Table of contents:
Please note that many of the links are in Matot since Matot is often combined with Masei
Abstract   Overview
  • Vol 4.12 - Masei : "Vows (nedarim) are a "fence for abstinence" (2)
  • Vol 8.21 - Masei 1 : Rashi: "The Canaanite king of Arad...heard: The difference between Rashi here and in parshat Chukat (8)
  • Vol 8.22 - Masei 2 : Rashi: "Mahlah, Tirzah": How were they all equal if there is a difference in their age and intelligence (9)
  • Vol 13.19 - Masei 1 : Links - "You shall give the Land as an inheritance to your families by lot" (8)
  • Vol 13.20 - Masei 2 : "This is the land which shall fall to you" and Rashi (ibid) "shall fall to you" (11)
  • Vol 18.43 - Masei 1 : Rashi: "here we were cold, here you had a headache etc." (9)
  • Vol 18.44 - Masei 2 : Links - The prohibition of leaving Bavel; Siyum of Tractate Ketubot (12)
  • Vol 18.45 - Masei-Bein HaMetzarim : Complete - One who studies the laws of the Temple is as if he occupied himself with its construction (12)
  • Vol 23.27 - Masei 1 : "journeys" - and not "encampments" (5)
  • Vol 23.28 - Masei 2 : The one hundred twenty three time that Yisroel says Halleukah in Hallel are a siman (sign) for the years of Aaron (10)
  • Vol 28.27 - Masei 1 : The Kohen Gadol increases the lifespan of man (14)
  • Vol 33.29 - Masei 1 : Links - Rashi: "who shall inherit the land of your behalf" (7)
  • Vol 33.30 - Masei 2 : Rashi: "until the kohen gadol...dies".(9)
  • Vol 38.21 - Masei 1 : Complete - The reason that Rashi changes the term "border" (gevul) to the term "boundary" (meitzar)(5)
  • Vol 38.22 - Masei 2 : "A person who was exiled to a city of refuge should never leave his city of refuge etc" (8)