Bamidbar 133
- Source of Ramban (Num. 1:45) concerning the Pidyon-Nefesh of the Nasi’im and the debate in this
- Likkutei Torah concerning connection of the song of the cows [that carried the Ark] to King David
Chag HaShavuot 135
- Order of preparation to Matan Torah during all the days from Rosh Chodesh Sivan. And also every year before Shavuot
- The advantage of the preparation to Matan Torah over Matan Torah
- “They camped opposite the mountain” - Unity
- Special merit on Matan Torah to women
- Connection of women specifically to Chinuch
- Before Shavuot – a fitting tome to strengthen fulfillment of Torah and Mitzvot
- The beginning of the Shloshet Yemei Hagbalah - a fitting time to strengthen learning Torah in Olam, Shanah, Nefesh (place, time and souls) the acronym “Ashan” (Mount Sinai smoked); The Mivtzaim
- Encouragement in Mivtzaim of Chinuch – Taharat Mishpacha
- The time that the decree was annulled
- It is baseless to say that Matan Torah is only an aspect of adding
- The lesson from G-d’s descending on Har Sinai that one has to lower oneself from his status in order to have an effect on another
- Preciseness of the expression “Receiving the Torah with happiness and in Pnimiyut”
- Explanation of Alter Rebbe in Shulchan Aruch O,C, 494:1 for the reason it is called the time of the giving of Torah on Shavuot
- Ten Commandments – epitome of Above and epitome of Below together
- The Rebbe Rayatz’s sending of a Sefer Torah to the Holy Land
- Special lesson to the residents of Kfar Chabad for Shavuot 5716
- The purpose of travelling to the Diaspora (Chutz L’Aretz ) is to stress the advantage of the quality etc.
- Directive from the Baal Shem Tov (Whose Hilulah s on Shavuot) that Avodah must be with happiness
- The innovation of the Baal Shem Tov that Divine Providence is also in inanimate objects and it is not connected to Gilgulim (reincarnations)
- The holding of the mountain over their heads like a barrel. And the preceding of Na’aseh to Nishma (“We will do and we will hear”) – which came first
- Chinuch - Our children are our guarantors; Special awakening on Shavuot in the aspect of Chinuch
- Graduation of Tomchei Tmimim
- Graduation of Beis Rivka
- Building the Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim in Brooklyn
- The printing of the English translation of Tanya – side by side
- Connection of Matan Torah to the traveling of Orchim (guests)
Naso 185
- Explanation of Iggeret HaTeshuvah Chap. 1 “As it says in the Torah that they shall confess their sins”
- The necessity of wearing a wig
- The advantage of a wig over a scarf
Behaalotecha 185
- The connection of lighting the lamps to Yeshivat Tomchei Tmimim – lamplighters (neiros lehair);
- The connection with the opening of camp "Gan Yisroel"
- The view of the Alter Rebbe in Torah Or, s.v. “on the twenty-fifth of Kislev” in the time and manner of lighting the Menorah and its place.
- The correlation the days of Chanukah to the Seder HaMidot
Shlach 195 (Talit)
- The views in the Midrash if Joshua and Caleb carried the grape cluster
- The main complaint of the Spies and the answer thereof was with the aspect of “children” (“Taf”) ;Tomchei Tmimim
- The explanation of the wording of the Baal Shem Tov that the Angel Michael would forego all of his service for one of the four Tzitzit of a Yisroel
- Our custom in the twistings of the Tzitzit (3,3,1 ; 2,3,3 etc.)
- The manner of sewing the corners of a Talit Katan
- The blessing on a Talit Katan
- Wearing a Talit Katan at night
- Our custom that the Shliach Tzibbur (prayer leader) does not wear a Talit for Mincha or Arvit – but not in a contentious manner
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 201
- The advantage of the day that is the head and includes Yud-Beis Tammuz
Korach 203
- The lesson from the nullification of Korach’s claim that a house full of Sefarim is exempt from a Mezuzah – specifically for the students of Tomchei Tmimim
- The lesson from the conduct of the tribe of Levi - for all Yisroel
Yud-Beis Yud-Gimmel Tammuz 207
- Encouragement for the five Mivtzaim (Torah, Tefilin, Mezuzah , Tzedaka, Bayit Malei Sefarim (Jewish books in the home) 5734
- Special increase in the Mezuzah campaign – specifically before the Three Weeks
- Abolishment of the “Who is a Jew” law and the five campaigns also bring physical protection to the Jewish People
- Special emphasis of the five campaigns and specifically in the Mezuzah campaign - in the Holy Land
- Necessity of correcting the “Who is a Jew”
- The connection of the five campaigns also to women
- Encouragement of the five campaigns and the Shabbos and Yom Tov candles campaign – in conjunction with Yud-Beis Tammuz
- Encouragement of the campaigns for the Students of the Yeshivas
- In conjunction with Yud-Beis Tammuz - Encouragement of the five campaigns (mentioned above) and the also the campaign of Neirot Shabbos Kodesh, Kashrut and Taharat Mishpacha
- Explanation of Rambam (end of Hilchot Shmittah vYovel)
- Encouragement of women in conjunction with Yud-Beis Tammuz and the Avodah in the Summer
- Not participating in the Farbrengen in honor of Yud-Beis Tammuz- needs to cause a thirst and desire etc.
- Necessity of participating in Farbrengens
- The danger of methods ( analogous to medicines) utilized to draw close spiritually “ill” people of having an effect also on the “doctors” (educators etc.) through the use of “medicines”(methods) that [while helpful to sick people] are harmful to healthy people (and are helpful only to” ill people”)
- The special quality (segulah) of the time of Yud-Beis Tammuz
- The redemption of Yud-Beis Tammuz – for all Yisroel equally because its source is with self-sacrifice
- A time for making resolutions
- Encouragement in spreading Judaism through self-sacrifice
- Avodah of the students of the Yeshivot through self-sacrifice
- Encouragement in spreading Torah
- When an Olive is crushed it brings forth oil – the days of incarceration versus the days of the Nesiut (Leadership)
- A special time
- A special time since it is forty years from the Redemption
- The publication of Kuntras Mamarim (discourses) in honor of the fortieth year
- Special encouragement regarding Chinuch
- Encouragement regarding Chinuch for girls
- Sending three pamphlets that correspond to the three paths (Kavim) Torah , Avodah (connection) and Gemilat Chasadim
- Self-sacrifice for Chinuch
- Special encouragement for the students of the Yeshivot
- Telegram in honor of the fiftieth year of Redemption
- Telegram for the opening of camp “Gan Yisroel”
Balak 254
- The possibility of prophecy among other nations
- Explanation of Rambam (Hilchot Issurei Biah 12:4) : “before ten of Yisroel or more”
Pinchas 254
- The connection of “Mezuzah” to Pinchas
- View of Rambam in the Urim V’Tumim for a voluntary war
- The lesson from the chapter of the daughters of Tzelofchad
- Kashrus and Family Purity campaign
- The heter (exemption) to allow fasting on Rosh Chodesh, the prohibition of performing work on Rosh Chodesh
- The [boy’s] first haircut when the birthday is on Rosh Chodesh
Bein HaMetzarim 266
- Special encouragement to educators and parents concerning the Chinuch of children - “to destroy the enemies, and those who seek revenge” - 5733
- As above to the children
- Special connection between the aspects of the Bein Hametzarim to Jewish children
- Encouragement in increasing Torah and Tzedaka – “Zion will be redeemed through justice and her returnees through righteousness”, specifically in the Shmittah year, with oneself and with others
- Publication of pamphlets of Torah innovations (Chiddushei Torah)
- Encouragement of the five campaigns which are a “refuge”
- The reason for Galut is only “because we sinned” and the nullification of the cause will bring the nullification of the effect
- Increasing in Torah and Tzedaka during the Nine Days
- Our custom for the Haftorah of Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av
- Prefacing the cure to the ill - making resolutions before the Bein HaMetzarim to increase in Torah and Tzedaka
- Nullifying the troubles of the nations to Yisroel through Torah and Mitzvot
- Bein HaMetzarim – not a punishment but a rectification
- The rectification - “pour out your wrath on the wood (Temple) etc.”
- The connection of the revelation of Torah to the Bein HaMetzarim
- A time to awaken Ahavat Yisroel
- Menachem Av – a consolation for our Father in heaven
- A neglect of doing a good deed must cause an increase (in that deed)
- Through cherishing Torah and Ahavat Yisroel we nullify the cause of the destruction of the two Temples
- Encouragement in the Mivtzaim, specifically in Eretz Yisroel
Matot 294
- The war of Midian – revenge and not conquest
Matot – Maasei 295
- The relationship of Parshat Matos the aspect of “Kashrut” and the aspect of Family Purity ; and also to Parshat Ma’asei
- Comments to Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvot Neg. 1-2 concerning a Denier (Kofer)
Summertime 492
- “Vacation days” (yemei chofesh) - freedom from the schemes of the Yetzer Hara
- The necessity of continuing one’s studies during the summer
- The necessity of going on Merkos Shlichus
- The way to approach the communities when going on Merkos Shlichus