Bamidbar 423
- Lesson from counting Bnei Yisroel in desert
- "Tzivos Hashem" advantage of the individual - specifically concerning Jewish women through their connection to Moshe Rabbeinu
- The lesson from the above in conjunction with Education according to Taharas HaKodesh (Torah-true Jewish education)
- Talk to the Shluchim of the yeshiva in Miami
Chag HaShavuot 428
- "I am the L-d your G-d who took you out of Egypt" - going out of Egypt in holiness, through the connection to Moshe
- Matan Torah is dependent upon all Yisroel special quality;
- Explanation of Rambam (Hil. Tmidim uMusafim 7:11) : "And if one would presume that in that year Pesach fell on the Sabbath as these fools have supposed"
- Graduation of Beis Rivka in the third month
- Graduation of Beis Rivka - related to Parshat Shlach where the women held the Land dear
- "Our children are our guarantors"
- Sefer Torah to greet Moshiach
- Reciting Mishnayot Baal Peh (by heart)
- The main aspect of Chag HaShavuot in the future
- There is no reason to rule leniently to physically force someone (לכפות בשוטים)
- Chitas
- Torah and Mitzvot - a Segulah and it is impossible to absolve in any manner
- Completing Chitas at night, the order of learning
- The necessity to learn Pnimiyut HaTorah
- Explanation of Tanya Chap. 29 "where everything is timeless and it is as if he had caused his blemish and defilement this very day, G-d forbid"
- "Thoughts help another"
- Two aspects to Torah: Above time and connected to time
- Reviewing Talmud Baal Peh (by heart)
- The manner of learning Gemara
- Setting times for Torah study in the Beis HaKnesset
- The advantage of reading Zohar etc.
- Awakening and encouraging learning of Torah
- The need to learn all parts of Torah
- Reciting "about one hundred pages" of Talmud Baal Peh (by heart)
- Divine Providence and faith
- The two hundredth year since the Histalkus of the Baal Shem Tov - regarding the students of Lubavitch Yeshivot
- The beginning of the period of division of Yisroel into Torah Scholars and simple folk
- The lesson from "chemistry" to the aspect of Divine Providence
- The choice to live outside of the confines of Judaism id contrary to one's nature and existence as a Jew
- Telegrams for Chag HaShavuot 5738, 5739, 5740
Naso 446
- The necessity of wearing a wig
- The manner of cutting the hair of married women. The length of the bangs; the necessity of Tzniut
- The age that one is obligated in Tzniut
- Blessing of the Kohanim every day in Eretz Yisroel
- Making a Chanukat HaBayit (home dedication)
- Purchasing a home
- Explanation in Talmud (Menachot 29a): "R. Jose b. Judah said, It once happened that the candlestick which was used in the Temple was found to be larger than that made by Moses by a golden dinar"
- Source of the Sages’ statement: "we only encourage those that have zeal"
Behaalotecha 451
- The lesson from "When you light the lamps" that "the flame should rise from itself"
- Ahavat Yisroel - lighting Shabbat Candles
- Chinuch
- Graduation of Tomchei Tmimim Montreal
- In Galut the time of the lighting and in the future it will rise by itself
- The lighting of the "candle of G-d is the soul of man"
- Levites in their Mishmaroseihem (their watch) or bDuchanom (their service)
Shlach 457
- The connection of Matan Torah to the mitzvah of Challah, Lighting Shabbat Candles and Chinuch - for Jewish women
- Tzitzit machine
- If the command "you should not follow" is one of the 613 Mitzvot
- The huge breach of television
Tammuz 463
- The explanation of the saying of the Sages: "A donkey is cold even in Tammuz" in Avodah
Korach 464
- Explanation of the Mishnah in Tractate Middot (beg. ch.1 ) "in three places the kohanim keep watch"
- Explanation of Mishnah in Tractate Middot (1:2) " he has permission to burn his clothing"
Chukat 467
- The lesson from the verse: "And Moshe sent messengers from Kadesh etc." in conjunction with the graduation of Tomchei Tmimim Montreal
Yud Beit, Yud Gimmel Tammuz 469
- Learning the Maamer s.v. "Asarah SheYoshvim" on the Fiftieth anniversary of the redemption
- Reciting Tehillim
- The eightieth year of the birthday of the Rebbe Rayatz
- The innovation of the Geulah of Yud Beit Tammuz
- The thirtieth year of the Geulah
- The thirty-second year of the Geulah
- The Avodah of establishing centers of learning by the Rebbe Rayatz after his Histalkut
- The farbrengen on the fifteenth year after founding Kfar Chabad
- Encouragement to Beis Rivka
- The lesson from the self-sacrifice of the Rebbe Rayatz, specifically at the hundredth year of his birth
- Saying the chapter of Tehillim of the Rebbe Rayatz after his Histalkut
- His "miracles' at the end of his life
- Explanation of the words in Maamer s.v. "Isah b'midrash Tehillim": "And the L-rd awoke as one asleep" why does it state, "G-d (Havaye) as one asleep"
- Telegrams for the approach of Yud Beit Tammuz, 5738, 5739 and 5740
Balak 480
- Answer to a sefer on the aspect of ghettos
Pinchas 481
- The reason that Er, Onan, Dathan and Aviram are specified in the counting in Parshat Pinchas
Bein HaMetzarim 485
- Increasing in learning Torah (and specifically the laws of the Temple) and Tzedaka
- Decreasing the destruction through building
- Spreading the wellsprings of Chassidut outward brings about an overturning of these days to simcha
- The rectification to the cause of the Churban - Ahavat Yisroel and love of Torah
- Concerning the situation in Eretz Yisroel
Menachem Av 490
- The name Menachem Av - for everything has its root in Supernal mercy
- Telegram of Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av 5738
Summertime 492
- Summer camp to strengthen health of the body - together with strengthening the Soul
- Telegrams and letters to camp "Gan Yisroel"
- Completion of the first term of Beis Chana in Jerusalem
- Utilizing "vacation" to increase in true freedom - Torah Study
- Merkos Shlichus (5711)