Table of contents:
  • Vol 23.01 - Bamidbar 1 : Rashi: "the ones summoned of the congregation...who were indicated: to him here by their names". (7)
  • Vol 23.02 - Bamidbar 2 : Rashi: "These are the descendants of Moses and Aaron" (9)
  • Vol 23.03 - Chag HaShavuot 1 : Why people do not endeavor to write a Sefer Torah, personally or through an agent (10)
  • Vol 23.04 - Chag HaShavuot 2 : Complete- "All agree in respect to Shavuot (Atzeret) we require [[it to be] 'for you' too" (Tal Pes.68b) (6)
  • Vol 23.05 - Chag HaShavuot 3 : Complete- The eternity of Torah, also the cures in the Talmud and in Rambam are eternal. (9)
  • Vol 23.06 - Naso 1 : The offering of the korban of prince of Ephraim on Shabbat - not proper or allowed (11)
  • Vol 23.07 - Naso 2 : The Torah considers it as if they all offered on the first day. Measuring the Courtyard (9)
  • Vol 23.08 - Behaalotecha 1 : Links - Rashi: "In the first month" - The disgrace to Israel that they did not bring the Passover sacrifice in the desert (11)
  • Vol 23.09 - Behaalotecha 2 : Complete - Rashi: "May Your enemies be scattered" (9)
  • Vol 23.10 - Behaalotecha 3 : Links - Prophecy according to Rambam. The order of the Thirteen Principles of Faith (10)
  • Vol 23.11 - Shlach 1 : Complete - Why did Moshe agree to the sending of the Spies? (4)
  • Vol 23.12 - Shlach 2 : Complete-Moshe's argument that the nations ..will say: the L-rd lacked the ability so He slaughtered them. (8)
  • Vol 23.13 - Shlach 3 : Rashi: "[They have tested Me] these ten times" (9)
  • Vol 23.14 - Korach 1 : Complete-Rashi: Why was the miracle of Aaron's staff blossoming necessary (according to Pshat)(10)
  • Vol 23.15 - Korach 2 : Complete-Rashi: "Behold I have given you: with joy". The reason for exactly twenty-four gifts to the Kohanim according to Remez (11)
  • Vol 23.16 - Korach 3 : Rashi: "like the breast of the waving and the right thigh" and "it shall be yours" (7)
  • Vol 23.17 - Chukat 1 : Links - Siyum of tractate Megillah: "One who holds a Sefer Torah etc" (7)
  • Vol 23.18 - Chukat 2 : Rashi: (Num. 21:13-15) and (Num. 21:16) "From there to the well" - according to the simple meaning of the verse (9)
  • Vol 23.19 - Yud-Beit Yud-Gimel Tammuz : The Rebbe Rayatz's explanation of Divine Providence gave him strength to bear the travails of the incarceration (9)
  • Vol 23.20 - Balak 1 : Complete - The parsha is named after an evildoer. Prounouncing the name of an Idol that is written in the Torah (6)
  • Vol 23.21 - Balak 2 : Complete - "uproot all the sons of Seth". Will the nations of the world "perish" or will they be rectified "to serve G-d" (10)
  • Vol 23.22 - Pinchas 1 : Links - Rashi: "before Moses". The debate of R. Yoshiyah and Abba Chanan (8)
  • Vol 23.23 - Pinchas 2 : Why wasn't Joshua annointed. Boundary of "kingship" by Moshe and Joshua (8)
  • Vol 23.24 - Pinchas 3 : Rashi: "And their meal-offerings and their libations, for the bulls" (8)
  • Vol 23.25 - Matot : Complete - The Midianite war - revenge and not just conquest; Rambam and Raavad: if Levites have a portion of spoils (8)
  • Vol 23.26 - Matot-Masei - Menachem Av : Complete/Links - Explanation of the name "Menachem Av" (10)
  • Vol 23.27 - Masei 1 : "journeys" - and not "encampments" (5)
  • Vol 23.28 - Masei 2 : The one hundred twenty three time that Yisroel says Halleukah in Hallel are a siman (sign) for the years of Aaron (10)
  • Vol 23.29 - Hosafot - Supplement : Bamidbar - TOC Complete - Special section on Spreading Torah and strengthening Judaism