Table of contents:
Abstract Overview
Abstract Overview
- Vol 2.11 - Devarim : Links - The saying of R' Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev on Shabbat Chazon (7)
- Vol 4.13 - Devarim : Links - Moshe said Mishneh Torah "by himself" (5)
- Vol 9.01 - Devarim 1 : Links - Rashi: "[pass over, armed] before your brothers" (13)
- Vol 9.02 - Devarim 2 : Two types of rebuke in the beginning of the Parsha (10)
- Vol 9.03 - Devarim - Shabbat Chazon : Links - "Each and every one of us is granted a vision of the future Temple from afar" (9)
- Vol 14.01 - Devarim 1 : Links - Rashi: "and Di-Zahav" (7)
- Vol 14.02 - Devarim 2 : Complete - The reason the Torah stops to tell of the decree against Moshe Rabbeinu (4)
- Vol 19.01 - Devarim 1 : The rebuke of Moshe "It is eleven days' journey from Horeb etc. (8)
- Vol 19.02 - Devarim 2 : Complete - Moshe said Mishneh Torah "by himself (6)
- Vol 19.03 - Devarim 3 : Complete - Rashi: "May Hashem add to you a thousandfold as many as you are (9)
- Vol 19.04 - Devarim 4 : Complete - "May Hashem add etc."- Moshe's blessing limited and Hashem's blessing unlimited (6)
- Vol 19.05 - Devarim 5 : [Vessels that have] absorbed foods cooked by non-Jews. Siyum tractate Avodah Zarah. (8)
- Vol 24.01 - Devarim 1 : Links - The day the Torah was translated into Greek was as difficult for the Jewish people etc.(11)
- Vol 24.02 - Devarim 2 : Complete - Rashi: "You have dwelt long enough [at this mountain]" (8)
- Vol 24.03 - Devarim 3 : "The territory of Argob". Explanation of the debate between the Tanna Kamma and Abba Shaul (8)
- Vol 29.01 - Devarim : Links - Commentary of Seder HaDorot that "'Kirya' (city) is termed so because it is populated". (8)
- Vol 29.02 - Devarim - Shabbat Chazon : Links - Yalkut Shimoni: "The Lion rose etc" (9)
- Vol 34.01 - Devarim 1 : Links - Rashi: "Behold! I have set [the land before you], and "Go in and possess [the land]" (8)
- Vol 34.02 - Devarim 2 : Rashi: "Understanding [men]" (8)
- Vol 34.03 - Devarim 3 : Complete - Rashi: "Because the L-rd hates us" (7)
- Vol 39.01 - Devarim : Rashi: "Behold, you are today as the stars of the heavens" (7)