Table of contents:
- Vol 26.01 - Shmot 1 : Complete-The reason that the birth of Moshe "atoned" for his death (9)
- Vol 26.02 - Shmot 2 : Rambam: "The name 'I will be that what I will be' is not one of the seven names (of G-d) that must not be erased" (9)
- Vol 26.03 - Shmot 3 : Complete-Rashi: "This is My name forever". G-d's Explicit Name is present even during Galut (7)
- Vol 26.04 - Chof - Chof-Dalet Tevet : The similarities between the life of Rambam and the Alter Rebbe and their teachings (13)
- Vol 26.04 - Chof-Dalet Tevet : Complete- The connection of the Torah of the Alter Rebbe in the revealed and hidden to the concept of "Or" (Light)(3)
- Vol 26.05 - Va'eira 1 : Links-"We should need four loaves (matzot)" - corresponding to the four cups of Geulah" (6)
- Vol 26.06 - Va'eira 2 : Rashi : "but Aaron's staff swallowed their staffs" (10)
- Vol 26.07 - Bo 1 : Links-"This month is to you"; "The first commandment that the Israelites were commanded" (10)
- Vol 26.08 - Bo 2 : Links-Rambam: "A child who comes of age between these two holidays" (8)
- Vol 26.09 - Bo 3 : At Pesach Mitzraim each person slaughtered the Korban Pesach in his home (8)
- Vol 26.10 - Beshalach 1 : The connection between Moshe's taking Joseph's bones and travelling in the desert. Chodesh Shvat (12)
- Vol 26.11 - Beshalach 2 : Complete-The two versions of Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch. Reason for saying the Parshat HaMan daily (6)
- Vol 26.12 - Beshalach 3 : Complete-The reason that Parshat HaMan concludes with the verse: "The omer is one tenth of an ephah" (11)
- Vol 26.13 - Yitro 1 : Complete - Boundary of the Mitzvah of knowing G-d according to the view of Rambam (10)
- Vol 26.14 - Yitro 2 : Complete - Rashi: "who took you out from the land of Egypt". Subservience to G-d and caring for all Jews(8)
- Vol 26.15 - Yitro 3 : Rambam: The Mitzvah to "compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the commandments given to Noah's descendants" (13)
- Vol 26.16 - Mishpatim 1 : Siyum tractate Bava Basra - Debate between Tal. Bavli and Yerushalmi in the law of a guarantor (8)
- Vol 26.17 - Mishpatim 2 : Rashi: "And to Moses He said". Explanation of the order of the parshiot (7)
- Vol 26.18 - Mishpatim 3 : Complete - Rambam: "In the present age, when there are no sacrifices, [a convert] must undergo circumcision and immersion etc" (7)
- Vol 26.19 - Terumah 1 : Rashi: "And make for Me a sanctuary"; The innovation of "And make for Me - for the sake of My Name" (8)
- Vol 26.20 - Terumah 2 : Links - Debate of Rashi and Rambam if the name "Aron" includes the cover (8)
- Vol 26.21 - Terumah 3 : Complete,Links - Rambam: The goblets were embossed so that their surface resembled tiny almonds (8)
- Vol 26.22 - Tetzaveh 1 : Debate of Rashi and Rambam in the length and width of the Ephod (9)
- Vol 26.23 - Tetzaveh 2 : Complete-Debate of the Sages and R' Eliezer ben Yakov in the manner of the writing on the Tzitz (showplate) (4)
- Vol 26.25 - Tetzaveh - Zayin Adar : Complete-The hint of Moshe's passing in Parshat Tetzaveh in that his name is not mentioned in the Parsha (5)
- Vol 26.26 - Purim Katan : The reason that the end of Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim is the laws of Purim Katan
- Vol 26.27 - Parshat Zochor -Purim : Complete - The subject of remembering Amalek that is cited in various places in Tanach (10)
- Vol 26.28 - Tisa 1 : "G-d showed him the likeness of a coin etc and said to him, "Like this shall they give" (9)
- Vol 26.29 - Tisa 2 : Complete-Rashi: "Anoint with it" - Anointings were done in the form of the Kaf Yavonit (10)
- Vol 26.30 - Tisa 3 : Complete-The breaking of the Tablets brought the "double salvation" of the Second Tablets (6)
- Vol 26.31 - Vayakhel 1 : Links-Rashi: "And you, speak to the B'nei Yisrael" and "You must still preserve My Shabbos" (8)
- Vol 26.32 - Vayakhel 2 : "Take from among yourselves a terumah-offering": by force or give freely. The offering of women (10)
- Vol 26.33 - Pekudei 1 : Complete - The difference between "These are the numbers of the Mishkan" to Rashi (Beg of Parsha) (8)
- Vol 26.34 - Pekudei 2 : Complete - The reason according to Halacha for Moshe's counting the parts of the Mishkan (8)
- Vol 26.35 - Pekudei 3 : Rashi: "And you shall bring his sons near and clothe them with tunics" (11)
- Vol 26.36 - Hosafot - Supplement : Shmot - TOC Complete