Abstract Overview
Table of contents:
Table of contents:
- Vol 1.32 - Vayakhel : "Moses assembled" etc Shabbos, The connection between these subjects; Dealing with livelihood in an outward manner (8)
- Vol 3.28 - Vayakhel : Links-The differences between the contributions to the Mishkan and the Half-Shekel coin (4)
- Vol 6.23 - Vayakhel 1 : Rashi: "And Moses assembled" The nature of Moshe's assembling according to Pnimiyut (11)
- Vol 6.24 - Vayakhel 2 : Complete - Rashi:"These are the words" The reason that "Moshe did no work whatsoever in the Mishkan" (4)
- Vol 11.20 - Vayakhel 1 : Complete - Questions in the simple understanding of the verse in the beginning of our parsha that Rashi does not answer (5)
- Vol 11.21 - Vayakhel 2 : Complete - Rashi: "And Bezalel made". "Because he extended himself etc the work bears his name (6)
- Vol 16.48 - Vayakhel 1 : Rashi:"And the leaders brought".Why they were not the first to contribute for the works of the Mishkan (10)
- Vol 16.49 - Vayakhel 2 : Two aspects of the Mishkan - "resting of the Divine Presence" and a "place of Torah" (9)
- Vol 16.50 - Vayakhel 3 : Rashi: "corresponding to the hangings etc" ; Rambam if a house that does not have doors requires a Mezuzah (6)
- Vol 16.51 - Vayakhel-Pekudei : Complete - Rashi: "spun the goat's hair". The obligation of women in the construction of the Mishkan (9)
- Vol 21.31 - Vayakhel 1 : Links-Siyum Rambam (Hil. Beis Habechirah 8:12). Shabbat (6)
- Vol 21.32 - Vayakhel 2 : Complete - Zohar and Likkutei Levi Yitzchak in that R' Yose would think of worldy matters (6)
- Vol 21.33 - Vayakhel-Pekudei : The connection between these Parshiot to their names and their connection together (10)
- Vol 26.31 - Vayakhel 1 : Links-Rashi: "And you, speak to the B'nei Yisrael" and "You must still preserve My Shabbos" (8)
- Vol 26.32 - Vayakhel 2 : "Take from among yourselves a terumah-offering": by force or give freely. The offering of women (10)
- Vol 31.30 - Vayakhel 1 : Complete - Rashi: "The stakes". The reason that Rashi does not rely on his previous comment; Chinuch, Avodah (3)
- Vol 31.31 - Vayakhel 2 : Complete - Rashi and Midrash if the materials were prepared for them. Performing the Mitzvah Lishmah (8)
- Vol 31.32 - Vayakhel 3 : Complete - Rashi's innovation in the aspect of "He does not recognize the rich over the poor" (7)
- Vol 36.31 - Vayakhel : Links-Rambam, Shulchan Aruch Harav "A person who kindles even the smallest fire is liable etc" (7)
- Vol 36.32 - Vayakhel-Pekudei : Complete - Ramban and Rambam in the main intent of the Mishkan.The Shechina in the Mishkan (7)