Abstract Overview
Table of contents:
Table of contents:
- Vol 2.14 - Re'eh : Links - The signs of kosher animals are not just signs but causitive proofs (6)
- Vol 4.17 - Re'eh : Links - R' Yishmael and R' Akiva concerning eating the meat of a non-consecrated animal (7)
- Vol 9.11 - Re'eh 1 : Links - Rashi: "And you shall tear down their altars"(12)
- Vol 9.12 - Re'eh 2 : Rambam: The people of a Ir HaNidahas that repent(9)
- Vol 14.07 - Re'eh 1 : Links - Rashi: "However, be strong not to eat the blood" (8)
- Vol 14.08 - Re'eh 2 : Rashi: "and cleave to Him" (11)
- Vol 19.17 - Re'eh 1 : Links - Re'eh - The difference btween Targum Onkelus and Targum Yonanson ben Uzziel (7)
- Vol 19.18 - Re'eh 2 : Rambam: "The place the L-rd, your G-d, will choose". The place of the Mikdash (and the Altar) (8)
- Vol 19.19 - Re'eh 3 : Rashi: Why doesn't Rashi explain why "your mother" and "your sister" is not enumerated in the verse (5)
- Vol 19.20 - Re'eh 4 : Links - Severance (haanaka) to a worker according to Rambam , in today's times (5)
- Vol 24.10 - Re'eh 1 : Links - The difference between the G-d's choice of Mishkan Shiloh to that of Yerushalyim (8)
- Vol 24.11 - Re'eh 2 : Complete-"In Egypt I loaded you up [with spoils] etc. so too should you load him up - Hanaka (8)
- Vol 29.09 - Re'eh 1 : Links - Rambam: "The entire Temple complex was not built on flat ground, but rather on the incline of the Mount (8)
- Vol 29.10 - Re'eh 2 : Rashi: "You may not eat within your cities the tithe of your grain" (9)
- Vol 29.11 - Re'eh 3 : Complete-Rashi: '[You shall not eat] any abomination" (7)
- Vol 34.10 - Re'eh 1 : Links - Rambam: "Produce that was purchased with money from the second tithe should not be redeemed outside Jerusalem" (7)
- Vol 34.11 - Re'eh 2 : Complete - Rashi: "you shall open [your hand]": "Even many times"(7)
- Vol 34.12 - Re'eh - Ellul : Complete - Increasing in the Mitzvah of Tzedaka in the month of Ellul(6)