Sichot – 5744 -5766
Yud-Dalet Nissan
- The birthday of Rambam -
Sichot in conjunction with instituting the study of Rambam (Maimonides)
Studying Rambam
Sichot Acharon Shel Pesach (and the Farbrengen after this) 5744 229
Instituting the study of study of Rambam’s Yad HaChazakah book by all Israel three tracks: Three chapters day, one chapter a day, Sefer HaMitzvot
Siyum on Rambam *
Sichot Yd-Alef Nissan and Acharon Shel Pesach 5745 237
Definitions and merit of fulfilling the Mitzvah of Talmud Torah in the future: The completeness of understanding; Explanation of the boundary of “Keter Torah/Crown of Torah” in Rambam’s Hilchot Talmud Torah (3:6). Aspect of comprehension by “All people in the world” in the Future.
Siyum on Rambam
Sichot Shabbat Parshat Vayakhel and S”P Shekalim MVCH Adar Sheini 5746 249
Explanation of the manner of knowledge of G-d in the Future according to explanation of Rambam in the beginning of the his sefer in the topic of Knowledge if G-d. For there is faith in G-d before the command, rational knowledge after the command , and knowledge which is above intellectual knowledge: Three details similar to this in the obligation to believe in the coming of the Messiah:
Explanation of the verse in the beginning of Rambam: “Then should I not be ashamed, when I look to all Your commandments.”
Printing of the collection of Torah innovations in Rambam
Sichot Shabbat Parshat Tzav and Parshat Parah 5746 261
1. Printing of the collection of innovations in the Rambam’s teachingsin conjunction with his birthday eve of Passover, in connection with the siyum of sefer HaRambam
Sichot Shabbat Parshat Shemini and S”P Tazria Shekalim 5744 267
Rabbah and Rav Zeira celebrated the Purim feast together. They became intoxicated. Rabbah stood up and slew Rav Zeira (Meg 7b) . Explanation of the sin of Nadav and Avihu; ; "Klois Hanefesh" (The departing of the soul); Story of the Alter Rebbe and R’ Avraham HaMalach that after learning Pnimiyut HaTorah ate a bagel wuth butter (Mit puter). Examples of the aforementioned in our generations
Sichot Lag b’Omer 5744 (during the “Parade”) 277
Two reasons to celebrate Lag B'Omer: The day that the students of R’ Akiva stopped dying;
Hillulah of Rashbi .
The gist of the first reason - Achdut/unity of Yisroel, the negation of “not giving honor to each other”;
And the connection to the Parade(Tahakucha) – the gathering and unity of Jewish children
The second reason - Rashbi who embodied self-sacrifice” (Mesirat nefesh) his occupation was Torah "Torato Umnato"
And that he could exempt the whole world from the Din; So too Jewish children when they recite “Modeh Ani” are at the level of self-sacrifice and “Torah study is their occupation” for “their work is performed by others” and they exempt the whole world from the Din in the merit of “the utterances of the children in cheder (hevel pihem shel tinokos shel beis rabban) and through girls lighting Shabbat candles. Strengthening Avodah in galut from the words of Rashbi that “wherever Yisroel was exiled the Shechina is with them”
Relationship to the daily study portion of Rambam (Hilchot Tefillah beg of chap 2) concerning the "Blessing on the heretics" (in the Amidah)
Sichot Shabbat Parshat Bechukotai 5746 297
Directive to hold a Chassidic farbrengen on Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar
Vayikra 307
Explanation of the verse "if a man among you will bring an offering" according to Chassidut and the connection to the yeshiva "Tomchei Tmimim"
Examination of the slaughtering knife
References to the Sifrei Kabbalah that explain the concept of Shechita
Debate in the Law of a Treifa/unfit animal whether it can revert to kosher.
Nissan 311
Law of a contract where the date was written according to the date of the king's reign and not from Nissan
Debate concerning the custom to read Parshat HaNisi’im in Nisan from a Sefer Torah.
Yud-Alef Nissan 314
Blessings in the years 5744-5746
Pesach 321
Comments in the Hagaddah Shel Pesach with Likutei Ta'amim and Minhagim ;
Debate in the reason for reciting: 'b'Ahavah Mikra Kodesh" in the Yom Tov Kiddush that occurs on Shabbat;
Reason for avoid eating the "Zeroa"
Reason for saying "Tateh etc" before the "Mah Nshtanah" even for those without a father;
The reason that we do not ask in the "Mah Nshtanah" concerning four-cups;
The wording of the Talmud Bavli "chazi/see" and the Jerusalem Talmud "Chami/find"
Explanation of the term "Hagaddah" and its origin;
The Simanim of the Seder in the hymns;
The verses of the "wise" and "innocent" sons in the singular and the "Rasha"in the plural.
The reason that we do not recite: 'b'Ahavah Mikra Kodesh" on Yom Tov.
Source of the Sicha of 5703 that Ben Zoma lived in solitude
Notes regarding the English translation of the Hagaddah
Negation of the words of the Tzaddik, the R' of Zidichov that instead "bechorin Mtanin/first-born fast" read "bechorin Mitangin/sing"
Debate matter of old matzah, matzah that has no taste
Matzah - food of faith "michla D'mhimnuta" from the institution of the Nasi of the Generation
The lesson that Pesach is in the month of spring
Redemption from Egypt in the merit of the righteous women whose primary virtue was in the aspect of faith
Time of haircutting for those who reach the age of three on Chol HaMo'ed Pesach
Days of Sefirah 333
Study of tractate Sotah during Sefirah
The calamity on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh in the days of Sefirah
Lag b'Omer has nothing to do at all with the Bar Kokhba War
Time to cut the hair for one who reaches the age of three during Sefirah
If one may get married on the evening before Lag b'Omer
Sefirat HaOmer and Chag HaShavuot for one who crosses the international Dateline
Shemini 336
The aspect of a camel according to kabbalah and derush (homily)
Tazria 337
Debate in the words of the Maggid of Koznitz concerning the name of the angel in charge of the pregnancy
Conduct of parents during pregnancy
Amount of chairs at a circumcision
Reason that the author of Shulchan Aruch (chap. 262) did not rule like the view that he cites in Beit Yosef that on an overcast day, a person has the option to defer the circumcision
Debate in the matter of "haidna dirshu bo rabim"
Explanation of the three aspects of circumcision in Avodat HaAdam
Circumcision - a Mitzvah received them with joy
Explanation of the Midrash that no one was created circumcised because Creation is to "repair/l'taken" and the lesson from this in general Avodat HaAdam
Rebbe honored the rich
Metzora 344
Ways of preventing contraception where it is dangerous for a woman to get pregnant
Ways of checking semen for those not blessed with children
Reparation for the known sin
If it our custom that women do not bathe during the seven days of cleansing/libun
The source for what is written in Likkutei Torah (Shlach 42b) that a Niddah and Zava are purified in spring water/mayim chayim
One who found that the water in the mikvah did not reach the connecting hole/hashaka
Two aspects in the amount of water in a mikvah, in the act of immersion and in the amount of the mikvah
Debate in the laws of barrier (chatzitzah)
Opinion of the Rosh in the explanation of "Mei Givaim";
The distinction between "I will throw on you pure water etc." to 'And I will remove the spirit of impurity
from the land" - two periods in the Future
Explanation R' Levi Yitzchak (the father of the Rebbe Shlit"a) according to kabbalah in the statement (Mikva'ot end of chap 7) concerning "a needle that was placed etc." according to kabbalah and Avodat HaAdam
Hiddurim of Anash in fixing a mikvah
The enactments of the Rebbe Rashab on the mikvah
The reason for our custom not to use a rubber stopper in the mikvah
Two pits in the mikvah - one for Hashaka and one for Zeria.
(Note: Hashaka involves touching the tap water in the immersion pool to the rainwater in an adjacent pool (Bor Hashaka) and Zeria involves running tap water through a pool containing rainwater, which subsequently enters the immersion pool)
To be stringent to follow all the opinions of a mikvah
Advantage of the external beauty of a mikvah
Allusion regarding the mikvah immersion according to Maimonides end of Hilchot Mikvaot
Advantage and necessity of family purity
In our generation in particular, there is no shame about speaking about Family Purity
Establishing study the laws of purity for women
Domestic peace(shalom bayit) by carefulness in Family Purity
Manner of prayer for healing dependent on whether the person was born in purity
Rectification for one who worries concerning faltering with a non-kosher mikvah
Rectification for one who falters in the laws of purity
Blessing for children by being careful in family purity
Advantage of the founding of "association for the guarding of family purity”
Iyar 362
Acronym Abraham, Yitzchak, Jacob Rachel
Thirteenth Iyar 363
Sicha of yud-tes Iyar 5712 - completion of Shiva; Aspect of Descent for the purpose of Ascent
Acharei 365
Relationship between "Kisui HaDam" (covering blood) to the Avodah of Erev Yom Kippur
Primary help for the Holy Land is through reinforcement i of Torah and Mitzvot there, for Eretz Yisroel does not tolerate sins
Kedoshim 366
Explanation of the words of the Zohar (2:89:1; 3:81:1) "Remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy" and it states: "You shall be be holy etc. - certainly you"
Explanation of Tanya end of chapter thirty-two concerning those where it is a Mitzvah to hate them; Explanation of the wording 'and they do not lose" etc.
Division of categories of Bnei Yisroel who do not keep Torah and Mitzvot
A child who reaches the age of four.
Debate in the comments in the responsa of the Tzemach Tzedek (Y.D. 93) in the law of cutting the beard with scissors that resemble and those that do not resemble a razor blade
Different ways in removing the beard (through razor, chemical etc.) - differences in the status of the person.
Emor 380
Kohanim going to tombs of Tzaddikim
Explanation of the wording of Tanya language (Chanoch l'Naar) "The Mitzvah of Chinuch is also regarding Positive commandments as it is written in Orach Chaim 343"
Spiritual effluence through the activities of children and Mttzvot Asei shHaZman grama for women; Difference between Talmud Torah to other Mitzvot regarding Chinuch:
According to the Alter Rebbe - Chinuch is a Rabbinic Mitzvah
Explanation of the wording of the Alter Rebbe in Shulchan Orach O.C. 186:3)
Settlement of the contradiction between that which is cited in the MA (?) that there is no difference between the animal brain and nail to that which is cited in Likkutei Torah s.v "v'Nikdashti" that the vitality in the head is more sublime
Lesson and teaching from the aspect of the Omer harvest.
Pesach Sheni 384
Eating matzah meal in the meal of the fourteenth of Iyar
Behar 385
Explanation of the statement of Zohar (3:108aserveants are exempt from the yoke of the Supernal kingship (avdin pturin mOl malchuta d'leila"
Ethics of the Fathers (Chap 5) 386
Seventy years to old age - and the Tikunei Zohar ( 521) "There is no old age/seivah less than sixty" Debate between Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi
Advantage of sixty years old.