Abstract   Overview

Table of contents:

  • Vol 1.36 - Shemini : The signs of Kosher animals and fowl in Avodat HaAdam (9)
  • Vol 3.35 - Shemini : Sefirat HaOmer is a preparation to Matan Torah - in Avodat HaAdam (7)
  • Vol 7.08 - Shemini 2 : Rashi: "between the unclean and the clean:" and "and between the animal that may be eaten." (9)
  • Vol 7.07 - Shemini 1 : Rashi: The gull, and s.v The owl. Debatei in the names fowl. Divine Providence (11)
  • Vol 12.06 - Shemini 1 : Rashi: "A fire went out". The seemingly positive action by the deaths of the sons of Aharon (8)
  • Vol 12.07 - Shemini 2 : Rashi: Seven days of inauguration vs. the eighth day (7)
  • Vol 17.12 - Shemini 1 : Complete - How to connect the natural world with the world beyond this world (8th day) (8)
  • Vol 17.13 - Shemini 2 : Rashi: "Carry your kinsmen" Debate if Aharon was required to eat the Sin Offering. Removal of the 'deceased' (9)
  • Vol 17.14 - Shemini 3 : Rashi: "And it pleased him. Difference between the reasoning of Moshe and Aharon - Two Worlds (8)
  • Vol 17.15 - Shemini 4 : Complete - Rashi: "Any creature that goes on its belly" The difference between "Gachon" and "Me'ayim" (8)
  • Vol 22.06 - Shemini 1 : Rashi: Aharon at the end of the Avodah, blessed the people, finishing the process of atonement for the golden calf (8)
  • Vol 22.07 - Shemini 2 : Complete - Dispute regarding Chalos Devash. "every Tzaddik will receive 310 worlds". Siyum entire Mishnayot (9)
  • Vol 27.09 - Shemini 1 : Rambam: Tarrying creates a liability for one who becomes impure and does not leave the Temple immediately(10)
  • Vol 27.10 - Shemini 2 : Debate between Moshe and Aharon concerning the eating of the Rosh Chodesh offering (8)
  • Vol 27.11 - Shemini3 : Complete - Three conditions in the impurity of foods in Avodat HaAdam (6)
  • Vol 32.08 - Shemini 1 : Complete - Rashi:"Presented"- The blood of the offering as prepared and ready for sprinkling directly after action by the kohanim (4)
  • Vol 32.09 - Shemini 2 : Complete - Rashi: "And you shall not touch their carcasses". A persion is obligated to purify himself for the festival even in the Diaspora (8)
  • Vol 32.10 - Shemini 3 : Complete - Care regarding items forbidden due to the principal of "one should not defile oneself", brings holiness to their soul (6)
  • Vol 37.04 - Shemini 1 : "Impurity decreed upon the unlearned is suspended" For everyone purifies themselves on the festivals. Unity (7)
  • Vol 37.05 - Shemini 2 : Rambam: Pouring of cold liquid into hot is considered connection due to the steam. Lower effects the higher(6)