- three particulars and connection to the establishment of Yeshivat Achei Tmimim

Four acronyms of Elul

Virtue of the month of Elul

5727 - invitation to the residents of Kfar Chabad

Synagogue in Nachalat Har Chabad - and the relationship to the month of Elul

Virtue of the month of Elul

Hachnasat Sefer Torah in Tomchei Tmimim in Montreal on Rosh Chodesh Elul

Connection of the month of Elul to the virtue of Kollel Chabad charity

Blessings for livelihood and special days of  the month of Elul

Avodah in the month of Elul in Yeshivah after vacation days.

Shoftim 500

Allusions in Avodat HaAdam in Parshat Shoftim

Instructions to a military rabbi in his work with soldiers

Lessons from the duties of a soldier for Avodat HaShem

Activities with military personnel and special directives for them

Teitzei 506 

Debate in the wording of Rashi (Talmud Kiddushin 23a) s.v. vChashakta

Extra effort in livelihood -spoils it - as opposed to Torah and Mitzvot 

Regarding the prohibition of a Pitzua Daka (פצוע דכא)

Law of a messenger to accept a Get

Prefacing a name that was added because of sickness - in a Ketubah

Debate in the decision of the Tzemach Tzedek (Even Ezer 153) in the law of a Get given by a one who is mentally incapacitated (גט שוטה)

Aspects of marriage for a widow and divorcee 

Marriage of a Kohen's daughter to a Yisrael 

Marriage of two brothers to two sisters

Gifts to a Kallah before the wedding - not a ring

Negation of wasting money for an engagement party "Vort"

Not to extend time between the engagement and marriage

Regarding one who became a mourner in the week before the wedding of his daughter

Wedding in the month of Elul

Not to bother one's son or daughter unless there is a specific proposal: Negation of the idea to delay a marriage due to financial straits 

Advice and help for one having difficulties in Parnasa and it is difficult for him to marry his child

Searching for a Shidduch must be quick

Virtue of the time before the wedding

General directives from the aspect of marriage particularly for a Kohen and Levi 

Shalom Bayit

Directives for a woman who became widowed R"L

Comments in the Sefer Halachot Gedolot concerning the Mitzvah of marriage, and the explanation of "Mishneh Halachot" 

Yechidut for groups of brides and grooms – 17th (Tov) Adar 5742

 Tavo 520

The Tzedakah of Eretz Yisroel (Kollel Chabad) and the connection to Parshat Tavo

Allusion and lesson in the verse "I tell you today" (הגדתי היום)

Necessity to serve G-d with joy

Negation of sadness and depression, meditation on G-d's kindnesses 

Nullification of undesirable moods

Negation of depression 

Necessity to serve G-d with joy and keeping the body healthy

Lack of response is no cause for sadness

Meditation on G-d's kindnesses

Negation of highlighting one's shortcomings

Despair comes inadvertently.

Reciting the Maamar: "Lecha Dodi" at the wedding

Chai Elul 529

 Sixty years since the establishment of Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim

150th year since the Histalkut of the Alter Rebbe

Bar Mitzvahs of war orphans - 5729

Proof that the Baal Shem Tov was a brilliant Gaon in Niglah 

The photo that is accredited to the Baal Shem Tov

Melody of the four stanzas of the Alter Rebbe

Nitzavim 532

Reason Rambam did not learn the Mitzvah of Teshuvah from the verse "v'Shavta" 

The order of the Future Geulah according to the view of Rambam etc.

Tishrei 534

Month that is satiated (חודש המשובע)

Notes on several Chabad customs for Selichot; Birkat kohanim during Neilah 

Rosh Hashanah 536

Telegram - Erev Rosh Hashanah 5741

Blessings after reading the general Pidyon Nefesh (הפ"נ כללי) Erev Rosh Hashanah 5716, 5717, 5739, 5740, 5741

Lesson to Jewish women from the Torah reading and Haftorah of Rosh Hashanah - having children 

Explanation to the discourse (המשך ר"ה תש"ג) that when Rosh Hashanah occurs on Shabbat, there is no obligation of sounding the Shofar (and not just that it is deferred)

Aseret Yemei Teshuvah - time of the Luminary (G-d) coming close to the spark (Yisroel), especially when Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbat

Chanukat Habayit (home dedication) close to Rosh Hashanah 

Birthday - a private Rosh Hashanah

 Aseret Yemei Teshuvah 544 

Inner explanation of the verse "And it was evening and it was morning, Yom Echad"' 

Blessings for a good Year, Gmar Chasimah Tovah

 Vayeilach  546

Aspect of Hakhel year and in Avodat HaAdam and the connection to women

Shehecheyanu at the completion of the Sefer Torah

 Yom Kippur 548


After Mincha 5716 ;

After Mincha 5717 ; To students 5717 ;

After Mincha 5719 ; To students 5719 ;

After Mincha 5724 ;

After Mincha 5739 ;To students 5739 ;

After Mincha 5740 ;To students 5740 ;

After Mincha 5741 ;To students 5741 ;

Notes on the order of the Avodah of Yom Kippur according Nusach of the Alter Rebbe

Birkat kohanim in Neilah 

Law of a mourner on Erev Yom Kippur

 Sukkot 564

General-letter between Yom Kippur and Sukkot 5741: Darkness of Galut does not have to interfere with the happiness of Yom Tov.

Middah of trust in the coming of Moshiach: through faith and trust - the true Hakhel  

Telegram for Sukkot - 5740

Blessing to Anash of Kfar Chabad, Erev Sukkot 5739: To Torat Emet in Jerusalem and Hebron -5739: 

Blessing to Anash of Kfar Chabad Erev - 5740: 

Blessing to guests in the sukkah - 5739, 5740

Planting Etrogei Calabria in Kfar Chabad

Caution regarding Orlah in Etrogs

Method of selecting kosher Etrogs in Italy

Difference between seedlings and seeds regarding grafted Etrogs

Hashgacha on Etrogs

General letter to Jewish children - Chol HaMoed 5741

Meditation on the aspect of "Hakhel" for Jewish children

"Simchateinu" (שמחתנו) blessing in the plural tense

Connection of Mikvah and Sukkah

 Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah 578

Drawing the joy throughout the whole year

Walking to others' community synagogues to cheer them with Hakafot

Telegram for Hakafot Shniot in the Holy Land 5732

Kinus Torah Chof Cheshvan - 5732

Hakafot Shniot  - 5733, 5740, 5741

                                                             General Letters 

Chai Elul 5738                                 589

End of the leap year and completion of Machzor katan (small cycle). Avodah of Teshuva with completeness - in one moment completes and rectifies the entire past.

Erev Shabbat Kodesh, Shabbat Shuvah, Vov Tishrei 5739  593

Continuation of the above: Quality determines quantity and reverses it

 Yom 3 - 3rd day of Selichot 5738 597

To Jewish women and girls: Carefulness in the Mitzvah of Mezuzah

Chai Elul 5739                                 599-604

The coming year is Shemita and its beginning is on Shabbat: a continuation of holiness, blessing and pleasure in all three areas

Vov Tishrei 5740                            605 -610

Continuation of the above: Shabbat of the days of Creation - completion of the preparation of the Avodah; Shabbat of the years – conclusion and completion of the Avodah; So too in a person’s soul

Erev S”K Chai Elul 5740                 611-614

Year of Hakhel; strengthening faith ; Chinuch

Days of Selichot 5740                    615

Continuation of the above; Hakhel – activities of the congregation and the community

Days of the month of Elul 5740   620

The Middah of faith; Not to be affected by difficulties in the work of spreading Judaism


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