Abstract   Overview
Table of contents:
  • Vol 1.21 - Vayigash : Links-The encounter of Yehuda with Joseph "for war".Parents'responsibility for their children (9)
  • Vol 3.13 - Vayigash : The purpose of descending into Galut for a "great deliverance" and for "great wealth" (9)
  • Vol 5.26 - Vayigash 1 : Rashi: "the son of the Canaanitess" - Debate that Shimon married his sister (11)
  • Vol 5.27 - Vayigash 2 : "All Yisroel is called after Joseph" Explanation of the three aspects in the Midrash (12)
  • Vol 10.24 - Vayigash 1 : Links - Rashi: Joseph wept for the two sanctuaries etc and Benjamin wept for the Tabernacle of Shiloh (5)
  • Vol 10.25 - Vayigash 2 : Complete - Rashi: "he sent the following" - Not to despair if not materially successful; Acting b'hidur (9)
  • Vol 15.53 - Vayigash 1 : Links - The reason why Joseph asked "Is my father still alive?" (4)
  • Vol 15.54 - Vayigash 2 : Rashi: "And from among his brothers" - Why Yosef selected the five weak brothers (8)
  • Vol 15.55 - Vayigash 3 : Complete - Rashi: "and he provided them" - Love is conveyed by Yosef, the Nasi of the generation (6)
  • Vol 15.56 - Vayigash 4 : Two explanations in "and they acquired property in it" (7)
  • Vol 20.30 - Vayigash 1 : Complete - Rashi: "Then he approached him" - Protecting Jewish children from bad influences (6)
  • Vol 20.31 - Vayigash 2 : Explanation of the views of who comprised the seventy souls (10)
  • Vol 25.33 - Vayigash 1 : Yisroel is called after Joseph because he provided for them and sustained them in the times of famine (6)
  • Vol 25.34 - Vayigash 2 : The aspect of Yehuda approaching Joseph in the beginning of the parsha and in the Haftorah (9)
  • Vol 30.32 - Vayigash 1 : From where do we know that a guarantor is an obligation (Shibud) (7)
  • Vol 30.33 - Vayigash 2 : The connection between the broken-necked heifer to "Enough! My son Joseph is still alive" (7)
  • Vol 30.34 - Vayigash 3 : Complete - Rashi: "Do not be afraid of going down to Egypt" - Trust in G-d; demanding "Ad Mosai" (7)
  • Vol 35.30 - Vayigash 1 : Complete - Debate in the law: "A person should not raise his voice during his Amidah" (6)
  • Vol 35.31 - Vayigash 2 : Debate in the boundary of the obligation of Torah study while travelling (8)
  • Vol 35.32 - Vayigash 3 : Complete - Haftorah:"And My servant David shall be king . . shall be their prince forever. (5)