Table of contents:
Table of contents:
- Vol 2.01 - Chag HaShavuot : Matan Torah and the "third" month; Torah given in desert; Study of Torah and Chitas;Kaballat HaTorah (11)
- Vol 4.02 - Chag HaShavuot : The sleep of Bnei Yisroel on the night before Matan Torah. Baal Shem Tov and Shavuot (9)
- Vol 8.03 - Chag HaShavuot : The connection between Matan Torah to Moshe Rabbeinu, David HaMelech and the Baal Shem Tov. (8)
- Vol 18.04 - Chag HaShavuot 1 : The complaint of the Angels: "Set thy glory [the Torah] upon the Heavens etc" (7)
- Vol 18.05 - Chag HaShavuot 2 : Complete- Moshe, David and the Baal Shem Tov (9)
- Vol 23.03 - Chag HaShavuot 1 : Why people do not endeavor to write a Sefer Torah, personally or through an agent (10)
- Vol 23.04 - Chag HaShavuot 2 : Complete- "All agree in respect to Shavuot (Atzeret) we require [[it to be] 'for you' too" (Tal Pes.68b) (6)
- Vol 23.05 - Chag HaShavuot 3 : Complete- The eternity of Torah, also the cures in the Talmud and in Rambam are eternal. (9)
- Vol 28.03 - Erev Chag HaShavuot : Complete - "On the fifth day they built an altar and offered a sacrifice [Olah] on it" (Shab. 88b) (9)
- Vol 28.04 - Chag HaShavuot : Complete- Debate concerning "Yom Tavo'ach" in Shulchan Aruch HaRav (8)
- Vol 33.04 - Chag HaShavuot 1 : Complete- Specific connection between Matan Torah to Merkavah of Yechezkel (8)
- Vol 33.05 - Chag HaShavuot 2 : Complete- How were Bnei Yisroel allowed to immerse for the sake of conversion on Shabbat (8)
- Vol 33.06 - Chag HaShavuot 3 : Complete - Rambam: "Anyone who sits before a Torah scroll should sit with respect awe, and fear" (8)
- Vol 38.02 - Chag HaShavuot : Three aspects of "they shall be complete" in Sefirat HaOmer; If Moshiach can come during Sefirah (11)