(5750) Rambam (Hil. Shechitah 14:16 and Sefer Kedusha): "When a person covers the blood, he should not cover it with his feet .. so that he will not treat it with disdain and regard the mitzvoth with scorn"
The three concepts in Rambam there:
1) He saved us from groping in darkness
2) He granted us a lamp to straighten crooked paths
3) and a light to illumine the upright ways
And their connection to the entire Sefer Kedusha in general and the specifically the Mitzvah of Covering the blood.
Explanation of Ramban (Lev. 17,11) on the reason that the Mitzvah of Covering the blood only applies to the blood of a kosher wild beast or fowl and only to non-consecrated animals.